View Full Version : FireFox 5 and website loading issues

06-07-2011, 8:22pm
Andrew (I @ M) and I were just chatting cause he was having trouble with AP pages loading. I said it was loading fine here at my place. He then commented that he wondered if it was FF5. This twigged with me, as another site I visit has recently been not loading quite often. Further discussion made us both realise that this non loading of pages has happened since we upgraded to FF5

Usually I get a site not found message, then after a few minutes of refreshing, the site eventually loads up.

I just had FF4 and FF5 open side by side on two computers, and went to the site that I have trouble with. I pressed enter at the same time on both computers. The FF4 one loaded, the FF5 said the site doesnt exist, and took 5 refreshes to realise it does exist, and load it.

I am starting to think there is a bug in FF5.

I am wondering if others using FF5 have this issue, where a site they use just doesnt load at times?

06-07-2011, 8:27pm
Rick, I am running FF5 and have had intermittent loading problems and have to refresh and try again. This morning after log in it wouldn't bring up home page at all and I had to close and re-open.

06-07-2011, 8:29pm
Thanks Kassy, Seems there might just be a problem with FF5. Will be very interesting to see what others say in this thread

06-07-2011, 9:00pm
Have FF5 and don't have any issues at all

06-07-2011, 9:06pm
FF5 slow here too.

The first click on a link doesn't seem to go anywhere but I've found if I click on the link again it seems to get moving.

06-07-2011, 9:10pm
Firefox 5 here ... no issues.
If anything it might be an add-on

06-07-2011, 9:15pm
have gone back to FF4 and the site I have trouble with in FF5 is loading perfectly every time

06-07-2011, 9:32pm
It's not Firefox 5.

Opera 11.5 does it too, and I'm virtually certain that it is (at least in part) a caching issue. Opera has always had very aggressive caching for performance reasons, and the latest versions are fasterr than ever ... but sometimes they can trip over their own feet. Firefox 4 and 5 (which last is really 4.1 but the idiots can't get their version number system working properly) also are very aggressive on speed optimisations. They are the first Firefox versions ever to challenge Opera for speed, and it seems pretty clear that they are having some of the same sort of issues.

One thing you can do to force a clean load is change the address. For example, edit http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?87239-FireFox-5-and-website-loading-issues to read http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?87239-FireFox-5-and-website-loading-issues& or http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?87239-FireFox-5-and-website-loading-issues&& You will still get the exact same page, but the extra "&" (which makes no difference to the server) forces your browser to fetch the page anew.

If these issues persist after the new server goes live, I'll be a little suprised.

06-07-2011, 9:33pm
firefox five i am having trouble opening a lot of sites
cheers macca

06-07-2011, 9:41pm
It's not Firefox 5.

Opera 11.5 does it too, and I'm virtually certain that it is (at least in part) a caching issue. Opera has always had very aggressive caching for performance reasons, and the latest versions are fasterr than ever ... but sometimes they can trip over their own feet. Firefox 4 and 5 (which last is really 4.1 but the idiots can't get their version number system working properly) also are very aggressive on speed optimisations. They are the first Firefox versions ever to challenge Opera for speed, and it seems pretty clear that they are having some of the same sort of issues.

One thing you can do to force a clean load is change the address. For example, edit http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?87239-FireFox-5-and-website-loading-issues to read http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?87239-FireFox-5-and-website-loading-issues& or http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?87239-FireFox-5-and-website-loading-issues&& You will still get the exact same page, but the extra "&" (which makes no difference to the server) forces your browser to fetch the page anew.

If these issues persist after the new server goes live, I'll be a little suprised.

thanks for the extra info, the site my FF5 has issues with is not AP, rather it is this site: http://www.topwebhosts.org/tools/ip-locator.php
Which opens fine in FF4 but fails to launch in FF5 about 50% of the time.

06-07-2011, 9:49pm
How would changing server the site's on affect Firefox's caching at the user end?

That site is dog-slow to open in anything I've tried. (FF5, IE9, Chrome)

edit: it appears to stall in all 3 browsers I've just tried and takes sometime for the page to load fully.

interestingly for me it opens fast in ff4.

06-07-2011, 10:02pm
in the Options menu I only just found that FF was using up to 1.0G of space for cache! :eek:
1 complete whole entire gigabyte of hdd for cache!? :confused013

Why so much? Does it really need this much space, and if so, why?

Anyhow, I cleared it and now it's reporting that 0Gb of this space is now being temporarily used. Took it's damn sweet time of clearing itself out too, I have to add.

I'm hoping now that the cache has been cleared it may run a tad smoother for me too(I seem to have encountered similar issues as described above.. with a BUT!!

But(and you knew this BUT was coming.. I also accessed AP from two work PC's recently, one of which I know has been updated to FF5(brother's main PC) as I remember clicking on the install update and subsequent restart tabs, but I don't know if the other PC.. the minion's PC has been updated to FF5.
The reason for this info, is that the 'minion's PC' has been the one I've noticed to be slower and with far more page not found and error messages.

If I have the time to check it all out again tomorrow, I'll try to do so and post back.

06-07-2011, 10:12pm
Opens allright for me in ff5. No unusual problems other than the normal satellite glitches.

06-07-2011, 10:16pm
Yep - FF5 and thought it was dns issues or such with my provider but reallised it only happened when browsing. Often have to hit refresh to finsih loading.

06-07-2011, 10:37pm
Rick I use that same site to check IP's and have no issues ??

06-07-2011, 10:55pm
How would changing server the site's on affect Firefox's caching at the user end?

I'm assuming some problems with malformed headers or other slightly NQR behaviour on the server end (we know the server is poxed), with the simple old school browsers not noticing the difference or caring and the latest, most speed-tuned ones tripping up on it. This general class of issue is quite common.

06-07-2011, 11:28pm
There is, in my decidedly old-school opinion, altogether too much black-magic tricked-up Javascript-based nonsense going on with these most recent versions of almost everything, Rich. We see the same all over the web, and very often it is replacing perfectly good, simple HTML/CSS which would have loaded a lot faster and been a lot easier to debug. I recently upgraded the software for a wiki I administer, and the new version is quite riddled with that new-age rubbish. It really doesn't achieve much most of the time, and it makes it phenomenally difficult to troubleshoot.

AP is nice. Rick and Kym do all the hard stuff, I just post. Bliss!

07-07-2011, 9:28am
I have 35 tabs open on my FF5, and they all seem to open and refresh whenever I want to view them, and I can not discern any delays.

07-07-2011, 9:34am
There is, in my decidedly old-school opinion, altogether too much black-magic tricked-up Javascript-based nonsense going on with these most recent versions of almost everything, Rich. We see the same all over the web, and very often it is replacing perfectly good, simple HTML/CSS which would have loaded a lot faster and been a lot easier to debug. I recently upgraded the software for a wiki I administer, and the new version is quite riddled with that new-age rubbish. It really doesn't achieve much most of the time, and it makes it phenomenally difficult to troubleshoot.

AP is nice. Rick and Kym do all the hard stuff, I just post. Bliss!totally agree.

07-07-2011, 9:43am
I've had some of what you've described but, I just assumed it was related to the site issues (thus you are changing servers).

07-07-2011, 12:55pm
I've had some of what you've described but, I just assumed it was related to the site issues (thus you are changing servers).

The AP issues are malformed header errors, database errors or long page load times. The issue with FF5 I have had, is that it just seems to not even find the site I have in the address bar at all. I have reverted to ff4 and not a single issue so far

07-07-2011, 1:04pm
NO problems not finding the site here, just a few database errors and traffic issues, but nothing else. FF5 here and had no problems with any site. :th3:

07-07-2011, 1:29pm
The AP issues are malformed header errors, database errors or long page load times. The issue with FF5 I have had, is that it just seems to not even find the site I have in the address bar at all. I have reverted to ff4 and not a single issue so far

I have FF5. I'll keep my eyes peeled for exactly what it is if I get delays again.:th3:

07-07-2011, 5:16pm
I just had one issue in that a page(on AP) didn't load at all, and it was after a series of rightclicks and open in new tab operations.
That's my usual MO, where I flick throough as many new posts as I can in one tab, and open many threads in new tabs, as I continue to flick through the new posts pages.

Doing this before I emptied the cache, may have resulted in many of the new tabs simply not loading at all, and others having loaded correctly.
I just opened well over 10 new tabs.. possibly 20 new tabs and only one page didn't load at all, and all others loaded correctly.

Can't comment on many other sites and the performance on them .. I barely get enough time to fully browse through AP! :(

I checked the work PC earlier and it was running on FF4 point whatever, but I don't know exactly which. When I opened FF for the first time this morning, it just finished updating to FF5! :rolleyes:

So.. I'm guessing that any FF5 plus AP issues may be server related and not just a case of FF5's 'new aggressive caching issues'

08-07-2011, 7:40pm
Still got all my tabs open and FF5 is still working fine on any of them I care to look at and update.

10-07-2011, 11:20am
I'm a long term Thunderbird/FireFox user and lately I have been re-evaluating my decision. The quality control and support for these programs have been heading down-hill for a while now.

I occasionally have to hit reload in FF5, and it is definitely a lot slower than it used to be. At first I attributed it to my ISP and/or other software I'm running, but it has become clearer that FF5 itself is to blame. Friends of mine have been touting Chrome as a superior browser, and I have to admit I'm tempted lately.

As for Thunderbird, my latest experience has been the penultimate straw. After installing TB5, it would crash immediately upon running, and I couldn't access my emails for a day. I finally found - thanks to Google and NO thanks to the Thunderbird site - an old version that I could re-install. I was afraid that the install of TB5 may have altered some configuration files that would prevent me from downgrading, but fortunately that wasn't the case.

It has been over a week now since others have reported the same problem as me, and still there is no fix, or even acknowledgement, of the problem from the TB team. And it's not the 1st time a bug has been reported by many users but 'ignored' for weeks on end by the support team.