View Full Version : My Operataion Tomorrow

05-07-2011, 10:09am
wow that was quick got a phone call this morning from the hospital there was an opening and I have to be there 8:30 in the Morning Wednesday the 6th of July. Ive been needing this sugary for around 10 or 11 years now but not until late last year when things started to go down hill for me in the sense of pain in my arm and losing feeling in 2 of my fingers this came quiet unexpected due to there been an opening so I am in have to see the anesthetist today in his office I was not going to see him until just before the operation but then I told the lady on the phone something about me fasting and she had to ring up the anesthetist due my other medical conditions. Anyway why am I telling you this for. Because Nikkie will most probable be out of action for a little while :( but getting my operation is important.

I would like to say thank you to every body here that has helped me along my way today I had only just start to get a few things sink in like ISO and fstops now I just need to start to understand shutter speed and put them altogether. I will get there just takes longer for things to sink in but anyway Just wanted to say a big thank you and let you know how much I do really appreciate all your help and your friendship this is not goodbye just a see ya later when Im feeling up to it again. I have a trapped ulnar nerve now for more then 10 years but now its getting done

I hope Ive put this in the right place if not a mod will move it I am sure.

05-07-2011, 10:20am
Good luck Sandy, sounds like something that will only improve your shooting and wellbeing, see you on the rebound

05-07-2011, 10:30am

Good luck and take care.

While your convalescing, you might want to send a slave to the book-store (or amazon - or if you have iPad, kindle or kobo etc.) to get Bryan Peterson's 'Understanding Exposure' and /or 'Understanding Shutter Speed'.

A good read or these will help you get your head around the concepts.

Take care.


05-07-2011, 10:36am
good luck, hope everything goes well :th3:

Duane Pipe
05-07-2011, 11:37am
Good luck Nikkie ;)

05-07-2011, 2:00pm
Nikkie - I had a left arm Ulnar Nerve Lesion in the early 1970s... Back in those days, the "procedures" were a bit less strealined than they are today.

My symptoms were a growing numbness in the left side - small and next finger, of the hand, and along the forearm underside. Eventually, the affected fingers curled-up and refused to open properly.

While my admission was to Sydney General Hospital, they didn't have an adequate operating microscope for the job, at the time. So I was transported to Sydney Eye Hospital, then in Sir John Young Crescent, which had a new and then apparently expensively rare, such device, for the actual op.

Then, back to Sydney Hospital for post-op care. In those days, that meant several days in bed, then, after release, returns for exercise therapy for some weeks.

These days, the whole thing has been vastly improved, with far less time and hassles involved. However - even that "early days of it" procedure was 100% successful, and even now at 62, that arm and hand are amongst my better-functioning parts! :D

I'm sure that with today's much more modern methods, you'll be back in "Full Photographer mode" - very shortly!

- For something to read while the Repairs settle down - a relly or friend might get you Bryan Peterson's "Understanding Exposure" - an excellent reference to the "ISO, F-stops and Shutter Speed" things you mentioned.

Note that there's now a new version out, fully revised for the digital era...

Will be thinking of you....

Best Regards, Dave.

05-07-2011, 2:12pm
Hope it all goes well and you are back up shooting before you know it!

05-07-2011, 2:12pm
Wishing for a speedy recovery and see you again soon :)

Lance B
05-07-2011, 2:22pm
Good luck and I hope all goes well and that the outcome is good. Take care.

Mary Anne
05-07-2011, 3:28pm
All the best and take care :th3:

05-07-2011, 3:46pm
good luck
and all the best

old dog
05-07-2011, 3:58pm
all the best Nikkie.....see you back on deck asap...:th3:

05-07-2011, 4:47pm
wow you lot are wonderful people not only with the help and advice you all have given to me with my photography but with caring about me and I am sure with all its people like you that make this world a much better place I have been happy here and its because of people like you I will be back shooting away soon. Dave thank you for sharing your story with me yes things have come along way over the years that is for sure I do have other medical conditions that might make my recovery a little more slower as well as been allergic to all the good pain meds there are but what I will be going though tomorrow I will give you a thought for sure as you had it so much harder back then than I will tomorrow. I wish you all good days for your photography and when I get back online and drop in ill go back and have a look to see what you guys have been doing. Can hardly wait to pick up my camera again and start shooting again I wont push myself tho but I will have very itchy feet for it all again. :lol:hugs and MWAH!

05-07-2011, 6:19pm
Good luck & a speedy recovery.
See ya when you get snapping again :th3:

Mark L
05-07-2011, 6:39pm
There's an expression "it goes without saying." I've found things that go without saying, generally should by said!
SO, all the best and have a speedy recovery.
Thank you for bringing your enthusiasm to AP.

05-07-2011, 7:03pm
I just had similar surgery, but it was my lower back where a protruding disk was pressing the nerve running down my right leg.
All done with key-hole surgery, and I was up and about the next day, and went back to work 3 days after surgery.

Amazing what they can do these days.

All the best! :)

06-07-2011, 4:37am
I just had similar surgery, but it was my lower back where a protruding disk was pressing the nerve running down my right leg.
All done with key-hole surgery, and I was up and about the next day, and went back to work 3 days after surgery.

Amazing what they can do these days.

All the best! :) yes its called sciatica Ive got that as well Ive been offered operation on that but wanted to wait and get this one done first and see how my sciatica goes yes it is amazing what they can do these day when I was in my early teens I had my appendix the cut was so big when I had my gall bladder out key hole was only new at the time and just a few little holes near my belly button big difference for sure Thank you so much Benny

06-07-2011, 5:36am
Best of luck. Hope you will be back with us soon.
Also grab a book on the software you have and learn a few processing tricks while your laid up.

06-07-2011, 6:11am
See you on the other side of your nanna-nap this morning! Best of luck..or should we say..break an arm :lol:

06-07-2011, 6:22am
:lol::lol::lol::lol: thanks Rick Its almost time for me to have a shower and get ready to go to the hospital I just hope I'm not waiting too long Ill be taking my book Digital Photography Step by Step by Tom Ang Just in case they make me wait

06-07-2011, 6:38am
Good luck Nikkie. You will be fine in no time. Let us know how it all went as soon as you are able. Rest up! :)

06-07-2011, 6:44am
:lol::lol::lol::lol: thanks Rick Its almost time for me to have a shower and get ready to go to the hospital I just hope I'm not waiting too long Ill be taking my book Digital Photography Step by Step by Tom Ang Just in case they make me wait

Usually with day surgery you will wait, the elderly with many health problems and the young (children) go first. This is because the elderly often need more time to recovery, and kids are hopeless at fasting from midnight,they are generally pestering parents for something to eat or drink about now, and if the surgery isn't till late morning for them, they start getting grumpy. Reasonably healthy young and middle-aged adults get shunted to the end of the surgery lists on any given day. My day job involves scheduling people to theatre and co-coordinating anaesthetist and specialist surgeons, among other tasks.

06-07-2011, 12:40pm
Good luck, hope all went well and that arm is like new!

08-07-2011, 7:08am
Hi all just to let you know I'm ok had the operation all went well in a lot of pain and because I'm allelic to all the good stuff ( morphine pethidine codeine) there is not much I can take for pain IVE been in bed sleeping most of the time but thought I would come and say hi and let you know how I'm going the bandage can come of in a few more days and the stitches come out in 14 days time 9 in all I think. I was told that my incision would be on the right side of my elbow but its on the left side or under the funny bone. I am sure once when the stitches come out ill feel much better but wont be able to pick up my camera until at least then. but hoping to be able to type again with both hands as this typing with one hand is very slow going any way ill be keeping an eye on you and looking at your photos and having a read but I prob wont say much but will be there looking :)

08-07-2011, 7:47am
fantastic news Nikkie, hope your recuperation goes well and the pain eases quickly :th3:

Lance B
08-07-2011, 8:04am
Glad to hear you made it through the operation. I hope all is well for the future and the operation was a success. :)

Debra Faulkner
08-07-2011, 8:25am
Well done, Nikkie! Glad to hear you are doing Ok despite the lack of pain relievers :th3:

08-07-2011, 9:43am
Welcome back.

Reading photography books can be even better that morphine (take that either way) :lol:

08-07-2011, 10:38am
Welcome back Nikkie cyber flowers for you.. :rose::rose::rose:

08-07-2011, 10:57am
Glad to hear the good news!

In a couple of months time, you'll have forgotten all about the op.

08-07-2011, 11:20am
Great to hear all went well Nikkie. You will be back to your old self minus the pain sooner than you think. I have a similar problem with pain killers so I can sympathize there.

08-07-2011, 11:23am
All the best Nikkie and a speedy recovery.

08-07-2011, 12:00pm
Great news Nikkie, glad it all went well. :)

10-07-2011, 8:37pm
you had better make a quick and painless recovery - OR Mongo may have to make a house call !!

10-07-2011, 9:46pm
you had better make a quick and painless recovery - OR Mongo may have to make a house call !!

If any body part is giving you trouble, Mongo can gnaw it right off :D

11-07-2011, 5:10am
LoL Mongo thanks to everybody for the well wishes this is just a little update Yesterday was first day with out bandage seen the operation from looking in the mirror did not need to take any pain killers until last night back typing with 2 hands again getting around the forum leaving my 2 bobs worth. Missing the camera and snapping away missed out on a few good photo opportunity's but not the end of the world :lol: once when stitches are removed I will be much better Just hope now the operation was as successful as my carpel tunnel was I had years ago Dr said only time will tell. But recovery is coming along now. Today is day 5 already pretty fast really wont be long and Ill be back to normal thanks again for all your kind regards all MWAH! all