View Full Version : I Remember When

04-07-2011, 10:37am
I posted a comment in a thread a little while ago and it got me to thinking how much has changed in life and it could be an interesting thread.



there was a phone box on every corner,

You had to wait for the B & W TV to warm up,

Milk was delivered to the door in glass and cream formed on the top,

The phone had a dial and you had to speak to an operator for long distance calls,

PC's were science fiction, and

Starting a car was a learned technique of positioning the choke, just the right amount of throttle and try not to flood it on cold mornings.

Mike - more mature yrs than most. :lol:

04-07-2011, 10:51am
I remember when:
A 486 being upgraded to 2 mb of RAM was considered just excessive.

When a mobile phone entailed a large portable carry case.

My Dad had hair :lol:

04-07-2011, 12:27pm
I remember when the local butcher home delivered and vegetables were sold from street to street by a green grocer using a horse and cart!
I remember when every street corner in the busiest parts of Sydney had fresh fruit and veg sellers working from carts.
I remember when pens were pieces of wood with a little metal nib and ink came in screw top jars that were placed in an ink well on the desk.
I remember when steam trains were used regularly on suburban train lines.
I remember when a service station attendant rushed out to fill your fuel tank and clean your windscreen too!
I remember when soft drinks came in glass bottles and ice creams came in fresh cones.
I remember when everyone knew the local constable by name and all of the kids were in awe of him.
I remember when all you needed to have fun was some open space and a few broom handles as props.
I remember when air conditioned meant the windows opened.
I remember when the only plastic in cars was in the seats.
I remember when ice was delivered by truck because we didn't have the home refrigerator yet.
I remember when we would go to the pictures there were sweet sellers in the aisles during intermission.
I remember when sample bags at the Easter show were no more than 2 shillings and you only needed one or two to keep you going for days or weeks!
I remember when you could walk anywhere at night without fear of being accosted and shop keepers had their shops in the front room of their homes.
I remember when the family that owned a car were considered the rich people on the street.
I remember when new homes were clad with fibro; wood and brick were for the rich people in the area.
I remember when calculators looked like rulers with a little sliding section.
I remember when toys were made of wood and metal.
I remember when coins weren't toxic and your nanna used to bake them into Christmas pudding.
I remember when socks that had holes were repaired by ladies with a darning needle and block.
I remember when radios were big things with lots of dials and funny looking glass tubes that glowed in the dark.
I remember when light switches were on the ceiling and you pulled a cord to turn them on and off.
I remember when your shoes got a hole in the sole you took them to a nice man who put all new leather soles on them for 1 shilling!
I remember when people made their own jam, bread, cakes, icecream, clothes and belts.
I remember when everyone knew the local bank manager by name and people spoke that name in hushed and reverent tones.
I remember when your school teacher would stay at the one school for their entire career and often teach two or three generations of one family.

... I think I'd better leave some for someone else, don't you? :lol:

04-07-2011, 12:36pm
I remember when your school teacher would stay at the one school for their entire career

I remember when people knew how to use a personal pronoun. :eek:

04-07-2011, 1:13pm
I remember when you could get the came at school, and most school kids were well behaved!

04-07-2011, 1:29pm
I remember when the local butcher home delivered and vegetables were sold from street to street by a green grocer using a horse and cart!
I remember when every street corner in the busiest parts of Sydney had fresh fruit and veg sellers working from carts.
I remember when pens were pieces of wood with a little metal nib and ink came in screw top jars that were placed in an ink well on the desk.
I remember when steam trains were used regularly on suburban train lines.
I remember when a service station attendant rushed out to fill your fuel tank and clean your windscreen too!
I remember when soft drinks came in glass bottles and ice creams came in fresh cones.
I remember when everyone knew the local constable by name and all of the kids were in awe of him.
I remember when all you needed to have fun was some open space and a few broom handles as props.
I remember when air conditioned meant the windows opened.
I remember when the only plastic in cars was in the seats.
I remember when ice was delivered by truck because we didn't have the home refrigerator yet.
I remember when we would go to the pictures there were sweet sellers in the aisles during intermission.
I remember when sample bags at the Easter show were no more than 2 shillings and you only needed one or two to keep you going for days or weeks!
I remember when you could walk anywhere at night without fear of being accosted and shop keepers had their shops in the front room of their homes.
I remember when the family that owned a car were considered the rich people on the street.
I remember when new homes were clad with fibro; wood and brick were for the rich people in the area.
I remember when calculators looked like rulers with a little sliding section.
I remember when toys were made of wood and metal.
I remember when coins weren't toxic and your nanna used to bake them into Christmas pudding.
I remember when socks that had holes were repaired by ladies with a darning needle and block.
I remember when radios were big things with lots of dials and funny looking glass tubes that glowed in the dark.
I remember when light switches were on the ceiling and you pulled a cord to turn them on and off.
I remember when your shoes got a hole in the sole you took them to a nice man who put all new leather soles on them for 1 shilling!
I remember when people made their own jam, bread, cakes, icecream, clothes and belts.
I remember when everyone knew the local bank manager by name and people spoke that name in hushed and reverent tones.
I remember when your school teacher would stay at the one school for their entire career and often teach two or three generations of one family.

... I think I'd better leave some for someone else, don't you? :lol:

Hahahaha :lol: We must be close to the same vintage Waz - there is some reminders in your list.

I remember when Wed night was family night and the whole family would get in for sixpence
I remember before the movie started we all stood up while they played God Save the Queen
I remember nan putting money in xmas pudding and if you got the sixpence you would be the lucky one as most were threepence coins
I remember when the town police officer would most likely be having an ale in the pub with your old man an would let him know if you were playing up
and I remember when beer only came in long knecks women were not allowed in the public bar.

Times have changed

04-07-2011, 1:58pm
Commander:- I might just have a few years on you.
Before the movie started we stood whilst God Save The King was played. That changed in Feb '52 of course. :)

04-07-2011, 2:07pm
Commander:- I might just have a few years on you.
Before the movie started we stood whilst God Save The King was played. That changed in Feb '52 of course. :)

Haha, yea sounds like but in 62 they were still doing it i the WA well country areas anyways. Can they used to walk up and down the isle with icecream cones with choc on top.

04-07-2011, 2:25pm
I remember the 6 o'clock swill
I remember when biscuits came to the grocer in large tins and were wieghed and put in paper bags

04-07-2011, 2:49pm
I remember when nurses stood in front of doctors and said "yes Dr, No Dr, not a problem Dr "........and when juniors stood ( with their hands held behind their backs ) in front of nurses and said " yes sister no sister I will sister " ........and I could tell who they were cause they had uniforms on :(

04-07-2011, 3:14pm
And I remember when w(rap) was something you did a parcel before you mailed it and my nan's cigarettes were 2 bob a pack
And the only fast food was fish n' chips or a meat pie.

04-07-2011, 3:15pm
I remember when you went camping on the weekend and would get into a debate about who starred in a movie. You would then have to wait until you got back to civilisation to get an encyclopedia out to prove the other person wrong.

04-07-2011, 4:54pm
I remember getting on a plane that was so old Pontius was the Pilate. :eek:

When they stopped to refuel they took on wood. ;)

04-07-2011, 5:26pm
I remember when I could take a fishing knife in carry on luggage on a plane(international flight)!!! 1987

04-07-2011, 5:41pm
I remember when as kids we would egg someone's house, and if they came out we would RUN LIKE HELL!!!

Not like the tragic circumstances we find in this day and age. :(

04-07-2011, 5:45pm
Too true

I remember when NZ was more prosperous than Australia

I remember when there was only one tv channel to choose from

I remember punch cards on computers

I remember lift conductors

I remember walking to school

04-07-2011, 7:49pm
I remember lift conductors
:eek: How could I forget! My grandfather was a lift attendant! :rolleyes:

05-07-2011, 10:49pm
AND - I remember when a camera was a square box and all you had to do was press a lever and hope for the best - my pops box browning.

Duane Pipe
06-07-2011, 7:19am
I remember whet at the age of 15 I could sit in the pub after work and have a few beers with dad
Hmm Thanks Dad

06-07-2011, 7:34am
And I remeber when all pubs closed at 10 pm latest and there was only to sessions open on Sunday. We used to call them Sunday sessions and normally was only about 5 hrs of open business.

And I remeber when I parked my car in the car park and left the windows down, the chainsaw and tools in the back and it will all still be then when you came back.

Duane Pipe
06-07-2011, 7:56am
Back in the early 70s our milk was still being delivered by Horse and Cart
I can remember cashing in old bottles from the tip and buying a packet of smokes for 99c:eek:

06-07-2011, 8:03am
I remember the fun on Guy Falkes night 5th Nov, We bought crackers and Sky Rockets for weeks before the night

I remember when every kid from an early age had a Shang eye, Slug Gun and a .22 rifle

I remember when cars did'nt have indicators, Remember hand signals

I remember when fuel was 2 shilings a Gallon(4.45ltrs)

I remember when I could go out on a Saturday night for $1.00 (10 Shillings) 2 Bob into the dance, 2/6 for a packet of 15 cigs, 5 bob for a bottle of port

I'll leave it at that - Bill :D

06-07-2011, 8:47am
Haha - oh yea.

I remember the mechanical hand that hung of the door of the truck and you had a handle that was used to indicate left or right, and

I remember my pops ute that just had this thing that stuck out from the side pillow for an indicatior, and

I rember when we used to light a little fire in the chip heater over the bath so we could have warm water. and

I remember when the we used to go to the cart for milk and give the fella 1 shilling and he would scoop too ladels of milk into the billy can and we would sneak a sip of the cream on it on the way home (and had to make sure we wiped our mouths so mum would not knw), and

I remember when the theme park was the rope hanging from a tree over the river that we would swing out on and do bombies into the river.

And yea Bill, those were great days, a shang eye and pocket knife was all we had and mum and dad had no idea where we were out about in the bush hunting and the only rule was to be home by 5pm. And in the right part of the yr we would pick mushrooms on the way home for breakfast the next morning cooked on one of those old black cast wood stoves :- yum

Great days wern't they Bill

06-07-2011, 8:47am
:( And here I am trying to forget it all.:(m.

06-07-2011, 8:51am
:( And here I am trying to forget it all.:(m.

Aw mate - I loved those days but there is defiantely some things I don't miss and some things now I just love, like digital camera's :lol:

06-07-2011, 9:10am
i remember taking it in turns to wag school to syit in front of your bonfire you had built and guarding it from being lit before the night
the other gang on the other side of the river done the same
i used to end up with that many slugs shot at ya because both sides were armed with slug guns
and having rocket fights putting rockets in a bottle and firing at each other armed with a metal rubbish bin lid for protection
i remember the schools giving the small bottle of milk and fruit every day
i remember at tech school the whole school used to stop and go to the library and watch ali fights

old dog
06-07-2011, 9:11am
I remember when.......

I could buy 5c (6 pence then) worth of chips, wrapped up in newspaper and that would be a belly full.
I first went to the pub (at around 15-16) and could get four schooners for 10/- ....1 dollar.:th3:
I could catch the bus to the pictures on a saturday (for the matinee), get something to eat besides getting in for the show, then catch the bus home.......total cost..under 20 cents.
The dunny man came one a week.........
people (despite being under more hardship and time consuming tasks) had the time to talk more to each other.:)

Duane Pipe
06-07-2011, 9:21am
They were the good old days for sure
and I would live them again if I could:)

06-07-2011, 9:30am
I remember when coins weren't toxic and your nanna used to bake them into Christmas pudding.

Can someone explain this to me please? Being a Chinese to start with is hard to understand this.... is it for adding extra iron to the pudding or what?

06-07-2011, 9:37am
Andy, I had to look myself, Apart from getting the Kids to eat the cake, A Nanny trick, I found this

It was common practice to include small silver coins in the pudding mixture, which could be kept by the person whose serving included them.[1] The usual choice was a silver threepence or a sixpence. The coin was believed to bring wealth in the coming year. Despite knowing that a portion might contain a coin, many a Christmas reveller damaged his or her teeth by biting into one, or indeed swallowed one by mistake. However this practice fell away once real silver coins were not available, as it was believed that alloy coins would taint the pudding. Additionally, coins pose a choking hazard. - Bill

06-07-2011, 9:42am
I remember when.......

I could buy 5c (6 pence then) worth of chips, wrapped up in newspaper and that would be a belly full.
I first went to the pub (at around 15-16) and could get four schooners for 10/- ....1 dollar.:th3:
I could catch the bus to the pictures on a saturday (for the matinee), get something to eat besides getting in for the show, then catch the bus home.......total cost..under 20 cents.
The dunny man came one a week.........
people (despite being under more hardship and time consuming tasks) had the time to talk more to each other.:)

OH yea - A belly full of chips, a pint of milk all for 2 bob and lazing at the water hole to eat it. Had to follow mums rules too, no swiming for 30mins after eating :-), but lazzin in the sun with a belly full of chips and milk made it easy and if you ot bored while waiting you could hope your newspaper wrap had the comic strips and you could read that :lol:

Duane Pipe
06-07-2011, 9:51am
I remember when as kids we would egg someone's house, and if they came out we would RUN LIKE HELL!!!

Not like the tragic circumstances we find in this day and age. :(

How times have changed Mic
I think you are referring to the lady that was stabbed, It makes my (cant say the word) blood boil
My son is 8 years old and I am dreading the day that he hits the night clubs, its a god dam scary world out there today
Capital punishment instead of incarceration is my answer, send them all to Hell

06-07-2011, 10:36am
Andy, I had to look myself, Apart from getting the Kids to eat the cake, A Nanny trick, I found this

It was common practice to include small silver coins in the pudding mixture, which could be kept by the person whose serving included them.[1] The usual choice was a silver threepence or a sixpence. The coin was believed to bring wealth in the coming year. Despite knowing that a portion might contain a coin, many a Christmas reveller damaged his or her teeth by biting into one, or indeed swallowed one by mistake. However this practice fell away once real silver coins were not available, as it was believed that alloy coins would taint the pudding. Additionally, coins pose a choking hazard. - Bill

Thanks mate... gezz... I thought only Chinese grandma would do crazy stuff to their grand children.... :D

I @ M
06-07-2011, 11:00am
I remember when the toilet was outside and once a week a man would come round, open the little door at the back of the dunny and take a rather tar covered can away.
I remember when the man dropped the can outside our place.
I remember when the first time I ever heard my dad swear was.
I remember when the first time I ever saw my mother cry was.
I remember when first time that I was told that sometimes it isn't good manners to laugh at things that actually are quite funny.

Quite a day that was. :D

06-07-2011, 11:01am
I think the thread is broken - I get and error when I try to go to the next page - anyone else?

I @ M
06-07-2011, 11:09am
Mike, I can't see any probs but you might need to change your page view to 100 per page.

Hmmm, if you can't get to the next page and aren't seeing this then there isn't much point. :(

Lance B
06-07-2011, 11:15am
Most of all this stuff I also remember as I grew up in the 60's under ten years of age and the 70's for my teens. Much of it was a great space in time, but I wouldn't swap many of the mod cons for what we used to have to do.

I remember my father driving us all to Fingal Head (near Tweed Heads) for a annual 2-3 weeks holiday at Christmas. That was wonderful!
I remember when elders wer given respect. Yes, I know you should earn it rather than just get it, but I think respect should be given first and then only not applied if that person is not worthy of it and even then I think you should still show some decorum.

06-07-2011, 11:21am
I remember when elders wer given respect. Yes, I know you should earn it rather than just get it, but I think respect should be given first and then only not applied if that person is not worthy of it and even then I think you should still show some decorum.


+1 - and I am a Gen-Y too!

06-07-2011, 11:37am
I remember when.......

I could buy 5c (6 pence then) worth of chips, wrapped up in newspaper and that would be a belly full.
Ah, memories. When I went to school (primary years 3-6) my mother would give me 2/- (20 cents youngun's) to buy lunch on a Monday (no fresh bread due to no weekend baking). For that money I could get a BIG meat pie, a carton of chocolate milk and one of the local shop's special cinnamon Danish pastries! That was a great excuse to go to school on Mondays! ;)

And you're right, Graeme, because 2 bob's worth of chips was enough for a family of four! :D

06-07-2011, 11:41am
Mike, I can't see any probs but you might need to change your page view to 100 per page.

Hmmm, if you can't get to the next page and aren't seeing this then there isn't much point. :(

It's the thread title and those darned ... things that follow it causing a problem, Andrew. It's doing it to me as well. :(

06-07-2011, 11:42am
I remember when...

- we'd receive a little brown envelope each week for our toil (more fun than being paid into the bank, but considerably more dangerous for a young bloke)
- anything "Made in Japan" was considered rubbish (except of course Shintaro Akikusa (http://retrorocket.tripod.com/Samurai/))
- the Poms were good at sport
- rugby league was entertaining
- the highest tech in footware for general sport was the 'sandshoe'
- Dick Smith was making a fortune importing foreign-made electronics
- 'sophisticated' beverages included brown muscat and 'Blackberry Nip'

and maybe the biggest change:
- to be famous you had to have actually done something


06-07-2011, 11:45am
Most of all this stuff I also remember as I grew up in the 60's under ten years of age and the 70's for my teens. Much of it was a great space in time, but I wouldn't swap many of the mod cons for what we used to have to do.

I remember my father driving us all to Fingal Head (near Tweed Heads) for a annual 2-3 weeks holiday at Christmas. That was wonderful!
Yep, same generation as me only in my case the destination was Yamba! It was great for fishing then and unspoiled. We had to borrow the rich uncle's car for the holidays to get there and back and I remember once dad smashed the front mudguard on a pub verandah post that was too close to the edge of the gutter. Took some explaining too. I don't think dad enjoyed the rest of that holiday too much and we got our own car the year after. :confused013

06-07-2011, 11:50am
Haha - I did not realise how many fond memories this thread would bring to light - I am very glad I started it.

I remember holidaying at Augusta in the West when you just found a place in the scrub but regularlars always seemed to have there tent place left
I remember traveling down in my pops Comer Ute his bond wood boat on the back and this rolled up canvas tent in the back with a kero fridge and metho lamps etc
I remember using the cane wood rods my pop made to fish with and when the fibre rods were the new modern alternative and Javis Walker was all the rage, and
I remember the yr the family that always camped next to us rolled up with their brand new Valiant Series with that big spare type boot impresion and all those curvy panels and we all stood around looking at it and my dad and pop talking about the mod cons in it - I think it was a push button radio :-)
oh, and I remember there was still fish in the ocean to catch and you could guarantee a feed that night and now and then me and pop would go out the tip and shoot a rabbit or two for dinner :-)

06-07-2011, 11:55am
I remember when at the Saturday Matinee the usherette ( Her name was Mary) Used to hit you over the head with the BIG silver torch if you were playing up , That included rolling Jaffa's down the aisle's , Letting off Crackers in the toilet with a Cigarette delay timer , The Toilets were down the front next to the screen , Eating "White nights" and "Panda" potato chips ;)

06-07-2011, 12:20pm
Oh yea - when no one was allowed to even whisper and if there was a noise the usher would be flicking the touch light at you and you would be ducking for cover. haha and
the usher would guide you to your seats if the lights had been dimmed, and
I remember walking home from the cinema with my family - about 45 mins walk and in those days we walked everywhere and using the car to go somewhere was like a luxury.

06-07-2011, 1:41pm
I remember starting school, carrying my brown Globite and sitting on little wooden chairs at desks that still had holes for the inkwell!
I remember the arrival of the roller disco, and seeing my first mirror ball.
I remember remember rotary dial telephones in PMG green
I remember Telecom
I remember when channel 0/28 arrived (later to become SBS)
I remember going out to play in the morning and my mum standing at the door hollering my name to come home for dinner hours later

I @ M
06-07-2011, 2:37pm
It's the thread title and those darned ... things that follow it causing a problem, Andrew. It's doing it to me as well. :(

Duly reported Waz, I'm not sure what the problem is. :confused013

06-07-2011, 3:03pm
I remember starting school, carrying my brown Globite
Oh, yes, the brown Globite school port! My dad used to sell them which is probably just as well. I remember getting on the school bus and nonchalantly placing my bag in the luggage bay next to the driver. As he drove off I laughed at seeing someone's Globite had gone under the wheels of the bus ... until I realised it was mine!!! :lol:

06-07-2011, 3:04pm
Duly reported Waz, I'm not sure what the problem is. :confused013

Just edit the thread title to remove the "...." from the end and all will be well, Andrew. Kym sussed this one out a while back but obviously the software still baulks at the dots! :(

I @ M
06-07-2011, 3:08pm
Just edit the thread title to remove the "...."

Done, didn't recall that cure. :)

06-07-2011, 3:12pm
Ta, Andrew. (And yes, I remember when it was polite to say so. Now a grunt will often do, or a non-committal Cheers, often as a closing accompaniment to Chief.)

06-07-2011, 3:53pm
I remember when the Internet did not have the web and only serious geeks used it (was waaaay better then)

Punch cards and computers? YUP! http://www.users.on.net/~farnik/wikicgi/wiki.pl?RetroComputing

I remember when I watched Doctor Who - first run episodes on the ABC with William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, and Tom Baker

I remember when Star Trek had only one captain, James Tiberius Kirk

06-07-2011, 3:54pm
I remember when NZ was more prosperous than Australia

Which //lel universe was that? :confused013 :lol:

06-07-2011, 4:00pm
Hmm - better keep tht in mind for future posts - ta

06-07-2011, 4:04pm
Dear oh dear we still put coins in the Chrissy puddin.....you can buy special ones from the PO. Who ever finds the silver ( or one with the most value ) is the lucky one.....everyone else gets to clear the table!

06-07-2011, 4:08pm
1C cobbers... oh yeah! :th3::th3:

06-07-2011, 4:27pm
1C cobbers... oh yeah! :th3::th3:

You are a youngun' aren't ya! :p In my day Cobbers were 4-a-penny which meant if you had a spare farthing you could buy one! That's right, a quarter of a penny!!! :lol:

Art Vandelay
06-07-2011, 4:54pm
Some fond memories in previous posts.

I remember my first weekend job at the servo in a small country town at about 15 or 16. We used to fill up the fuel, check the oil, wash the windscreen.....oh how things have changed.
I also remember every boy in our town getting their own .22 when they turned about 12 and weekends were spent wandering the bush & local creeks. No nintendo & facebook crap back then. lol.

06-07-2011, 5:20pm
ha! ya can remember punched cards. i remember using paper tapes when i was a mainframe operator, and having to press certain buttons in a certain sequence to ipl the system

06-07-2011, 5:31pm
I remember when business accounts and invoices were prepared using a thing called a Comptometer - no electronic whizbangs back then! The girls in the Comp pool were also a hot topic among the young bloods, too! :p

06-07-2011, 7:08pm
Oh yea - I remember when we were paid in cash and used a punch card to book into work.
I remeber paying cash for everything and there was no such thing as cc cards or plastic money, and
I remember my first job in 68 paid 11:50 a week (which I was uncertain of as decimal currency had only been in 3 yrs) and I paid baord and still saved money, and
I remember the earthquake @ 6.7 rickter just out of Perth that flattened Meckering - I thought it was the end of the world, and
I remember when a hand shake was a contract and you could feel a judgement of character with the same, AND
I remember my pop telling me man will never land on the moon, it is impossible for a space ship to fly to the moon and land - a couple of yrs later it happened :-)

I also remember the way of slang that has seem to all but gone - like tit for tat (hat) & sky rocket (pocket) and she'll be apples mate.
I do miss some of those old days.

06-07-2011, 7:10pm
Sheesh, I have trouble remembering what I did the other day...now where did I leave my dentures?:D

06-07-2011, 7:14pm
Sheesh, I have trouble remembering what I did the other day...now where did I leave my dentures?:D

Hahaha, funny Rick. At my age I cheerish every memory I can as memory does get a bit flakey as you get older. I don't want to be commenting like

I remember when, um, you know, oh what was was I saying and who are you again.

Duane Pipe
06-07-2011, 7:55pm
Oh yea - I remember when we were paid in cash and used a punch card to book into work.
I remeber paying cash for everything and there was no such thing as cc cards or plastic money, and
I remember my first job in 68 paid 11:50 a week (which I was uncertain of as decimal currency had only been in 3 yrs) and I paid baord and still saved money, and
I remember the earthquake @ 6.7 rickter just out of Perth that flattened Meckering - I thought it was the end of the world, and
I remember when a hand shake was a contract and you could feel a judgement of character with the same, AND
I remember my pop telling me man will never land on the moon, it is impossible for a space ship to fly to the moon and land - a couple of yrs later it happened :-)

I also remember the way of slang that has seem to all but gone - like tit for tat (hat) & sky rocket (pocket) and she'll be apples mate.
I do miss some of those old days.

I like your I remember when's Mik
A hand shake is only a greeting now, But it used to be a solemn promise
But this one I really like and I think that you should start a thread on it...

I also remember the way of slang that has seem to all but gone - like tit for tat (hat) & sky rocket (pocket) and she'll be apples mate.
I do miss some of those old days.[/QUOTE] :th3:

06-07-2011, 8:13pm
Yea Duane, that will be an interesting thread I reckon - maybe when this one wears out its welcome I will do that. The old lingo has stuck with me over the years but I see it going over time - to be honest, sometimes in a meeting I just don't get what some managers are saying.

Duane Pipe
06-07-2011, 9:00pm
Yea Duane, that will be an interesting thread I reckon - maybe when this one wears out its welcome I will do that. The old lingo has stuck with me over the years but I see it going over time - to be honest, sometimes in a meeting I just don't get what some managers are saying.

Not only is our Aussie slang being forgotten But our accent is disappearing too. :eek:

06-07-2011, 10:18pm
When i started my westpac acct i got 10% intrest on it....
Hot chip 20c.... with sauce!

Sent from my TR718D

06-07-2011, 11:00pm
I think most of the "I remembers" of mine have been covered, but when I was in grade 6 in 1963 Dad was given one of the first ballpoint pens around. Living in the Western suburbs it was an item of interest when I took it to school, but I had to be very careful of it as it was worth 3 pounds. A labourers wage was about 30pounds a week back then. It lasted about 2 weeks before the ink claged up

07-07-2011, 6:35am
Not only is our Aussie slang being forgotten But our accent is disappearing too. :eek:

Yea mate - I think you are right.

07-07-2011, 6:38am
When i started my westpac acct i got 10% intrest on it....
Hot chip 20c.... with sauce!

Yep, and I had an bank book that every transaction was entered in and stamped with an official stamp signed over by the teller.

07-07-2011, 6:40am
I think most of the "I remembers" of mine have been covered, but when I was in grade 6 in 1963 Dad was given one of the first ballpoint pens around. Living in the Western suburbs it was an item of interest when I took it to school, but I had to be very careful of it as it was worth 3 pounds. A labourers wage was about 30pounds a week back then. It lasted about 2 weeks before the ink claged up

Havent times changed :rolleyes:

20-07-2011, 9:33pm
I remember when AP didn't have performance issues...


20-07-2011, 9:43pm
I remember when AP didn't have performance issues...


Wait till Saturday and hopefully you can say...I remember when....

20-07-2011, 10:35pm
I remember the 6 o'clock swill
I remember when biscuits came to the grocer in large tins and were wieghed and put in paper bags

and the broken ones were the best.

21-07-2011, 5:47am
and the broken ones were the best.

sure were Nanny, and sometimes the grocer would put a few extra in at no extra charge

21-07-2011, 5:52am
I remember when AP didn't have performance issues...


:lol: Me too, those we the days alrighty

21-07-2011, 5:57am
sure were Nanny, and sometimes the grocer would put a few extra in at no extra charge

Oh yea - when does that happen now.

I remeber when lollies were in glass jars on the shop bench and you would choose the ones you wanted and get them in a little white paper bag - sometime you mught get an extra one or two thrown in also.

22-07-2011, 9:06pm
Red phone boxes
A & B button phones
Getting our first phone
all the kids in the street visiting the only neighbour with color tv to watch the moomba parade
wagon wheels before they shrunk
the ring on the end of the wizz fizz spoon
cars without seat belts
cars without crumple zones
no booze buses

22-07-2011, 9:31pm
I remember when ... I could remember stuff. And also ... err ... sorry ... what was the question?

23-07-2011, 6:58am
I remember when I wished school to be over and I could start work.....now all I wish for is another shot at school to get it right in my second attempt ..:(

I remember when my kids were little..{4 under five.!!} now they are older..I wish they were little again.

I remember when my hair was black and plenty of it....:eek:

I remember when the Missus cared what I said

I remember when I thought bricklaying was a good job.....{ probably about the time I thought school needed to be over}

23-07-2011, 8:03am
i remember the little news reel theatre beside the state theatre in market st Sydney where you could sit and watch the news all day, (they repeated same ones over and over)

23-07-2011, 6:52pm
I remember days when the phone didn't even have a dial, you lifted the handset and asked the operator for the number (1960's).
I remember milk being delivered in to a tin billy, which we left at the front gate.
I remember when the iceman (from a local company called Benders I think) brought huge blocks of ice to the ice chest, refrigerators were expensive and we didnt have one (1950's).
I rememmber the man coming to empty the dunny (night cart) although it only came during the day. It was only for a while, we had a regular toilet but the sewage infrastructure wasn't finished, so we had an outside toilet with a thuderbox (around 1958).
I can remember the smell of plucking chooks and the chaos that ensued when the chooks ran about with their heads cut off.
I remember those dinky little spud guns (early 60's)

24-07-2011, 8:16am
:rolleyes:Ahh! Yes! Ah remember when this thread started...

25-07-2011, 6:18am
I remember when you didn't need a computer to be part of the world, my laptop just died and now my new lens money has to go on the replacement. :-)

25-07-2011, 2:22pm
Oh yea - I remember when we were paid in cash and used a punch card to book into work.

And a customer of mine that had over 1600 employees, and every Friday at 1:30pm, the 17 year old office girl would walk across a busy 6 lane road road (the offices were on the other side of the road to the factory) with a large box containing the cash wages of every single employee - by herself. :eek: and she never had a problem.

Imagine doing that today!

25-07-2011, 4:00pm
I remember the days before KY was invented and a jar of Vicks Vapor Rub could be mistaken in the dark for a jar of vaseline (you don't make that mistake twice!)

I remember when you could carry a camera without being mistaken for a pervert or a terrorist

I remember when I could chase a girl, catch a girl and then not have a clue what came next!

25-07-2011, 9:25pm
Good ones Who Do

26-07-2011, 6:27am
I remember when I felt like I would live for ever and anyone over 30 was old.
I remember when a house was built they would frame it and leave it stand for a couple of months so the hardwood would set
I really remember the leather home made fly swotter my nan had that we would cope if we were late home - ouch.
I remember when Marino sheep were king and farmer would carry a price ram in the back of there car
I remember when farming was a good life and fields of wheat were a plenty and a drought was only 2 yrs long.

28-07-2011, 8:16am
I remeber quite a few from most of everybody's posts and most I don't.
I remember when Sunday was roast dinner night
I remember having to be in before the street lights came on or look out you were in big trouble
I remember at school if you were sent to the headmasters office you were in deep doo doo especially when you got home
I remember our next door neighbor knocking on our door to pass on a phone message as we didn't have a phone and if it was in the middle of the night it was considered an emergency.

28-07-2011, 2:31pm
I remember when Sunday was roast dinner night.
AND .. it was usually roast leg of lamb because chicken and beef were too expensive back then! How times change, eh?:)

29-07-2011, 6:06pm
I remember when my first mortgage was cheap at 13+% interest and it only cost me a $1000 deposit.

29-07-2011, 10:54pm
Someone said they remembered Telecom. I remember the Postmaster General. (PMG)
I remember when your appointment was at 10 o'clock you were shown into the office at 10 o'clock.
I remember the local cop knocking on the front door wanting to talk to my mum and me!
I remember being sent out of the house after lunch on Sunday and being told not to be home until 6 for dinner.
I remember everyone sitting around the dinner table and mum saying Grace before each meal.
I remember having to ask permission to leave the table at the end of each meal.
I remember having to address my teachers as Mister, Miss, Sir or M'am.

30-07-2011, 12:36pm
I remember when life was simpler.

I remember a time when the devices intended to make our life simpler didn't make it more complicated.

30-07-2011, 4:20pm
Hahahaha "Someone said they remembered Telecom. I remember the Postmaster General. (PMG)"

My old man worked for the PMG in Launceston and as a kid I would go down into the bowels of the building and watch all the relays (there were thousands of them) clicking in and out. It was really noisy and like something out of a science fiction movie. Hmmmmm fond memories there.

30-07-2011, 5:29pm
I remember when life was simpler.

I remember a time when the devices intended to make our life simpler didn't make it more complicated.

Oh Yea, those days you would FINISH work for the day and you were done.

30-07-2011, 5:37pm
Hahahaha "Someone said they remembered Telecom. I remember the Postmaster General. (PMG)"

My old man worked for the PMG in Launceston and as a kid I would go down into the bowels of the building and watch all the relays (there were thousands of them) clicking in and out. It was really noisy and like something out of a science fiction movie. Hmmmmm fond memories there.

Yep, was the same in the west. My uncle worked for the PMG too. Generally there was a phone box on on every block and a bank of them at the post office and you would have to book a long distance call and specify how long it was and sometime the operator would not let you enxtend. I remember the new style Big black phones had A and B buttons, press A when someone answered and your coin would be accepted and if not press this really noisey B button and your money would fall out the bottom. After a few yrs the PMG had to put flaps on the out coin tray because kids would still paper up the hole and come back the next day and pull it out to collect the coins that people though they had lost.

No one damaged vandalized phones or phone boxes in those days, the worst thing that might happen was some would scratch something like MW Loves JP in the paint on the inside.

Steve Axford
30-07-2011, 5:38pm
I remember when we worked with asbestos dust and were told it was good for us.
I remember when the tobacco companies were all powerful and managed to prove to us that smoking wasn't harmful.

30-07-2011, 6:31pm
I remember when you could go to the local corner store and get lollies for 1 cent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I @ M
30-07-2011, 6:33pm
I remember when you could go to the local corner store and get lollies for 1 cent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must be young.

We used to get them for a penny. :D

30-07-2011, 7:44pm
I remember when you could go to the local corner store and get lollies for 1 cent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember when the corner store wasn't called Seven Eleven.

30-07-2011, 7:48pm
I remember the rabbit man!

Mark L
31-07-2011, 8:13pm
I remember when I could remember when :scrtch:

01-08-2011, 12:27pm
I remember when I felt like I would live for ever and anyone over 30 was old.
They still are, you just joined them :P.

I remember when farming was a good life and fields of wheat were a plenty and a drought was only 2 yrs long.
Clearly your memory of droughts is fading :P.

I remember when my dad had hair! My theory is that I won't have kids until I have lost mine, that way they will never know :lol:

01-08-2011, 12:40pm
I remember when I had to go through DOS menus to find the games dad put on the computer for my sister and I

I remember when $2 bag of chips would be almost the size of my bed pillow

I remember when there were only 151 Pokemon :p

01-08-2011, 3:08pm
i remember the bottolo comming around on a horse drawn cart

03-08-2011, 8:50am
And I remember when concrete on the patio was smooth as (intentionally) and it was painted every couple of yrs and when the milk-o went Bum up delivering milk on a rainy day, dad just said sorry mate and paid him a little extra for the broken bottles and the word Sue in the conversation was the name of the milko's wife. :)

03-08-2011, 10:10am
I remember when shop assistants counted back your change. Take away their computerised register nowadays & they would be stuffed.

30-09-2011, 8:50am
I was just reading some canon rumors and I wondered what us baby boomers might be saying in the future.

:-). I remember when the DSLR had a mirror that had to flip up to capture the image and you had to change lens for different types of photos.

30-09-2011, 9:38am
- I remember when the Tasman Bridge was knocked down, and we had to take the Ferry across the Derwent.
- When billy carts were made from old pram wheels scavanged from the local tip.
- Seeing episodes of Skippy that were the first time they were shown on TV
- Don Lane telling some geezer to Piss Off, and the nation being in uproar that he said it on TV. It made front page of most newspapers
- The morning we won the America's Cup
- Swinging on the Hills Hoist, knowing we were going to get a hiding for doing it. Now you can't swing on them cause they are so flimsy they break, and you can't give the kids a hiding for doing it, cause DOCS would be around shortly after.
- Riding my high-riser.
- My skateboard that was about 14 inches long and about 5 inches wide..not surfboards like they skate on now.

Duane Pipe
30-09-2011, 10:01am
I remember riding my minibike past the cop shop and fuelling up at the servo for around 20c

30-09-2011, 10:36am
- My skateboard that was about 14 inches long and about 5 inches wide...Was it one of those high-fallutin' store-bought ones? :D. When I started skateboarding (and I use the term loosely :D) almost no one was doing it, at least in my area, and skateboards were hard to find. I had a couple of mates who had 'skateboards' that they made by screwing rollerskate wheels onto a piece of scrap wood. Almost no turning ability whatsoever! I got a skateboard around '68 or '69 - a store-bought one with a thick rigid plywood deck, and rubber wheels so the slightest pebble was pretty much a guaranteed face-plant :eek:. It even had a lump of rubber screwed under the rear of the board that was euphemistically described as a "brake". (I think they meant "break" as in what was likely to happen to your neck if you used it at any reasonable speed). Skateboarding really exploded when they started using poly wheels (mid-70's ?).

Thanks for twigging the memory..


30-09-2011, 1:30pm
I remember when I had to start the car with a handle (not mine)
I remember when my first full time pay was 9 pound 11 and sixpence
I remember when I used to sell newspapers at the corner street and home deliver without a bike
I remember when we used to bury toilet waste (pew)
I remember when we used to check the eggs for fertilisation under candle light before sending off to market
I remember when our rented home interior walls were made of cardboard boxes
I remember when we had fried bread in dripping laced with salt
I remember when we used to play kiss chasey at school
I remember when form 1 was the best two years of high school
I still remember my first day at State School and the second day I wagged it.

30-09-2011, 6:21pm
Was it one of those high-fallutin' store-bought ones? :D. When I started skateboarding (and I use the term loosely :D) almost no one was doing it, at least in my area, and skateboards were hard to find. I had a couple of mates who had 'skateboards' that they made by screwing rollerskate wheels onto a piece of scrap wood. Almost no turning ability whatsoever! I got a skateboard around '68 or '69 - a store-bought one with a thick rigid plywood deck, and rubber wheels so the slightest pebble was pretty much a guaranteed face-plant :eek:. It even had a lump of rubber screwed under the rear of the board that was euphemistically described as a "brake". (I think they meant "break" as in what was likely to happen to your neck if you used it at any reasonable speed). Skateboarding really exploded when they started using poly wheels (mid-70's ?).

Thanks for twigging the memory..


I had a coca-cola one. One of the first fibreglass boards available in Aus, got it around '77 if my memory is correct. Also had roller skates and used to go to "woodys roller world" in Hobart.

mal from cessnock
30-09-2011, 10:04pm
I remember when I enjoyed running - just for the hell of it!

01-10-2011, 8:53am
Haha, just read this whole thread....youse are all old farts :lol:

Being 31 i remember.

$0.60 - 70c p/litre fuel (Caltex Cessnock was always the cheapest back then)

$0.50c To get into Cessnock pool, Not $3, Plus they still had the diving board.

Riding the streets with my friends, spending all day long on a week end way out in the bush building a shack, shooting a sluggy (my 7yo wouldnt know his way home from 2 streets away)

When being silly in a car on my P plates meant driving way out into the middle of nowhere and not daring do it in public.

My first year apprentice wages were $142 a week, before tax lol

Going to the movies was $4.50, all you can eat Pizza hut before the movies for $5.00 and $3-4 in the arcade after the movies got you 6 - 8 games atleast. Now would get you 1, maybe 2.

My first mobile phone. Nokia 5110, and the bills before capped phone plans. :eek:

Them funny Text messages that use to circulate that you had to keep scrolling down to see, like animated lol

whn ppl txt u usin propa msg's not tha shrt txt they use now.

Our first dial up modem. You couldnt use the phone while on the net and there was bugger all to do online except ICQ lol Waiting 10 mins for a page to download, then quickly closing it so the parents didnt see what you were looking at :D


Mark L
04-10-2011, 7:36pm
Haha, just read this whole thread....youse are all old farts :lol:

Now I remember how to laugh, thanks Mini. :D

05-10-2011, 4:55pm
I remember when 2 shillings would buy you fish and chips and a pickled onion....and the whole lot would be wrapped in old newspaper and if you got yours wrapped in the comic page it was a bonus!
...When you bought petrol you would get a free gift.
...When I could catch the last train (midnight) from Princes Bridge Station (used to be opposite Flinders Street Station, Melb) on a Saturday night, to Eltham (Vic), then walk 2 miles home and not have to worry about anything....except maybe the monsters jumping out of the trees because you had been to see some horror movie!
...When horror movies had real monsters in them and were not just blood and gore.
...Crystal set radios.
...When you could catch a taxi and the driver knew where to go....no matter how obscure the address.
...When my Nan would do the washing by boiling the copper and adding a 'blue bag' to get the white things white.
...When you could eat anything without some 'expert' telling you it was bad for you
...When you woke up on Christmas Day and presents had almost magically appeared overnight at the the end of your bed.

mal from cessnock
05-10-2011, 8:03pm
Hey wanderer51 - great avatar!

30-10-2011, 2:13pm
I remember when the term 'photographer' wasn't associated with perverts, terrorists and other societal vermin; when photographers could go out and shoot uninhibited; when there weren't signs, terms and conditions banning photography; when photography was not something that induced utter fear and paranoia in the minds of the uninformed.

They fear what they do not understand.

mal from cessnock
30-10-2011, 8:57pm
I remember when the term 'photographer' wasn't associated with perverts, terrorists and other societal vermin; when photographers could go out and shoot uninhibited; when there weren't signs, terms and conditions banning photography; when photography was not something that induced utter fear and paranoia in the minds of the uninformed.

They fear what they do not understand.

I don't even think it's that. I think they fear what they are interested in - their's is a selfish fear and I stick it up em as often as I can. Go to beaches and photograph whoever I please. I'm into candid and indulge my pleasure whenever I feel like it.

30-10-2011, 9:33pm
being 17, I don't remember shit.
other than:

remember when kids shows were there for entertainment not boring educational crap that has to be ethically, and morally correct.
When you would;d sing Baa Baa Black sheep and it would not be considered "racist"

mal from cessnock
30-10-2011, 9:36pm
being 17, I don't remember shit.

Boom Boom

Mark L
31-10-2011, 7:13pm
Cyza, I won't quote you because, when I was young, I remember getting my mouth washed out with soap and water for saying that.:eek:
Didn't #*-#$ing work though!

31-10-2011, 11:40pm
I remember buying 20 4penny bombs and the next door neighbour calling the police because I was letting off dynamite :angry0:

I remember going to the midday matinee with my older sisters, two shillings got you in, drink and lollies and two movies.

I remember my first beer in the pub cost 17 cents for a middy.

01-11-2011, 12:27pm
I remember the novelty of filling up my own car/bike with petrol at the self serve petrol stations (marketed as being cheaper because less labour)
I remember banks telling us to use ATM machine (marketed as it's quicker and cheaper because less labour)

09-11-2011, 12:26pm
I remember when video remote controls were on a chord that was attached to the vrc.

09-11-2011, 1:56pm
I can remember when TV's didn't even have a remote control!

09-11-2011, 4:58pm
I remember when tvs were square

03-12-2011, 9:39am
Hahah kiwi, maybe showing my age, but I can remember when not everyone had a TV and when we first got one. It would take a couple of minutes to get a picture as the tubes had to warm up and stay on for a few secs when turned off.
I bloke used to come around with a shiny wooden box with a mirror in the lid so he could see the test picture as he tuned the tubes or whatever he did back there - we thought it was amazing.

I also remember my grandfather saying that man would never land on the moon and all this talk about going into space and flying to the moon was rubbish.

He later watched Armstrong stepping on the moon on his slow to start black and white TV - it was amazing.

Maybe that is why I have watched the Australian movie "The Dish" about 100 times - makes me feel young again :-)

03-12-2011, 10:06am
I remember when a redskin was 2 cents and a sunnyboy/razz was 5 cents

Dylan & Marianne
03-12-2011, 5:49pm
I remember when big hair was in and bands like Wa Wa Nee sang about stimulation :P

03-12-2011, 6:10pm
I remember when you would leave money on the doorstep for the milkman who would leave four bottles of unhomogenised milk. The best part was the cream on the top and sometimes I would carefully peel of the foil cap and spoon out the cream before replacing the cap thinking that noone would notice!!:lol:

03-12-2011, 7:28pm
H:eek:! So it was y:Du!

mal from cessnock
03-12-2011, 7:30pm
Same ktoopi - but I also remember when the bottles of milk were warmed from the morning sun.

I remember when the baker would stop at my place during the long Christmas holidays and take me with him on his rounds delivering bread to the neighbourhood. He would let me take the reigns and giddy up that ole horse all around Belmont NSW. It was a lot of fun :)

Mark L
03-12-2011, 8:40pm
I remember when Mike started this thread.:D

03-12-2011, 8:52pm
I remember when Mike started this thread.:D

Hahaha - I remember that too http://www.ausphotography.net.au/images/smilies/lol1.gif

03-12-2011, 8:56pm
I remember when starting a car was an art and each car had its own way. Pull choke out about 1 third, pump the throttle twice and then crank her over. If it didnt start you would wait about 10 mins and try again as it was probably flooded.

I remember having to sit a brick on the accelerator of my old Austin Lancer to warm it up on cold mornings as when it was cold it would fart, kangaroo hop and carry on until the engine warmed up, and I remember when cars would take miles to warn up as there was no emission control or the need to warm up fast.

03-12-2011, 10:26pm
I remember when big hair was in and bands like Wa Wa Nee sang about stimulation :P

1986 was a good year!

04-12-2011, 6:11am
I remember when I enjoyed running - just for the hell of it!
Hahaha - mal, aint that true. We used run everywhere as kids. Mind you, sometimes it was to avoid the bull in the paddock when on the way to the creek for a swim

04-12-2011, 6:18am
I remember when us kids were to be seen and not heard.
I remember being aloud to roam the paddock and country side all day and we used to go for miles exploring
I remember when being home later than 5pm meant a strap across the bum as you came through the front door
and yea - I remember the old thunder box out the back.

Actually, one thing always bothered me about the old dunny when I grew up. The container that used to be under the seat was exactly the same as the big ice cream tubs the ice cream was in at the corner store - hmmm.

04-12-2011, 6:28am
I remember when you would leave money on the doorstep for the milkman who would leave four bottles of unhomogenised milk. :lol:

I remember we used to make little Frisbees out of the foil lids of the milk bottles and you would flick them with your fingers so that would spin and fly.
I remember when frisbees had not be invented and I cant remember what our flying tops were called.

04-12-2011, 10:41am
I remember when a Commodore 64 was thought to have excellent graphics! :D

04-12-2011, 11:02am
:D Some of the 64 EH Holden show cars had good Graphics :Doh:

04-12-2011, 7:30pm
I remember when 7" rims with 7" types was like real fatties and the lads would drool over how wide the rubber was.

Man - I so wanted a EH holden when I was a lad and dreamed of a set of 7" fatties on it too

04-12-2011, 7:48pm
I remember when Julia Gillard was considered a good choice for PM! :lol:

04-12-2011, 8:06pm
I remember when Julia Gillard was considered a good choice for PM! :lol:

Man, that must have been a long time ago as I cant remember that at all :lol:

mal from cessnock
04-12-2011, 8:44pm
I remember when a handful of politicians were worthy of our respect. Now we don't have any!

04-12-2011, 10:01pm
I remember when Julia Gillard was considered a good choice for PM! :lol:

That must've been a dream, not a recollection. |-)

06-12-2011, 5:23pm
well..... im only 14....

i remember when computers had floppy disk drives
i remember when keyboards and mouses were not connected by USB
i remember when board games was the popular form of games/entertainment instead of gaming consoles of today.
i remember when... life was simple being a little kid.

06-12-2011, 7:44pm
Geez you're all a lot of old farts!!! :eek: :lol: (Said in a respectful and humorous way of course...)

Back in the late sixties/early seventies, I remember when:

- You could lie on the parcel shelf looking up at the stars while dad drove you home from Boys Brigade.
- Milk was delivered to your door in bottles but sometimes the magpies would get to it before you and peck through the alloy cap!

I wonder if the good times or the "remember whens" are associated with when you were somewhere between 5 and 10 years old, no matter what period in history that was?

Today I'm an historian.

Mark L
06-12-2011, 8:45pm
.......while dad drove you home from Boys Brigade.

I remember polishing my belt buckle with Brasso every week. I remember polishing my shoes every week. I remember taking my bible every week. And I did the little painful things 'cause I remember when B.B. was some of the most fun I've ever had.

06-12-2011, 9:09pm
I wonder if the good times or the "remember whens" are associated with when you were somewhere between 5 and 10 years old, no matter what period in history that was?

The closer I get to senility, the more I'm grateful I can remember anything!! One gets very preoccupied with one's own mortality, and the ever looming problems of old age.

I'm not sure I can remember all that much from when I was 10 ...... yesterday can be a challenge! :(

I'm probably feeling a bit morose having just watched a story entitled "the long goodbye" - However. it's nice to see some of the younger posters offering their contribution to this thread ...... it's interesting hearing about the perspective from that end of life.

07-12-2011, 11:25am
well..... im only 14....

i remember when computers had floppy disk drives
i remember when keyboards and mouses were not connected by USB
i remember when board games was the popular form of games/entertainment instead of gaming consoles of today.
i remember when... life was simple being a little kid.

I can remember when floppy drives hadn't even been invented, and that the first ones were around 30cm square and only held 640k's!
Mouse? What's a mouse? They hadn't even been thought of when I first stated playing with computers in the early 70's, and in fact, there wasn't even any operating sytems (like DOS) back then, and if you wanted to computer to add 1+1, you had write a script for it and when you turned off the computer, the script was gone!

07-12-2011, 12:40pm
To do things on the school computer if you were in the computer club, you punched the programming in as holes in a piece of card.
My first home computer was a TRS-80. It had 16k of memory. You bought software in magazines and TYPED it in, and saved it on the same sort of cassettes you bought your music on.
Lollies were two for 1 cent.
You ran out of the house the moment you were out of your school clothes (which were all uniform) and covered the whole town with friends on bikes, built forts at the river, made flying foxes from old rope with a notch in a stick to ride down on, and didn't come home till the street lights came on, but you sure had to be home soon after.
Oh, and my first camera was a 110 and also used weird cassettes for the film.
Life was good.

07-12-2011, 12:53pm
I'm somewhere between old fart & young whippersnapper.... (I'll give you a hint - I did learn to program in Fortran & learned to drive with three on the tree and Super in the tank..) ,
but I remember;
- when you were bored at work, you had to look out the window. Then someone invented the internet......whatever did we do with our time before then?
- With the exception of the Codan HF radio (manually tuned antenna of course) in our work vehicles, if you were out of the office , you were not contactable..Aaah, those were the days. (we weren't important enough to get car-phones back then and we even worked for the big T!)
- When I was a kid, My gran gave me what I thought was the coolest camera in the world- a Hanimex 35DL film camera - with a rotating dual lens - one wide, one 'telephoto' I still have it somewhere!
- Van Halen was cool. (Ok, I do still play it when no-one is around)
- The first Kings Quest episode on my mate's computer was the cutting edge of role playing adventure games.
- Joh was the undefeatable ruler of Queensland
- North Queensland cowboys was a description of local work quality not a hit and miss football team :D

07-12-2011, 2:21pm
Isn't it funny, the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread was I remembered when you had to wind the winder on the side of the telephone to get the operator to answer you. There were no dials, everything was through a real person. The next thing I remembered was my father having a car that had running boards on it. As for TV, I remember vividly the first time I even saw one. We went to town and one was playing in a shop window. There was actually a small crowd there looking at it. Geez, I am showing my age now!

07-12-2011, 2:29pm
I remember our first Phone Number, Tweed Heads 888 , Like Lloyd , You had to Ring the Telephonist I think they were called , And ask them to put you through to the number :D

07-12-2011, 2:55pm
if you wanted to computer to add 1+1, you had write a script for it and when you turned off the computer, the script was gone!

how times have changed hey.

07-12-2011, 3:55pm
I remember our first Phone Number, Tweed Heads 888 , Like Lloyd , You had to Ring the Telephonist I think they were called , And ask them to put you through to the number :D

And the "telephonist" listned to every word you said, and you wondered how all those secrets got out!

07-12-2011, 4:47pm
:lol:Yep were'nt many secrets in a small town in those days , They reckon they did'nt listen in Ha !!

07-12-2011, 4:53pm
To do things on the school computer if you were in the computer club, you punched the programming in as holes in a piece of card.
Your school HAD a computer?

first home computer was a TRS-80. It had 16k of memory. You bought software in magazines and TYPED it in, and saved it on the same sort of cassettes you bought your music on.
Mine was a Dick Smith VZ-80 - same deal only not from Tandy.

Lollies were two for 1 cent.
Hmmm ... cents came in in 1966. By then I was almost finished high school!

You ran out of the house the moment you were out of your school clothes (which were all uniform) and covered the whole town with friends on bikes, built forts at the river, made flying foxes from old rope with a notch in a stick to ride down on, and didn't come home till the street lights came on, but you sure had to be home soon after.
Sounds familiar, only we didn't have a river, so we used the water supply pipeline from Sydney's west to the City. It was "cowboys and indians" or "wars" with broomsticks for guns AND horses! ;)

Oh, and my first camera was a 110 and also used weird cassettes for the film.
Life was good.
I had a little Hanimex but the novelty wore off because it could take weeks for the negatives to be developed. There were no street corner fast photo labs then; your film was sent away to be processed by the film company ... Kodak usually ... if you didn't have the kit to do it yourself. When I got my first Polaroid Instamatic it was a whole new ball game, but the results were ... um ... excremental! :p

And for all of that I agree, Life was indeed "good" ... very, very good. Anyone got an old DeLorean they're not using? I wanna go back!:D

07-12-2011, 5:03pm
Did anyone have a birds egg collection? I had special trays filled with saw dust , All the eggs were layed out in order of size , Oh , Dont forget stamp collecting either , For the younger members this was all before TV , We used to come home from school and listen to Serials on the Radiogram , Ours even had Shortwave Radio ;)

07-12-2011, 5:09pm
I can remember when floppy drives hadn't even been invented, and that the first ones were around 30cm square and only held 640k's!
BZZZZZZ! Faulty memory card, Benny! :D There were 8 inch floppies first (256kb I think), then the 51/4" versions to which you refer held 360kb before they went high density 640kb ones. The only thing that hard disk drives was a mini or a mainframe, and those were interchangeable. Then Mountain brought out an external 10Mb hard disk drive for the IBM PC (the first serious business desktop PC) and we all thought "You'll NEVER fill that thing up!" Wrong.

Before the external hard drive, if we wanted to do some word processing on the computer, you loaded the operating system (DOS 2.1 I think) from the floppy drive, swapped in the WP program (WordPerfect in our case) and loaded that THEN swapped in the storage diskette to back up your work to before printing. Sheesh! What a nuisance that was! The IBM PC operated at 4.77MHz (not 2.4GHz) until the "Turbo XT" boosted that to 8MHz and then 10MHz ... WOW! Greased lightning!!! :eek:

What did we do before the PC? Accounting was done on a machine called a Comptometer that used punch cards; a huge mechanical calculator that required a specialist operator. My mother, God rest her soul, was one of those for a firm called Wood Coffell (sp?) Word processing was done on typewriters for most businesses, but Solicitors and Lawyers were rich and usually had a dedicated word processing system based on a bespoke mini-computer like the Wang! Multiple copies were produced on a line printer using carbon paper. Everyone else used account books, pens and paper.

Pardon me while I go take my nana nap now ... zzzzzzzz :o

07-12-2011, 5:15pm
Did anyone have a birds egg collection? I had special trays filled with saw dust , All the eggs were layed out in order of size , Oh , Dont forget stamp collecting either , For the younger members this was all before TV , We used to come home from school and listen to Serials on the Radiogram , Ours even had Shortwave Radio ;)

OR ... listen to Smokey Dawson and Jingles before school. Then came Sammy Sparrow. The radio serial was the highlight of the night, after the news for Dad, when the whole family would sit around the sideboard-sized tube radio and get themselves scared silly by some spooky music and sound effects. If there was a problem, dad would pull it out from the wall and check that all the valves were lit. If we stayed quiet and out of his way we could even see all the innards, too! I heard about John F Kennedy's assassination on that old radio because TV (we had a 1958 Admiral B&W with a nearly square tube) didn't start that early in the morning and shut down at 7:00pm for bed time! In between times there was nothing but static until the test pattern came on 30 minutes before the opening greeting and first show of the day/night.

I never had the egg collection, Bill, but stamps were one thing and cereal box cutouts were another. Remember the cardboard masks you cut from the back of the cereal box and used elastic bands to hold them on your head? Two holes for eyes and one each for nose and mouth. The bit near your mouth got soggy after a while so you'd dice that one and look for a new one on the next cereal box! The best thing you could get for Christmas was a Superman or Batman cape to match your cardboard mask. Then you were the REAL deal!

07-12-2011, 5:25pm
Oooh! Oooh! I just had another flashback! When I'd visit my father's work (Anthony Hordern and Sons Brickfield Hill store), the sales dockets were sent to accounting using a pneumatic tube system with little round message boxes with felt at either end to seal the tube and allow them to be pushed through the system. I used to love seeing one of those containers dropped into the tube and whiz off at what seemed like the speed of light!

I'm going to have my Bovril and go to bed now. I'd take a Bex or a Vincent's APC powder but they don't exist any more. They did, however, give rise to the expression "Take a powder"! :D

07-12-2011, 5:30pm
:D Smokey Dawson was cool :th3: yep I remember the cut outs as well , Did you ever collect the cards that came in little blocks of Cadbury's chocolate, You had to send away for the Album to put them in , What about the Phantom, O ghost who walks comics , I had a couple of the rings that you could send away for , A gold one with ruby eyes, A silver one with luminous "Glow in the Dark" eyes , And of cause the ring with the rubber skull stamp , BTW what ever happened to "Guy Falkes" night 5th Nov , Penny bungers were like sticks of Dynamite :eek:

07-12-2011, 5:47pm
:D Smokey Dawson was cool :th3: yep I remember the cut outs as well , Did you ever collect the cards that came in little blocks of Cadbury's chocolate, You had to send away for the Album to put them in , What about the Phantom, O ghost who walks comics , I had a couple of the rings that you could send away for , A gold one with ruby eyes, A silver one with luminous "Glow in the Dark" eyes , And of cause the ring with the rubber skull stamp , BTW what ever happened to "Guy Falkes" night 5th Nov , Penny bungers were like sticks of Dynamite :eek:
Yep, I used to collect those cards, too! I loved the Phantom and had a "gold" ring with ruby eyes. Never got the rubber stamp one or the silver glow-in-the-dark though. We were pretty poor back then. :(

We used to just call it "Cracker Night" ... never referred to it by the original tradition of Guy Fawkes ... I guess it was a NSW thing. Jumping jacks, penny bungers (later tupenny bunters), throw downs, sky rockets, roman candles ... loved em all. Especially enjoyed the metallic "Ting" when a tupenny bunger blew up in a tin mail box! Talk about "all bent outa shape"! :p One year my brother and I each had an airline bag (plastic of course) full of crackers and started roaming the street with our friends, as you did then. My brother accidentally dropped a hot match into his bag and the lot went up in one go!!! I'd never seen the little tacker move so fast! :D He got his own back on me for laughing though, cause mum and dad made me split my share with him. Rats! :lol:

What happened to it? Some do-gooder decided to save us from ourselves and stop shops selling them. You now need a permit to display fireworks and it has to be done to a safety plan approved by some bureaucratic functionary or other. :(

07-12-2011, 5:48pm
Oh yea Bill, before our first TV we used to sit on the verandah and lisen to the old valve radio that had to be turned on a few minutes before the show so it could warm up. It was a timber cabinet about the size of a meat chest and us kids were not allowed near it in case we turned the dial and lost the radio station it was tuned to.

We used to listen to serials. I am not sure if it was a rerun or the original but my dad used to love listening to the goons ( I think it was called), with Spike Milligan and some others and

I remember when if we were on the veranda early pop would let us shoot tins off the front fence with his 22 pump action.

07-12-2011, 5:58pm
Jeez you guys are old :lol:Mike every kid that I hung around with had A Slug Gun or .22 cal Rifle , When I say kid , I mean 12yr olds , But there was plenty of bush in those days , No one got hurt either :umm:

07-12-2011, 6:00pm
I am not sure if it was a rerun or the original but my dad used to love listening to the goons ( I think it was called), with Spike Milligan and some others
Definitely the original, Mike. Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe. One of the silliest radio shows ever, but most loved the nonsense of it. From wikipedia:

Milligan and Harry Secombe became friends while serving in the Royal Artillery during World War II. Famously, Milligan first encountered Secombe after Gunner Milligan's artillery unit accidentally allowed a large howitzer to roll off a cliff - under which Secombe was sitting in a small wireless truck: "Suddenly there was a terrible noise as some monstrous object fell from the sky quite close to us. There was considerable confusion, and in the middle of it all the flap of the truck was pushed open and a young, helmeted idiot asked 'Anybody see a gun?' It was Milligan."[11] Secombe's answer to that question was "What colour was it?" Spike met Peter Sellers after the war at the Hackney Empire, where Secombe was performing, and the three became close friends.
Typical! :D Neddy Seagoon (Secombe) was my favourite but Eccles, Bluebottle and Moriarty were among the cast of thousands ... er hundreds ... er hundreds and thousands ... er, no a few! :lol2:

07-12-2011, 6:05pm
Jeez you guys are old :lol:
Who "we" white man ... allegedly spoken by Tonto to the Lone Ranger (radio serial version) when the latter suggested the two of them (we) "should ride down into the shooting mess of the town and clean it up for all the decent citizens" or words to that effect! "Me no think so, Kimosabe" ... not sure what that means.:lol:

07-12-2011, 6:16pm
Hahahahah - yes, I remember a skit with Moriarty. Ahh Moriarty. There was also one that was a favorite when I was a kid, it started something like "Step out onto the limb Jim", it was hilarious. Remember bits and pieces of those days.
Crikey, those were the days. Most had a rifle mount on the back shelf of the old ute and would leave it there when going into town and no-one would give it a second thought and nothing would ever get stolen and coppers didn't have pistols in those days over the west.
My pop hated car key so set his ute up so you didn't need a key, just turn the ignition. Never locked it when in town and and nothing ever got stolen. In some ways I miss those times.

07-12-2011, 6:30pm
Yep, I remember when I was fit enough to climb a coconut tree:

When I used to think, moving the controller made a difference on the super-nintendo!

And when I had my first car accident - ouch!

07-12-2011, 6:36pm

07-12-2011, 6:51pm
And when I had my first car accident - ouch!

Ouch indeed!
Not much room for your head. :eek:

07-12-2011, 6:54pm
Ouch indeed!
Not much room for your head. :eek:

No, I was very lucky (or so the tow truck driver said) Believe it or not only came out with small cuts to the hands, none that required stitches. It was on the Canning Stock Route.

09-12-2011, 2:47pm
When I used to think, moving the controller made a difference on the super-nintendo!you were just a pioneer for todays Wii ;)

09-12-2011, 4:18pm
you were just a pioneer for todays Wii ;)

Too right, must have been ahead of my time :D

09-12-2011, 4:30pm
I remember the round washing machines with the two rollers over the top that you squeezed the clothes through, by turning a handle to 'wring' them out, before hanging them on the line.

Listening to "Bell Bird" on the radio

09-12-2011, 7:08pm
I remember the round washing machines with the two rollers over the top that you squeezed the clothes through, by turning a handle to 'wring' them out, before hanging them on the line.

I remember these but our one was motor driven. You fed the clothes out of the machine through the wringer into the rinse tub. I think the rinse tub had Bluo in it. And then out of the rinse tub through the wringer again and into the washing basket.

Bluo was also good on bee stings... !!

09-12-2011, 7:33pm
...the days of steam radio. That was just before it went electric. Now it runs on guff and hot air. Ahh! Progress.
(Now, what was that about?)

mal from cessnock
11-12-2011, 10:36pm
I remember when this thread started!

12-12-2011, 10:37am
This all reminds me of a famous conversation between four yorkshiremen!


12-12-2011, 5:06pm
...the days of steam radio. That was just before it went electric. Now it runs on guff and hot air. Ahh! Progress.
(Now, what was that about?)

No it doesn't. Like all electronic items it runs on "magic smoke"
If that smoke ever comes out, they stop working, so it must be how they work.

13-12-2011, 11:15pm
No it doesn't. Like all electronic items it runs on "magic smoke"
If that smoke ever comes out, they stop working, so it must be how they work.

I reckon you are right. I was vacuuming the car out on the weekend and when I looked out that magic blue smoke was coming out the vacuum cleaner and now it doesn't work.