View Full Version : Decent EVIL for someone who never sticks to anything?

04-07-2011, 6:53am
My cousin just turned 18 and the "glamour" of photography has just revealed itself to her. She's putting the hard word on her "daddy" to buy her a fancy camera so she can be the photographer of her dreams. He's keen to buy her something, but at the same time very wary of her previous fixations on things. He's purchased tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment for various things and she's never stuck at anything for more than a month or so. He's voiced his concern to me that he doesn't want to buy her something extraordinary for it to just sit in the cupboard.

And so my learned friends, I come to you. What are your suggestions? She knows absolutely nothing about photography and is likely to leave it permanently on automatic when she does get it out. I have a Canon 350D which is quite a few years old but has always been fantastic to me. I've been reading about these EVIL cameras and am wondering if they're a cheaper option? I'm pretty sure she just wants to look the part, rather than make photography a craft, but to each their own. So I thought if their bodies are cheaper (quality doesn't matter much), and she can swap around lenses to look like she knows what she's doing, I'm certain she'll be happy.

04-07-2011, 7:46am
The EVIL camera doesn't have the "pro-wannabe" look and IMO they are generally not much cheaper.

What your cousin's father should after is recently superseded model, something like a Canon 1000D, 500D. Or Nikon D3000/D5000 etc. The camera itself looks great and they aren't expensive to get. A second hand one can be have for $600 or around. Usually comes with kit lens and some even come with twin lens kit, so she can have the sensation of changing lens.

And even the current models are not having that much more functions that those superseded one. i.e the 600D (current model) can do videos, while the 500D can do the same, with just a little less megapixels and frame rate per second, but the quality still superb.

04-07-2011, 8:45am
Get a good superzoom bridge camera - relatively cheap and looks the part (kind of)
And lets face it with 20X it must be good :p

04-07-2011, 8:57am
Ok excuse my ignorance but what is an EVIL camera (other than one thats been possessed)?

04-07-2011, 9:04am
The EVILs are the current growth segment in the camera industry and you're likely to see significant development in this area in the coming months/years.
Entry level DSLRs on the other hand are very mature products and represent excellent value for money with proven technology.
What Andylo said is right in that you're likely to pay a premium for EVILs currently because they're the 'in' thing atm but some of the advantages of EVILs are significant for those that appreciate its strengths and ppl are willing to pay the premium for it.
One thing I've noticed is that with EVILs are iterating very quickly, the previous models are often sold off very cheaply, perhaps not so much in Australia but definitely web prices.
Watch for manufacturers such as Samsung and their NX series really pushing the price boundary. They're next on the list of mirrorless camera announcements (July-Aug time frame). Sony's also very aggressively pushing the NEX cameras.

Either DSLR or EVILs are very capable cameras and photographically any of these are fine. If she only wants to look the part, buy a second hand DSLR that has already had most of its depreciation. Most functioning DSLRs bottom out at around 300-400 regardless of age. Even really old ones don't seem to sell for any cheaper. Heck, buy her an old school film camera then she'll really look the part. LOL Those are cheap as chips.

04-07-2011, 9:07am
EVIL = Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens
Or sometimes called mirrorless cameras (they omit the mirrorbox in traditional (D)SLRs).
Do a search for micro 4/3, Sony NEX, Samsung NX, Pentax Q. Have I missed anything?

04-07-2011, 9:12am
I'll sell her father my d300s for $5000 with an 24-70 pro lens for $3000.

She'll look the part, I'll be happy and her father would have wasted another $8000

(id seriously get a Nikon D90 with 18-200 lens

04-07-2011, 9:30am
Listen to Andy.

What your cousin's father should after is recently superseded model, something like a Canon 1000D, 500D. Or Nikon D3000/D5000 etc. The camera itself looks great and they aren't expensive to get. A second hand one can be have for $600 or around. Usually comes with kit lens and some even come with twin lens kit, so she can have the sensation of changing lens.

Spot on.

04-07-2011, 11:05am
Tell them to get a 600D and once in goes into the cupboard to remain unused, swap it with your 350D.

04-07-2011, 11:22am
Listen to Andy.

Spot on.

Mate, I am touched :) No many people say I am right nowadays :lol:

04-07-2011, 12:10pm
What he should do is tell her "NO. Go out and earn the money yourself and then you can buy whatever camera you want". She needs a good lesson in the value of things, including money.

04-07-2011, 12:34pm
+1 Rick

Mark L
04-07-2011, 9:39pm
.........(quality doesn't matter much), and she can swap around lenses to look like she knows what she's doing, I'm certain she'll be happy.

Give her you're camera and lens. Tell her it's EVIL, and get her "daddy" to buy you a bunch of new stuff. At least you'll use it!:)
Option 2. What Rick said.

10-07-2011, 9:27pm
Thanks heaps everyone! Some guy from Harvey Norman has her absolutely hooked on a Nikon with "this and this and this and this". I've tried to tell her there are better, cheaper options but apparently he knows more than anyone else and has absolutely no ulterior motive.........

I can think of nothing better than her going out to earn the money herself. I think she'd appreciate it so much more, but she's been spoilt her entire life, so that will not happen. I wonder if I wait 'til she gets it and I swap it with mine, if she'll even notice that it's now a Canon and not a Nikon.. *plot*:rolleyes:

10-07-2011, 9:54pm
EVIL = Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens
Or sometimes called mirrorless cameras (they omit the mirrorbox in traditional (D)SLRs).
Do a search for micro 4/3, Sony NEX, Samsung NX, Pentax Q. Have I missed anything?

Leica M9

07-08-2011, 7:18am
And so my learned friends, I come to you. What are your suggestions? She knows absolutely nothing about photography and is likely to leave it permanently on automatic when she does get it out.

I agree, Just cut her off and if she wants something let her get a job and work for it herself.
That's the ultimate cure..

I use to be a spoiled child as well, (No, I didn't have rich parents, unfortunetly...) untill I started living on my one, that got me down to earth pretty quick..

07-08-2011, 8:01am
Quite so. My first reaction to the OP was that it doesn't matter too much what camera she gets, but let her pay for the thing with her own money that she earned herself by working, then she might appreciate it.

Horribly old fashioned, eh?

old dog
07-08-2011, 8:59am
have to agree with Rick here. She sounds like she needs a good reality check.