View Full Version : Remote camera control??

30-06-2011, 5:25pm
I Wish to remotely trigger a camera within 20-40 meters
Can this be done from a second camera?
eg set up a close camera with wide angle and fire it with a second body using say a 70-200? so two types of shot are captured
cheers jim

30-06-2011, 7:04pm
Sounds weird, but not that I'm aware of.

Unless you have some strange mouse trap setup where the camera with the 70-200 is set to fall over and land on the exposure release of the camera with the wide angle lens.. I dare say .... No!

What you can do tho, is acquire some type of remote trigger system, such as a third party wireless remote, or a flash triggering system.
(personally, I'd be inclined to get the wireless remote devices.. which I have, as I generally don't have much use for remote studio flash triggers).

Be wary of which thirdparty triggers you get too!
I have two different types of the Phottix brand, and each have their own unique features and disadvantages.
The original version I got,(the Cleon) has a wireless system where you set some dip switches to operate on a specific frequency. In some instances this can actually be a bad thing, as you can get cross interference from another trigger source.
Highly improbable, but the possibility is greater than it is with the Plato trigger, which is supposedly a better system.
In your case tho, you want this interference, as it will allow you to trigger two cameras at the same time, because you would deliberately set them to operate on the same frequency.
One remote trigger, two remote recievers, two cameras exposing at the push of a single (wireless) button.

Alternatively, you could easily wire up a wired solution using easily available parts for a Canon camera.(harder to acquire the correct parts for Nikon cameras).

I @ M
30-06-2011, 7:13pm
Yes, it can be done easily.

A yongnuo RF602 trigger mounted on the "activating" cameras flash hot shoe can set of the RF602 receiver plugged in as a remote shutter release on the "slave" camera.
40 to 60 metres would be easily within the capabilities.

30-06-2011, 7:17pm
as andrew says, pocket wizards are the rolls royce solution. You cant do it without this sort of thing, or a long cable (which is common also)

30-06-2011, 8:07pm
thanks Andrew and Kiwi will change battery and try tomorrow--jim

02-07-2011, 8:45am
Yes, it can be done easily.

A yongnuo RF602 trigger mounted on the "activating" cameras flash hot shoe can set of the RF602 receiver plugged in as a remote shutter release on the "slave" camera.
40 to 60 metres would be easily within the capabilities.

AHA! of course.
It's the same operation as firing the slave flash, only that you've substituted the slave flash for a slave camera.

Makes sense. Thanks.