View Full Version : To buy or not to buy an iPad (poll and comments please) :-)

29-06-2011, 3:03pm
Would love others views and comments on the iPad please.

29-06-2011, 3:25pm
The question is "Why do you want it?"

I'd love an iPad, but I'd have a hell of a job trying to find a use for it.

I have a MacBook Pro and an iPhone.

The iPad cannot make phone calls, and it cannot run Photoshop or many other apps I have on my Mac.

I drive to work, so its value as a commuter entertainment device is non-existent.

It has a coolness factor about it (for me), but no practical use.

29-06-2011, 3:33pm
I'm with John here. My wife loves hers, but she doesn't have a smartphone and doesn't like sitting at the computer. I have a MacPro and an iPhone and haven't been able to find where an iPad would fit into my needs. That said, when I was recently home sick, I used the iPad to watch the ABC iView catch up service in bed. As an eReader, I'm unlikely to ever purchase one, as I have a preference for the physical book/newspaper (batteries never go flat, no matter how long I read for).
It has been handy having an 'instant on' web browser in the house where we spend most of our time, where the computer isn't, but again, if need be I have the iPhone.
Check out the app store, if you can build enough of a list of ones you think would be useful, go for it.

29-06-2011, 3:45pm
I bought an iPad but that's for my son - he was keep trashing my iPhone so I thought I will get him a replacement instead.

Personally I find iPad is very useless item. IMO it just stop short as a fancy entertainment gadget, maybe to show off to your friends? If my son didn't want one, I know I am probably never going to get one.

29-06-2011, 3:49pm
The question is "Why do you want it?"

I'd love an iPad, but I'd have a hell of a job trying to find a use for it.

I have a MacBook Pro and an iPhone.

The iPad cannot make phone calls, and it cannot run Photoshop or many other apps I have on my Mac.

I drive to work, so its value as a commuter entertainment device is non-existent.

It has a coolness factor about it (for me), but no practical use.

I have been thinking about getting one, but am doubting I would use it enough to justify the expense when, I have a smart phone already. I keeping thinking it is more of a toy then tool and wanted others views.

29-06-2011, 4:00pm
I have been thinking about getting one, but am doubting I would use it enough to justify the expense when, I have a smart phone already. I keeping thinking it is more of a toy then tool and wanted others views.

In a domestic situation, where you had a regular desktop computer (which may not always be on) and wanted to do Web, email and a few other useful things for which you'd normally use a computer, an iPad can be useful, as it's small, portable and useful enough. If you run WiFi at home, you'll be online. Handy for use in the library (aka bathroom) or bedroom, when you want to be comfortable and have convenient access to 'stuff'.

If the iPad is the sort of thing you'd take with you when you go out, unless you have WiFi access somewhere, you'll also be up for the cost of a 3G connection (assuming you have the 3G model and want/need Internet access in the street, train, bus, etc.). Bear in mind that you still need to carry your phone. If the iPad could make calls and utilise a bluetooth headset, it would be much more useful and would render the phone obsolete unless size was a factor.

I've been running a laptop as a desktop replacement for over five years, and run WiFi at home, so the portability and convenience of an iPad isn't something I don't already have, albeit with a bigger footprint, but full PC capability. For that reason the iPad, for me, is a really great solution to a problem I don't have.

If I were to buy one, it would be more of a toy than a tool, and it's an expensive toy when I've already got that functionality (and then some) with existing portable devices that actually serve a particular role well (ie, being a phone or a computer), which the iPad cannot.

I simply use my iPhone when I'm away from home. I'm never away from my laptop for long enough that I'd need something more adequate than an iPhone for doing email, Web, AP stuff and other useful things.

29-06-2011, 4:07pm
If you need to ask, then youre not ready to get one :p

29-06-2011, 4:17pm
I use mine for ordering via the web for work when I am walking the store, its a great browser, and I have recently found that the other half who hates computers (mainly cause they don't vacuum or cook) really sees no use for them-But she has taken to the ipad and being computer intolerant it just does what it is asked, doesn't need restarting or updating, doesn't crash, instant on and off and she has no problem finding her way around the apps, using the touch screen as opposed to a mouse she can never find, unfortunately we have to use Pc's at work and because the Ipad is so easy to use she is showing severe intolerance for operating systems that are designed to annoy.
So, apart from that and all the other stuff I do on mine- I think they are great and would recommend one in a flash.

Art Vandelay
29-06-2011, 4:34pm
I do a bit of travelling with work & personal trips and look at these from time to time in the hope of convincing myself they'd be a good thing.. but can't.
Some good points, but my regualr laptop or the little eepc we have laying home around as a spare for myself & kids is of far more use.
Mainly the lack of USB ports stalls me.

29-06-2011, 4:35pm
I do not see the need for an i pad I have a desktop computer at home, a phone with internet capability and camera (both of which I dont need or use) I only want a phone but am forced to buy all these extras that someone else says I need. I see a laptop as a much more useful item.

29-06-2011, 4:38pm
It's a lousy replacement for a real computer, and not much of a telephone. One of the world's most pointless consumer products.

Louise Jamieson
29-06-2011, 4:39pm
My husband got one for work and it is lovely, shame he got an ugly case for it, but they a great fun to play with, I'm going to wait for the next one when its got a usb port so i can dump all my pics on to it!

29-06-2011, 7:00pm
Thanks for the replys so far. I have a laptop and of course my smart phone plus access to PC at work. I was just interested in others views of the iPad :)

29-06-2011, 7:03pm
I haven't voted because there is no option that suits me. I bought an acer iconia tab. It has a usb port unlike the ipad and i can view photos off my camera by just plugging in a usb card reader. much better that viewing on the camera screen. I bought mine because we love to go away camping and it is better than lugging my laptop around. I can play games on it(chess badly) , read books with a kindle app , and if were are somewhere where i can get an internet connection i can send emails etc much better than lugging around my laptop. :)


29-06-2011, 7:06pm

The camera connection kit is great for transfering photos. It provides the usb port for photo transfer. I still download my photos to my main computer as i am comfortable with windows. But for a bit of a preview gallery while you are out and about it is great.
I think it was 30 or 40 bucks.

I really dont understand the file system behind the ipad. Its all a bit black magic to me.
The photos are there and they look good, but i have no idea how to see the file properties or exif data. Could be my rookie status that is stopping me from seeing this stuff.

Typed from my ipad. ;)

29-06-2011, 7:20pm
we use our ipad for an ebook reader and to watch movies on and view photos and to check emails and for the kids to steel and play games on.

But mainly my wife and kids use it to run up the bill on my credit card bying apps that the use only once.:eek:

I still love it

29-06-2011, 7:47pm
My iPad is almost my constant companion these days. I do a lot of work from in my car and the larger screen and keyboard are a huge bonus over my iPhone. Instant on and off, quick and can do so much. I download my photos onto my Macbook Pro and they get synchronised to my Ipad whenever I plug it into the Macbook. I have the camera connection kit for when I am out and about if I need it and it works great. I do not miss not having a usb port at all. I like to watch youtube and podcasts about camera reviews and tips. Great to do on the iPad or on the big screen through Apple TV. When we go on holidays I can have movies already downloaded onto the iPad, take the Apple TV and we can watch the movies on any HD tv.

I can not imagine life without an iPad now.

This has NOT been an add for Apple! (but I highly rate their products now I have started using them).

30-06-2011, 4:22am
It's a lousy replacement for a real computer, and not much of a telephone. One of the world's most pointless consumer products.


my thought exactly, the product is supposed to do for you what you want it too, not the other way around!

That is, you end up finding things to do on the product you end up purchasing.

In the end I waited for a Windows tablet device, and I got a Gigabyte s1080(in Pro version.. with Win7 pro, not home).
OK device, not exactly speedy, but does exactly what I envisioned it would allow me to do.

It's a small lightweight portable computer, which does everything that my desktop PC can do
(except native CD/DVD/BlueRay burning, but I only need an external burner to do this)

I has USB ports! .. YAY!!!... amazing how those little holes in the side of a device make it so much more useful, than those inept iPads!
In fact it has 1 USB3 port and one USB2 port, USB 3 port does feel as tho it will be faster, but there aren't too many devices to fully test this yet.
320G hard drive, 'easily' replaceable(and I may end up installing a fast flash drive one day, when their value for money factor increases.

I'm not 100% used to the tablet form factor, in that there is no physical keyboard to play with.
I still have trouble with any tablet touchscreen device, but this s1080 device helps a lot in that respect, in that it has a couple of buttons and a small touch button, that act as a mouse, and I tend to use it this way more than using the touchscreen.

I found that having 400,000 'apps' that all basically do the same thing was a selling point that was totally lost on me. I want an 'app' that does what I want or need it to do, such as edit my photos in the same way I'm used to doing on my PC, using the same software I'm used to on the PC(ie. for me that's Nikon's ViewNX or CaptureNX) and not some photo viewing 'app'.
One of my main uses for this tablet device(which is really for the kids anyhow), but my use is for servicing/maintaining my car. I have the software to adjust the fuel injection on my car(in real time), and simply needed a product that could effectively use this software. There are very few Windows based tablet devices available on the market at the moment.

I've been taking it with me to work almost every day, hoping for a break where I'd have a chance to use it at least for a few minutes, but we've been flat out since I've had it.

I used it whilst driving the truck one day, as a GPS/mapping device, where it only lasted 3 hours on the battery. So I'll be looking to get the battery extender module for it(if I ever get a chance to use it that is! :rolleyes:)... but this brings me to the important point of the exercise again.. what good is access to hundreds of thousands of apps, that don't do for you what you really want them to do?
That is, and just like Xenedis pointed out, if you can't install PS/CS, or ViewNX, OziExplorer, or AutoTech2000, or whatever other software you use on your personal computer, you're simply looking for a new device to whittle away your time.

For that you really only need a stick and a knife, and they cost a lot less than a tablet device!

Oh, and FWIW, I searched for automotive apps on the iPad webpage and the closest thing to an automotive application they had listed was 'BMW TV' :D .. which I doubt will help me keep my car in tune.

One thing is for certain too tho. People want speed, not usability, and this s1080 tablet is not going to impress many people. Ipad is faster to load up and browse away, by a long shot.
This thing is a Windows computer, start up time is Windows start up time length, it loads device drivers and so forth and such like.
Once it's started and running, browsing the web is as fast as an iPad(connection dependent) is.
I haven't had the chance to use it as a 'mobile phone' yet(it has a sim card slot), and this is unimportant to me, as in, it's not why I purchased it but I will play with it one day to see if it's as useful as it sounds like it should be.
It's 3.5G capable, if that means anything to anyone.
(note: I also have a internet capable mobile phone, and in 3 years of use I doubt I've even used 5Mb's of my 200Mb/month allocated bandwidth! I'm not that much of an internet junkie).

anyhow.. I'm off to work again now.

30-06-2011, 8:26am
I think in any feature to feature comparison the iPad fails against the tablet. No doubt, if you are a power geek/IT user then an android tablet makes a lot more sense

BUT, the vast majoroty of iPad users like its instant accessibility, all the apps just work, the app store just works, the suyncing just works....even if uyou have to restore, it just works.

I wouldnt hand around a laptop at a wedding reception or football match to let 3 or 80 year olds to flick through photos - I would and have an iPad

It's thatr simple for me really - simplicity.

Ms Monny
30-06-2011, 8:46am
I was about to buy an iPad a couple of weeks ago (and my hubby can claim in on tax). I have an iPhone and a laptop but I was thinking of using it to store photos while away on my o/s holiday. Then I got to thinking about its other uses...

* I use my iPhone apps, so why would I use the iPad as well. My iPhone is alot more portable and it can make calls!

* I wouldn't carry it with me everywhere and I am not one for sitting in cafes to use their internet.

* I can't get wireless at home, so the internet on the iPad would be useless, but I use my laptop anyway.

* I wouldn't be able to PP any photos on the iPad.

* I have two kids and they would fight over the iPad for the games. They can use their DS's.

So, the only reason for having one is to not be bored on the flights and to store photos. No, for me an iPad really isn't something that I would use but I am sure it would have many merits for others.

30-06-2011, 8:57am
Bought an Ipad2 about a week ago 32g Wifi, not into movies or games so I reckoned the mid sizes capacity would do fine.
Use it mostly for storing photos, accessing the web, using Skype, whilst sitting in the sunshine on the front porch & other places around the house.
I didn't buy it to replace my 'puter but to use it where my 'puter aint. ;)
Have a mate in Melbourne & of course I had to show him my new toy. Closed down Skype on the PC & fired up the Ipad. Then, holding the tablet in front of me I gave him a tour of the house, inside & out pointing out things that had changed since his last visit.
Of course I was a little concerned that the neighbours might contact the lads in white coats but I think I got away with it.
Like most things tech these days, it's no good buying something then complaining it doesn't have certain features .... How many times have you seen posts about camera owners bemoaning the fact that their camera doesn't have functions of a more expensive job or that of another brand ?
Love my Ipad even with it's limitations just as I like my PC & camers with their limitations.

30-06-2011, 9:01am
I was about to buy an iPad a couple of weeks ago (and my hubby can claim in on tax). I have an iPhone and a laptop but I was thinking of using it to store photos while away on my o/s holiday. Then I got to thinking about its other uses...

* I use my iPhone apps, so why would I use the iPad as well. My iPhone is alot more portable and it can make calls!

>> ipad2 can use face skype - mobiel calls are becoming redundant

* I wouldn't carry it with me everywhere and I am not one for sitting in cafes to use their internet.

>> i carry it everywhere. I like coffee

* I can't get wireless at home, so the internet on the iPad would be useless, but I use my laptop anyway.

>> set up a wireless hotspot using a router conneced to your internet or even use your phone to setup a personal hotspot.

* I wouldn't be able to PP any photos on the iPad.

>> WRONG - look at apps like Nik's snapseed, filterstorm, even adobe photoshop on the iPad - can edit raw and jpeg, and post directly to website of flickr or facebook etc

* I have two kids and they would fight over the iPad for the games. They can use their DS's.

>> this is true, that's why at hoem we have TWO ipads - they use both

So, the only reason for having one is to not be bored on the flights and to store photos. No, for me an iPad really isn't something that I would use but I am sure it would have many merits for others.

>> wrong :)

30-06-2011, 9:15am
I answered yes to would I buy one but I really mean to say. If I had the spare cash to toss around after all my other gear and software it would make a very nice accessary and a great traveling companion on the two hrs a day I spend on train travel. But it would like one of those things like - what do you buy a phtographer that has everything. If it was in a professional capcity as say a pro photog, the ipad would make a great demo tool for dealing with clients and helping them select the theme of photo shoot they may want.

Ms Monny
30-06-2011, 9:19am
Originally Posted by Ms Monny
I was about to buy an iPad a couple of weeks ago (and my hubby can claim in on tax). I have an iPhone and a laptop but I was thinking of using it to store photos while away on my o/s holiday. Then I got to thinking about its other uses...

* I use my iPhone apps, so why would I use the iPad as well. My iPhone is alot more portable and it can make calls!

>> ipad2 can use face skype - mobiel calls are becoming redundant

* I use skype on my laptop anyway but I understand that this can be done.

* I wouldn't carry it with me everywhere and I am not one for sitting in cafes to use their internet.

>> i carry it everywhere. I like coffee

* I am a female and carry enough stuff with me without having another thing in my handbag. I only drink t/away coffee while driving all over the countryside! :)

* I can't get wireless at home, so the internet on the iPad would be useless, but I use my laptop anyway.

>> set up a wireless hotspot using a router conneced to your internet or even use your phone to setup a personal hotspot.

* ??? Don't know how to do this. We have a router (we are also on Satellite) but I would use my laptop anyway.

* I wouldn't be able to PP any photos on the iPad.

>> WRONG - look at apps like Nik's snapseed, filterstorm, even adobe photoshop on the iPad - can edit raw and jpeg, and post directly to website of flickr or facebook etc

* I didn't actually know about these apps - so, yes, I COULD PP images.

* I have two kids and they would fight over the iPad for the games. They can use their DS's.

>> this is true, that's why at hoem we have TWO ipads - they use both

* hahaha, thats what a friend said to me BUT you haven't met my hubby who dislikes anything techno. We only got another TV last year (= 2 now), he jumped up and down when I bought a $50 playstation cos we have a Wii and I don't think 2 iPads would actually go down too well with him. :D

So, the only reason for having one is to not be bored on the flights and to store photos. No, for me an iPad really isn't something that I would use but I am sure it would have many merits for others.

You would make a good salesman for iPads!! Might just go out and buy one now..... :D

30-06-2011, 9:33am
how do you connect your laptop to the internet ?

30-06-2011, 9:39am
if you like the concept of a tablet pc I personally would buy an android tablet over an Ipad any day. apple still cant put a damn USB port on the thing and rumours state they wont. silly really.

30-06-2011, 9:44am
David, I hated the IDEA that there was no USB Port - but, I must say, it doesnt really bother me now. I use sugarsync to sync all my files from iphone, ipad and two different desktops and it's no problem practically, and i can load photos using the camera dongle thingy.

30-06-2011, 10:27am
I have been tossing around one of the new 10" Android units, but they won't do what I want to be able to do.

I cannot use either the iPad or the Android units to copy files from my memory card to an external hard drive, which I do when I travel. If I could do that I would have one in a shot.

Editing is not a big deal for me, not greatly interested in trying to properly edit images on a 10" screen anyway.

For that reason I am, at this stage, sticking with my netbook, a little bulkier to cart around, but a whole lot more compact than a proper laptop.

30-06-2011, 10:47am
One thing I will say in favour of the Apple product is updates, if you have an iPhone/iPad, if there isan update released to the operating system you get the update, older ahrdware or not.

Android on the other hand, being open source and offered on may different brands of hardware is then reliant on the manufacturer to make the updates available, which it seems they don't always want to.
The different hardware manufacturers don't want to allow access to the new operating system on older hardware because they want you to fork out for new hardware as well.

30-06-2011, 11:19am
David, I hated the IDEA that there was no USB Port - but, I must say, it doesnt really bother me now. I use sugarsync to sync all my files from iphone, ipad and two different desktops and it's no problem practically, and i can load photos using the camera dongle thingy.

Currently I run MobileMe to sync all my devices, iPhone, iPad and Macbook and it works quite well. $99.00 a year is a bit pricey but the business pays so it is worth it. With ios5 Apple is releasing icloud which does all that MobileMe does and more, free. ios5 and the new operating system for the Macs looks like another big leap forward. $29 for the Mac operating system and free for ios5- brilliant!

30-06-2011, 11:23am
how do you connect your laptop to the internet ?

Wireless connection.

30-06-2011, 6:22pm
Well then you can also use an iPad on that same home wireless network

30-06-2011, 8:23pm
I have one and use it for browsing the internet using our wireless connection,
checking email
an e-reader
showing images to clients, it is an intuitive to use and good looking format for people to use even if they aren't familiar with it...I had a 2 1/2 year flicking through images within a minute the other day.
some great apps,

A few gripes include it not using flash player, can't do shift enter( only a prob on FB, :D), the cost of the attachment add on thingies (good apple marketing), screen gets messy quickly

....but I still use it a lot, and hubby has even started nicking it when we are watching tv in the lounge room. V2 is a better option too, but not worth the upgrade for me.

Ms Monny
01-07-2011, 7:45am
Well then you can also use an iPad on that same home wireless network

That just goes to show how much I know about all this technology! :o :eek:

Our neighbour set up our laptop for us (in exchange for a couple of beers - took him bloody ages!!) and now we have a new printer, I can't set up the laptop to the printer!!

Still, even if I could use the internet at home, still don't know if it would replace my laptop just for that reason.

01-07-2011, 10:56am
I simply love my Ipad its so versatile can't see me without one.

Barring the great apps, books and magazines that I read on it.
The Ipad is very useful for someone to look at your latest fotos
at their preferred rate :cool:

And if you have not played "Angry Birds" yet you are loosing out :p


08-07-2011, 6:18am
Horses for courses, Everytime I display my images to friends and potential clients on the Ipad, i get a big WOW, they all seem to love the ability to flick back and forwards and pass the device around easily. Slideshows with music are nice and I think most will agree that the screen display is awesome. Then of course there is the fun value of the device, gamess, movies, tv, endless apps, both free and pay. The ability to connect quickly to the internet has made it the go to device for info, in house full of Macs and laptops, yes a USB port or three would be great but there are ways around it. IMO its not the greatest device on earth, however it does what it does well, and really its not that dear. I love it and will buy the Ipad 2 soon, (this is not a paid presentation for the Apple corporation, however I am more than happy to recieve donations to the retirement fund if they wish). :th3:

11-07-2011, 5:16pm
If you have children, there is no way you could not buy one.

This is not meant to compete with iPhone, or PC or laptop....if you're buying it with the expectation that it will, you'll be disappointed.

iPad is a new category of product...and to me, it represents the beginning of the next phase in personal computing, which brings me back to why I simply had to buy it for my kids.

Some people feel they won't use it enough, but I suggest that you don't focus on how much you might use the hardware...all it does is provide a platform for the apps....and trust me, you'll find apps that you will use heaps.

I have it hanging on the wall above the coffee machine. As I make our coffee, I read the news, login to AP and check to see if I've won any competitions (did I mention that I have???) (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/apcompdisplay.php?do=display&compid=161);-) ...check the weather reports, emails....easy peasy. Then at night after the kids have been bolted down to their beds, I watch some TV and have the iPad handy to Google any obscure references I hear on the Simpsons or Two and a Half Men, then I log onto Skype and make a video call to a friend and share those inisghts.

So I challenge you now...try NOT to buy one.

11-07-2011, 10:20pm

iPad is a new category of product...and to me, it represents the beginning of the next phase in personal computing, which brings me back to why I simply had to buy it for my kids.


See this is where we get disagreement.
the problem tablets are many fold, and the major one, is that it can't replace the desktop.
If you want real computing, you still need a desktop(or laptop for less power hungry people).

All this flick browsing is available and has been available for PC for some time, but people didn't want to know about it because it didn't look 'cool'.
I read a review on the S1080 this morning, and one comment from another reder of the review was that the S1080 waas 'too thick'.
Of course the author of that comment had no idea on what they were talking about as the feeling in your hand is not different enough for compared to an iPad 2 to makee any real sense. But the S1080 is not as sleek to look at compared to the Gigabyte.
This is where the Apple products come into their own. They place form over function to the ultimate detriment of the user.

I'm currently typing up my reply(via the roll up keyboard) on the tablet now that the kids have finished playing wth it.
It's partly a desktop, partly a laptop, and in reality it's a tablet PC.

it has enough hardwired connectivity to replace any one of the three devicees it pretends to be and a features long enough to fulfil 90% of most people's needs.

My major gripe with the likes of iPad type tablets(and I think this inncludes Android powered devices too, is that they ony provide cheap thrills,annd we all know that cheap thrills have a short life cycle.
The other day, my son was brieflly playing with his mate on his mats iPad, and they were playing a game of this icehockey game that you flick a puck across thee screen.
This lasted only a few minutes and he got bored of it.

now he has access to a small portable PC in the form of this tablet, he could easily spend 24 hours in a singlee stint playing transport tycoon(OpennTTD) which of course I am fully to blame for getting him addicteed too! :p

I want a desktop. HE wants another gaming machinne .... and SHE wants another scribbly pad to write and draw with ...
The technology is nowhere near mature yet, but I believe that this is the future of computing! :th3:

16-07-2011, 8:44am
Im afraid if I bought one, my kids would find out and it wouldnt be mine anymore, just like my iphone :(

19-07-2011, 7:55pm

Im afraid if I bought one, my kids would find out and it wouldnt be mine anymore, just like my iphone :(

19-07-2011, 8:01pm
I agree it is not there yet, but it does represent the beginning of the next phase....it might not BE the next phase.

See this is where we get disagreement.
the problem tablets are many fold, and the major one, is that it can't replace the desktop.
If you want real computing, you still need a desktop(or laptop for less power hungry people).

All this flick browsing is available and has been available for PC for some time, but people didn't want to know about it because it didn't look 'cool'.
I read a review on the S1080 this morning, and one comment from another reder of the review was that the S1080 waas 'too thick'.
Of course the author of that comment had no idea on what they were talking about as the feeling in your hand is not different enough for compared to an iPad 2 to makee any real sense. But the S1080 is not as sleek to look at compared to the Gigabyte.
This is where the Apple products come into their own. They place form over function to the ultimate detriment of the user.

I'm currently typing up my reply(via the roll up keyboard) on the tablet now that the kids have finished playing wth it.
It's partly a desktop, partly a laptop, and in reality it's a tablet PC.

it has enough hardwired connectivity to replace any one of the three devicees it pretends to be and a features long enough to fulfil 90% of most people's needs.

My major gripe with the likes of iPad type tablets(and I think this inncludes Android powered devices too, is that they ony provide cheap thrills,annd we all know that cheap thrills have a short life cycle.
The other day, my son was brieflly playing with his mate on his mats iPad, and they were playing a game of this icehockey game that you flick a puck across thee screen.
This lasted only a few minutes and he got bored of it.

now he has access to a small portable PC in the form of this tablet, he could easily spend 24 hours in a singlee stint playing transport tycoon(OpennTTD) which of course I am fully to blame for getting him addicteed too! :p

I want a desktop. HE wants another gaming machinne .... and SHE wants another scribbly pad to write and draw with ...
The technology is nowhere near mature yet, but I believe that this is the future of computing! :th3:

05-09-2011, 2:14pm
I had one and didn't really have a use for it so I sold it less then a week later. Basically unless you know why you want it no point getting one...


05-09-2011, 4:56pm
I had one and didn't really have a use for it so I sold it less then a week later. Basically unless you know why you want it no point getting one...


What a shame, that so many times in the past, we told you this exact same thing. One can only hope you learn from your own words of wisdom here!

06-09-2011, 8:01am
What a shame, that so many times in the past, we told you this exact same thing. One can only hope you learn from your own words of wisdom here!

Totally agree Rick :)

06-09-2011, 11:51am
Thread closed at OP request