View Full Version : Enlarger lens for Medium Format

28-06-2011, 5:04pm
Hi, hope this is right place to post this, i have recently bought a Mamiya m645 1000s kit and it has turned out to be wonderful, i have shot a few rolls and am very happy with it.

I have developed both rolls at home in my darkroom and now need to print a few, i have a Durst m600 and a m301 enlarger, I only have a Nikkor 50 EL & Rodenstock 60 lens, I understand i need a larger lens to print MF prints, can any body recommend a size to me please.

Many thanks in advance.

28-06-2011, 7:03pm
G'day Leeston

The enlarger lens mm is usually the same as the camera's 'normal' lens ..... ie- 75mm for a 6x6cm, maybe 60mm for a 6x4,5
In times long ago, I have used a wide angle camera lens in the [35mm] enlarger to achieve a super-wide blow up - don't know whether this is possible for the 6x4,5 system

Any help??
Regards, Phil

28-06-2011, 8:05pm
Thank you Ozzie, I have done a heap of searching in different boards and it seems that i need to get hold of a 75mm or up to get the job done.

Thank you for your thoughts.

29-06-2011, 9:27am
I collect enlarger lenses, so I have way more of them than I care to admit. Yeah I know, weird hobby. Whatever...

In any case. Lenses around 75/80/90/105mm are usually designed for medium format use, but remember medium format ranges from 6x4.5 to about 6x7. Lenses in the 60-63mm focal length are not normally medium format lenses. If you use a longer lens (towards 105mm) then you will be using more of it's central section or sweet spot but you might be limited in the size of the enlargement because your enlarger will need to be racked up higher. It's a bit of a compromise.

Enlarger lenses are VERY cheap as there is no longer any demand for them so you will have no trouble getting a very good one at a reasonable price, ie less than $100.

I would suggest the following to you. I've linked to some examples on Evilbay ONLY so you can see the lenses I am referring to, I am not recommending those ACTUAL lenses from those sellers or anything like that. Do your own shopping/research re price, condition etc.

Nikon EL-Nikkor 75/4 M39 mount lens (an excellent and extremely undervalued lens, although only 4 element (IIRC) so it may have some edge sharpness issues, compared to 'better' lenses but I have never noticed a problem when using it with 6x4.5 format negs)

Rodenstock Rodagon 80/4 M39 mount lens (long story short, do not buy anything other than a Rodagon which is the premium Rodenstock lens. Other Rodenstock lenses can be cheaper offerings or intended for other applications so may not perform as well as Rodagons)

Schneider Componon-S, 80/5.6 or 100/5.6 (I haven't personally used either but the 100/5.6 Componon-S is considered to be one of the best enlarging lenses on the market. I'm not sure what their mount is, DO NOT assume it is M39, so you would need to check that they fit your enlarger)

Make sure you get a lens that fits your enlarger otherwise you will be chasing a flange which might cost you as much as the lens itself, if you are unlucky.

If you want to go all out then get this baby, $3300 USD for an APO-El-Nikkor 105/5.6, http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Apo-El-Nikkor-105mm-Nikon-Enlarging-f-5-6-Lens-/160588051280?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2563cb3350

TBH, I wouldn't think twice about this. I would buy a 75/4 El-Nikkor and be done with it.


29-06-2011, 4:43pm
Thank you very much John

That is great information you have supplied there, I will go with the 75/4.

Again thanks for the detailed answer, I think your reply falls into the above and beyond section.


29-06-2011, 9:01pm
No problem....:)