View Full Version : Insuring your gear

26-06-2011, 1:30pm
I am very quickly coming to realise that photography gear is expensive; with bodies, lenses, filters, flash units, tripods etc the cost all add up to a few thousand very quickly. :eek:

I was wondering how many of you have got your gear insured? What type of insurance you went for and what experiences you have had with premiums,claims etc? I did run a few searches but could only find threads from like 2007 with my sub-standard forum searching skills. :)

26-06-2011, 1:49pm
I you do a search it's been covered a few times already :)

26-06-2011, 2:23pm
Yea, like kiwi said. This topic appears a few times over the last yr or so. Possible some of the older threads have been purged but not sure. Anyways, like I have said before. I have itemised my gear with my insurer under house and content but have taken aditional cover for when I am out and about which also includeds accidental damage. The additional cost to my policy per yr was about a 15th the cost of my gear so fair trade off I reckon. My friend is with the same insurer with the same addition (we both work for the company) and did a theft claim during the floods - the focus was on the flood victims (we were one of the insurers that guaranteed flood cover - oops did I give it away) at the time so was a little longer to process but got new for old replacement on his stolen item.

26-06-2011, 2:40pm
You can get specific camera gear insurance, or if you only use of for personal use, often you can add it to your home and contents insurance as specific items. If you are using your gear commercially/professionally, then talk to the people who provide your public liability insurance.

26-06-2011, 2:49pm
You can get specific camera gear insurance, or if you only use of for personal use, often you can add it to your home and contents insurance as specific items. If you are using your gear commercially/professionally, then talk to the people who provide your public liability insurance.

Good point Rick - mine is personal hobby only.

26-06-2011, 2:59pm
re searching, its not hard. I typed one word into the AP search facility, that word was 'insurance'.

I got 14 results, here are some of them:
