View Full Version : Captions

20-06-2011, 10:47pm
I will be scanning old family photos, & want to put a caption on the foot of the photo [not imbedding in the photo itself], so that the caption is part of the photo when its printed.
The caption will be different for each photo - people's names, etc.
I have PSE9 & LR3 but they dont appear to do what I want.
Any ideas?

21-06-2011, 4:30am
Try increasing the canvas size, then add a text layer. I use cs5 the canvas size is in the image menu, text is on the toolbar - look for a button with a "T".

21-06-2011, 5:33am
Do you want the caption to be on the photo or on a border?

On a border, use hakka's method, increase the canvas size in Elements and then use the text tool to write your words on the border. Remember to select a different font colour to the border colour or you will wonder why you cannot see anything.

If you want the text on the actual photos, just use the text tool. You may need to change colour at times, depending on the colour of the photo itself, so that the text is visible.

21-06-2011, 9:34am
^ and ^. And if you have NOT used the Text feature before in Elements, you will need to flatten the text layer before you can save the result as a jpeg. (If there is no other apparent method, do a Layer - Flatten Image.)

21-06-2011, 9:11pm
Thanks guys!
I knew there would have to be a way, but I couldn't find it on my own.