View Full Version : square filter for any lens

20-06-2011, 4:04pm
I was watching a photography tips channel on youtube and noticed that photographer has some kind of attachment in front of lens where he was swapping different kind of filters. Filter were square and i assume they can be fit to any lens.

I searched internet but couldn't find that kind of attachment.

has anybody used that kind of setup?

20-06-2011, 4:08pm
Cokin P System, Cokin Z-Pro System, Lee filter system..and more

20-06-2011, 4:54pm
This link may help as well http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cokin

PS: For some reason there is no active Cokin Site ?

20-06-2011, 5:11pm
This link may help as well http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cokin

PS: For some reason there is no active Cokin Site ?

There is a rumour going round that Cokin have gone under. When I was chasing adaptor rings a retailer told me they had received a letter fromt he supplier that Cokin was under Administration.

20-06-2011, 5:16pm
I Googled "Lee Filter Systems " and got a big explaination of why they cant supply Filters :(

20-06-2011, 5:41pm
thanks for the info

above link is 404

i was searching at wrong place. I was searching camera retailer's sites but didn't search for square filter on Google.

i am bit surprised as well that i never came across them before

21-06-2011, 10:55am
I got this site:


So basically, what are they? Easy to swap filters? Some of the stuff looks SO cool!

21-06-2011, 11:37am
I got this site:


So basically, what are they? Easy to swap filters? Some of the stuff looks SO cool!

The www.cokin.com site seems to have gone walkabout.

If you are doing landscapes and use graduated filters, the Cokin stlye filer is the best option by a long shot. Also, if you have a variety of lenses with different filter sizes, you can buy one set of filters and then an adapter for each lens.

21-06-2011, 1:09pm
What's the use of the square filters?

Could always try using Instagram. lol

21-06-2011, 1:26pm
What's the use of the square filters?

Could always try using Instagram. lol

Not quite the same , In a nut shell , If your into landscapes and or Sunrises/Sunsets Putting on the set of Cokin,Lee, Sing Ray and others On the front of your lens , It's like putting on a pair of sunnies over the top half of the image, This helps to even out the exposure on the whole scene , Other wise if you expose for the sky , The FG will be dark , Visea versa, If you expose for the FG the sky will be blown out , You can also try manual exposure blending of two or three images in your editing program :)