View Full Version : A link to some outstanding images

20-06-2011, 9:54am
wouldnt I love to shoot like this....


20-06-2011, 10:11am
Have to agree with you.

Ms Monny
20-06-2011, 10:40am
WOW! These are absolutely beautiful. Def shows that timing is just as important as lighting, aperature etc etc. Thanks for sharing :th3:

James T
21-06-2011, 11:32am
Some exceptionally good photographs in there. And, some ... other photographs. ;)

21-06-2011, 12:16pm
Some exceptionally good photographs in there. And, some ... other photographs. ;)agreed. some did nothing for me. some are simply outstanding tho!

21-06-2011, 12:21pm
Stunning photos

I really enjoyed the link (http://www.webdesigncore.com/2010/11/24/40-breathtaking-examples-of-bird-photography/)at the bottom of that page on that site to Bird Photos, some truely stunning captures there .

Thanks Kiwi for sharing .

21-06-2011, 1:08pm
Wow X factor 9. Dont know if thats inspiring or demoralising. Probably both. Thanks Kiwi.

21-06-2011, 2:03pm
Two thoughts:

1. Some of those images are amazing.

2. I suck.

old dog
21-06-2011, 2:13pm
some great ones here Kiwi. Thanks for the link.

24-06-2011, 10:01am
The one titled "The World’s Most Beautiful Skyline"....

Consider I am originally from Hong Kong - I am quite doubt one can still take the same picture again EVER due to the heavily polluted air!!

24-06-2011, 10:50am
I agree there's a couple of average ones, but some amazing ones too. Huge case of right place right time for a lot of them, too.

Some of my faves were the dancing ant (###?!), the little duck scooping up out of the water, the ant clinging onto the bee hanging from a leaf, that stupid kitty on the million metre high railing, the snail on the mushroom and that shell at sunrise is one of the most brilliant sunrise pics I ever recall seeing.

24-06-2011, 11:59am
European Bee-eater fight: excellent shot, nothing unusual though
Go for it: any good bird photographer will have better ones
Colorado Balloon Classic – Day 2: very striking! But over-saturated
The Lincoln Memorial: brilliant!
Qué MARAVILLA MI PARAÍSO!: no idea what this means; would be so much better without the people mucking it up. Nevetheless, full marks
Amazing Thailand: extraordinary sceene!
Powder kiting: pointless
Central london from the sky: so what?
Boo!: excellent!
Cat: how did he do that?! Extraordinary.
Yorkville waterfall: waste of perfectly good electrons
Barn Owl eating a small white mouse: no idea why they thought this was good enough to put here
We could stay in this moment for the rest of our lives: no idea why they though this was good enough to not delete in-camera
Two captains: a family happy snap: bleaugh
The Desert Angel: contrived. But very striking! On balance, I really like it.
The World’s Most Beautiful Skyline: who are you kidding? Hasn't even got a straight horizon!
Fresh Jupiler: I suppose Jupiler is a sort of beer? Clever, I guess. Does nothing for me. Or for anyone else much, I guess. Perhaps you have to love the brand of beer.
Illuminate: a moderately striking effect, seems to lack emotional connection with anything in particular. Good shot but who would bother remembering it? Probably needs colour.
Macro Flower closeup Water drops pink: garish, very good. But our own Teitzy does even gooder ones.
Guess who I am: pay that
Sick fearless bastard: Pay this one too
Me, Myself and I: Yes, excellent work indeed.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: Superb! Probably the best shot on this page.
Encircled: I think you might have to be familiar with the aurora borealis. To my Australian eyes, it just looks weird and unnatural.
The Photographer: A simply fantastic scene wrecked by the ugly person in the middle of it. The wreckage is so palpable, and so annoying, that I think the photograph actually counts as a really, really good one insofar as it made me really angry, and isn't that the job of a photograph? To move people's emotions?
Peaceful Dream: too schlocky by a long, long way. The dreamy-schlock PP is way over the top. Yuk!
Baskeeeeett: Would probably be a great shot if I didn't completely hate basketball! :) Actually very weird - the juxtaposition of a natural scene with the enrtirely artificial, mostly indoor sort of basketball is eyecatching.
Break Dance: superb
At it on a back a small house: nope. Needs a sense of eye contact, and really really needs more sensible PP of the colours. That blue just doesn't work.
Barn Owl: good.
The Egret And The Sun: nope. Great concept, not quite executed right. Some of the flare distracts too much from the bird. Still good work, but doesn't ring the bell.
Eye Eye Captain: what is the story wityh those colours? Nope.
Cengkram: superb!
Trzyszcz piaskowy: yep, absolutely
Red bull: a photograph of an ordinary subject, framed in an ordinary way, which nevertheless manages to convey an enormous amount of information and feeling about that subject. This shot really works. Truly excellent!
Fly: good but not great
Blinded by the light: bit of a cliche - but who cares? Wonderful scene, perfectly captured.
Yippee ki-yay mother: yes. good one
Abstract Creation: no. If you want to be abstract, be abstract. If you want to be taking pictures of people, take pictures of people. If you want to be cute and be abstract but stick a tiny little person in there as a surprise, don't stick therm in the middle of the damn frame!
The American Falls Beauty at Night: bleagh, whatever
dj sugar: OK, I'll accept that cat picture, despite it being a rule that you should never bother looking at cat pictures, let alone take them.
The American Alligator’s Bite Force: see next one below
Duck Dance: farnarkle me I'm getting bloody tired of this over-processed, saturated-to-buyggery look nearly every picture on this page seems to delight in. Why wreck a perfectly good - indeed excellent - picture by post-processing it into oblivion?
The Shell: weird. But good.
Wheelchair Racing: yes, I like it. So much more meaningful and purposeful and worthwhile than these endless petrolhead pictures you see around.
Cool Blue: looks unnatural - but probably only because it's from some foreign place which doesn't look like anything I ever see.
Shepherd: for once, needs a better title. Presumably, there is a message in all that dust - I'd be telling tales of land abuse and overgrazing, or poverty, or drought. Whart is this picture telling us? Without some words, nothing.

24-06-2011, 1:28pm
Some really beautiful shots there.
I really liked the cave one and the sand angel one.

The balloon one looks really familiar to me, I swear I've seen it on advertising or packaging somewhere before.

24-06-2011, 1:40pm
trust tony to critique every photos there :p

of course you are right about them. some are very good, but there are some truely bland ones there.

24-06-2011, 2:48pm
trust tony to critique every photos there :p

Mate, it is such a luxury not to have to be kind and thoughtful the way I am when I am critiquing a picture from someone I know!

(OK, OK, I expect that no-one has ever noticed me being kind and thoughtful while critiquing some poor bugger's pictures here at AP, but it's not my fault if you are not observant and miss stuff. Why, I was particularly kind and thoughtful to an AP member as recently as 2009! A Tuesday, I think it was.)

24-06-2011, 3:12pm
Mate, it is such a luxury not to have to be kind and thoughtful the way I am when I am critiquing a picture from someone I know!

(OK, OK, I expect that no-one has ever noticed me being kind and thoughtful while critiquing some poor bugger's pictures here at AP, but it's not my fault if you are not observant and miss stuff. Why, I was particularly kind and thoughtful to an AP member as recently as 2009! A Tuesday, I think it was.):lol2:

24-06-2011, 3:29pm
Thanks, after my day today, I needed a lift :lightning:

24-06-2011, 4:29pm
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but this post that came to me via an e-newsletter has some excellent sites of photographers readers have a crush on:


24-06-2011, 6:19pm
Some exceptionally good photographs in there. And, some ... other photographs. ;)


the majority were very nice.