View Full Version : Some pictures from our trip to Japan *Dialup Warning*

17-06-2011, 11:19pm
Hi peeps, not sure if I've posted this in the right area. I just wanted to share a few images from our trip to Japan. I thought some people might enjoy them. 99% we're taken with my 5dmk2 and 24-70L, a handful with my 35L. I took along my flash too but actually only used it once or twice. The rest were a combination of my iphone and my partners point and shoot.

I planned to do a blog entry every day but ended up having so much fun that doing it everyday just wasn't feasable so I did an entry every few days. If anyones interested feel free to check it out. Just follow the link in my signature and follow the blog link on the top of the page.

I didn't mean to post so many images, I just have so many favourites... We had so many great times on this trip!

Hope you enjoy.

Checking in at the airport, 3am.

Yodobashi Camera :)

Gold Pavilion Temple, Kyoto

Souvenir shopping in Kyoto

Some dressed up tourists in Kyoto, the guy was also a photographer doing a photoshoot with of his partner

Dinner at a rooftop bar in Gion

Yakiniku (Korean BBQ), the restaurant was called Toraji, absolutely blew me away it was delicious

Sumo's even shop at Yodobashi!

Tokyo Disneyland

Tokyo Disneyland

Somewhere in Shinjuku

Sensoji Temple

Sensoji Temple

Sensoji Temple

18 photo panorama taken and processed with my iphone of Nishi-Shinjuku

Ryokan we stayed at in country Kyoto

23 photo panorama of Kyoto Station

18-06-2011, 6:13pm
great set of images from what looks like a great holiday, it would of been hard walking out of the camera shop without some toys :th3:
fav would be the bridge with the carp

18-06-2011, 6:14pm
great set of images from what looks like a great holiday, it would of been hard walking out of the camera shop without some toys :th3:
fav would be the bridge with the carp

18-06-2011, 10:00pm
I remember Kyoto Station. I was there in December 2000. Amazing building, especially that huge tiered outdoor area.


18-06-2011, 11:19pm
great set of images from what looks like a great holiday, it would of been hard walking out of the camera shop without some toys :th3:
fav would be the bridge with the carp

The camera store was one of the highlights for me. I've never seen so much gear on display! They sell all kinds of stuff not just cameras, the store spans 10 levels and is pretty big. It's pretty overwhelming actually, all I eneded up buying in the end was a leather wrist strap for my camera which cost me a whole $15, and a case for my iphone. We went back another 2 times to different stores around Japan. I was about to buy a Fuji X100 at the Osaka store on our last day but they'd run out of stock. Probably a good thing as my bank account took a real beating this past 2 weeks!

I remember Kyoto Station. I was there in December 2000. Amazing building, especially that huge tiered outdoor area.

Osaka Station looked even more full on!

19-06-2011, 6:23am
The camera store was one of the highlights for me. I've never seen so much gear on display! They sell all kinds of stuff not just cameras, the store spans 10 levels and is pretty big. It's pretty overwhelming actually, all I eneded up buying in the end was a leather wrist strap for my camera which cost me a whole $15, and a case for my iphone. We went back another 2 times to different stores around Japan. I was about to buy a Fuji X100 at the Osaka store on our last day but they'd run out of stock. Probably a good thing as my bank account took a real beating this past 2 weeks!

Osaka Station looked even more full on!

Yeah, but not as cool :cool: