View Full Version : Upcoming Lunar Eclipses - AM 16 June (TOMORROW) and 10-11 DECEMBER

15-06-2011, 6:09am
We have a lunar eclipse happening from about 5.20 AEST tomorrow morning. I will go just up the road where there are nice mountain silhouettes for a backdrop. I can take the van and sit in comfort with thermos of hot coffee and laptop.

And another one in on 10-11 DECEMBER - article here (http://www.iceinspace.com.au/63-619-0-0-1-0.html)

I am planning to set up the camera in interval timing and see if I can collate a time lapse video. The the H2 lets you set it up for interval timing with up to 255 exposures. I'm going to do a 'test run' at moonrise tonight (I can set it up on my verandah facing east). Can someone suggest how long the interval should be? I thought I would make it Aperture priority on f8, ISO will be 100 or 200 (it's a noisy bugger).

I can choose Number of exposures, from 2 – 255; and Interval duration, from 1 second – 24 hours. 30 secs was suggested on IceinSpace which probably sounds about right.

old dog
15-06-2011, 8:12am
I don`t think the weather will be favourable Odille........it`s still p.......g down here.:(

15-06-2011, 8:45am
Adelaide timing 3:52AM the moon will be its darkest

Clear skies expected


15-06-2011, 9:24am
I don`t think the weather will be favourable Odille........it`s still p.......g down here.:(

Haven't seen the sky for a good week or so, not holding out hope for tomorrow being anything different lol.

15-06-2011, 10:26am
Adelaide timing 3:52AM the moon will be its darkest

Clear skies expected


Kym, you lucky folk further south might get extra special colours due to the volcanic ash plume.

Sorry for tantalising those beset by clouds, maybe the Sept one will have better conditions for you.

15-06-2011, 4:37pm

Just a heads up.

Enjoy mates!

15-06-2011, 4:57pm
I doubt anywhere around Sydney will even get a sniff of this one. :(

15-06-2011, 5:26pm
Eclipse of the Moon, alright: by clouds!:(

15-06-2011, 6:01pm
I am heading out, not sure where yet, but this high cloud is a pain.... Will make some interesting images....

BTW Odille The 30s per exposure should give you 2.125hrs of exposure time. Are you sure that is long enough if you want to go from first contact to moonset given you can only do up to 255 images? You could always increase the interval to 5 sec or even 10 sec....

Anyway good luck with it...

15-06-2011, 6:04pm
I am heading out, not sure where yet, but this high cloud is a pain.... Will make some interesting images....

BTW Odille The 30s per exposure should give you 2.125hrs of exposure time. Are you sure that is long enough if you want to go from first contact to moonset given you can only do up to 255 images? You could always increase the interval to 5 sec or even 10 sec....

Anyway good luck with it...

Yes, I night make it 45 seconds. I did my moonrise test of 60 images on 30 sec interval and it came up well. Now I have to work out how to stick 'em together. Can I do it in iMovie, does anyone know?

15-06-2011, 6:33pm
I don't think you want to doing 45 or even 30 second exposures. The moon will track across the sky and you WILL get movement blur. You don't need long exposures for the moon.

15-06-2011, 6:35pm
I see you mean interval between images. Sorry. Continue. This threw me off:

BTW Odille The 30s per exposure should give you 2.125hrs of exposure time.

15-06-2011, 6:43pm
what would be the best time on the east coast to get pictures? it says maximum eclise is at 6.13 on east coast. Is that when the moon is orange?
Id like to get pics of the orange moon, the other things are too early for me :eek: I usually get up at 9.30 so 6 am will be harsh for me. :)

15-06-2011, 7:06pm
Its supposed to be clear here in Central Victoria, but also -2, so I look forward to seeing the photo's posted on AP. (or see what the temp is in September)

15-06-2011, 8:21pm
The sky above Sydney is clearing....

Do I set the alarm and risk rising for nothing if the clouds return?

15-06-2011, 8:30pm
I'm getting up at 5 am as always so I'm hoping there'll be a few gaps in the clouds. Nothing ventured nothing gained you late risers, you can always go back to bed ! ;)

15-06-2011, 8:45pm
Hmmmph! Cloudy and windy........

15-06-2011, 8:55pm
http://www.skippysky.com.au/Australia/ Cloudy :(

15-06-2011, 10:56pm
Think I will check this out over here in WA. Apparently we will get the best show 2:30am-4:30am:th3:

16-06-2011, 2:26am
Times for UTC (Greenwich) and our various time zones & NZ (i do not know how to make this stay as a table)

Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 17:24:34 - 03:24:34 - 02:54:34 - 01:24:34 - 05:24:34
Partial Eclipse Begins: 18:22:56 - 04:22:56 - 03:52:56 - 02:22:56 - 06:22:56
Total Eclipse Begins: 19:22:30 - 05:22:30 - 04:52:30 - 03:22:30 - 07:22:30
Greatest Eclipse: 20:12:37 - 06:12:37 - 05:42:37 - 04:12:37 - 08:12:37
Total Eclipse Ends: 21:02:42 - 07:02:42 - 06:32:42 - 05:02:42 - 09:02:42
Partial Eclipse Ends: 22:02:15 - 08:02:15 - 07:32:15 - 06:02:15 - 10:02:15
Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 23:00:45 - 09:00:45 - 08:30:45 - 07:00:45 - 11:00:45

Moon will set in totality for east coast

I @ M
16-06-2011, 4:38am
That was quite impressive, clear skies and and cold enough outside to chill my coffee before I managed to drink it, can they schedule the next one for Summer please. :D
It wasn't as red as I would have liked, more a dirty brown and no I didn't take any photos which is probably a good thing because I reckon that the young 'roo that bolted through the yard narrowly missing me on its way home might just have taken out the tripod and camera if they had been set up. :eek:

16-06-2011, 9:30am
I got about 5 minutes to see it before it went behind clouds never to return. And while I was trying to fiddle with my camera at 5am, it turns out after I changed the iso from 6400 to 400, the camera didnt do it and took every picture at 6400 so the detail is completely shot! :eek: :Doh:

16-06-2011, 10:37pm
moon, close to 50% crop. iso 6400 :lol: :Doh:


lucky i did not have to brave the cold, just stick the camera out the window. :p


17-06-2011, 3:49am
I just realised that should be 10-11 December! Ack, old timers again. I'll ask Rick to change the title.

17-06-2011, 5:18am
I was going to reply a little earlier but sleep got in the way, the next Eclipse is indeed December. Which should be an interesting one to photograph also, right next to an open star cluster, so those with lots of zoom may be able to capture both..