View Full Version : where do I find 'topaz' program and noise reduction programs.

fairy bombs
14-06-2011, 7:34pm

I am seeking information on finding some software,and instruction on how to use noise reduction software,I have also been told my images are unexceptable on forums like this, as I do not use 'topaz',so will need to get one,where do I buy it?And how do I use it?

Thanks for any pointers to find these things.

Cheers FB

14-06-2011, 7:38pm
I cannot say I'm familiar with the software you're seeking, but I'm more interested in dealing with the cause of your problem rather than the symptoms.

Noise in images can be caused by a variety of things, from capture to post-processing.

Firstly, what camera are you using?

Further to that, at which ISO setting are you shooting?

If you could post an example of one of your images with the EXIF data in tact, we can look at it and see where you might be going wrong.

14-06-2011, 7:39pm
Google topaz and you'll find their site, you can buy online....But...all software post processing software like photoshop etc has built in noise reduction and there are many other programs like noise ninja, dfine, neat image etc

I don't know what thread of yours is declared unacceptable due to noise ?

14-06-2011, 8:36pm
Why are they unacceptable? and who said such nonsense??

15-06-2011, 4:48am
Why are they unacceptable? and who said such nonsense??

This is what I'd like to know too!

it's one thing to express an opinion such as "the images have too much noise" , but to label them as "unacceptable" for simple sharing is idiotic at best!!

Ignore the comments, lower your camera's ISO a little, learn about how to effect a good exposure and forget about the NEED to use Topaz for noise redcution.

Besides, there may be a free option that may also work depending on how much NR is required for each image.

15-06-2011, 6:27am
I agree, whoever told you you need to use topaz, needs to be taken out the back and given an attitude adjustment. I have NEVER used it!

Learning how to PP is important, but develop your own style, try things, find what works for you, and then go with it. Noise reduction is really only necessary if you are shooting at high ISO's.

I think we need to start with knowing what editing software you use, and from there we can start to make some recommendation and assist in the post processing learning curve. One of the best places to look is Youtube. If you google something like 'Photoshop noise reduction" you will get several video tutorials that will enlighten you, and you can pause them and copy the tutorial in photoshop as you go, learning each step, by actually doing it.

So ignore the detractors, join in here, and learn, and do not go and buy topaz cause some goose told you to!

fairy bombs
15-06-2011, 7:53am
Thanks everyone for your help and advice and assistance,It really helps
I am using CS 5,but I am going to go back to using the Canon DDP software that came with camera,first,
and then use CS 5 for borders and similar.

I have been selling images to my U.K publishing agent,and he has never said anything about 'noise' on my images.
But occasionally I have the odd few people here tell me my images are not good due to noise,-that is why I rarely
post here.I was also told by someone on this forum that a Canon 50D is no good,because of the high noise,I thought
I might have to sell it and buy a 7D,But its only the same couple of people that find these 'faults' so may be I should'nt
worry too much.

I sometimes have to use iso 400,for birds and aircraft in flight,so I can up the speed as much as possible,so might try using
lower iso and lower speeds.I'll follow up the suggestions here-they have been helpful.

Thanks FB

15-06-2011, 8:23am
There might have been a bit of noise in the sky of the square tail kite which could probably have been removed, but the two macro shots that I have had a look at seem fine to me.
Noise reduction in the camera raw in CS5 is pretty good start and you can do more in the photoshop if needed.
Have a look at Damiens blog, http://damiensymonds.blogspot.com/ and type noise into the search also type noiseware community in and read these .

15-06-2011, 8:35am
Yeah I agree with the above, noise can be a problem sometimes and there is software to counter it. often a selective blur will solve the problem if it isn't in a detail area of the image ie:sky etc
There's lots of tutorials dealing with noise reduction and ways to counter it with the software you already have. Master what you have before you spent your hard earned looking for "easy fixes". :D

15-06-2011, 9:14am
Thanks everyone for your help and advice and assistance,It really helps
I am using CS 5,but I am going to go back to using the Canon DDP software that came with camera,first,
and then use CS 5 for borders and similar.

I have been selling images to my U.K publishing agent,and he has never said anything about 'noise' on my images.
But occasionally I have the odd few people here tell me my images are not good due to noise,-that is why I rarely
post here.I was also told by someone on this forum that a Canon 50D is no good,because of the high noise,I thought
I might have to sell it and buy a 7D,But its only the same couple of people that find these 'faults' so may be I should'nt
worry too much.

I sometimes have to use iso 400,for birds and aircraft in flight,so I can up the speed as much as possible,so might try using
lower iso and lower speeds.I'll follow up the suggestions here-they have been helpful.

Thanks FB

Hmmm, I think you may be getting the wrong advise IMO. I don't think you will find much benefit noise wise between the 50D and 7D. Noise is a result of the technology, high MegaPixel / crop sensor = noise. This is a very crude way of putting it but is correct as a generalisation I believe. I have been discussing this noise topic for a while and in my experience it pans out like this. I always try to shoot at the lowest ISO possible but find up to iso 800 more than acceptable for outside use if the light is a bit lacking. I wouldn't think you would be having too many noise issues at 400 unless you have a sensor issue. I have also found that minimising noise is a lot about getting the exposure etc associated settings correct. There is a few threads on here about noise and my thread on the same topic has a lot of uselfull info in it from fellow members and would be worth a read from what you are saying.

I would take it with a grain of salt the comments about your images being no good due to noise. If you do have concerns post some images on the forum and let the many very experienced members give advise and I cn assue you they will be very helpful.
About posting - please do post photos on this site, you will gain a wealth of knowledge from (always supportive) comments and I think you will be able to be much more informed on the noise issues you have been told of.

Finally - noise is a fact of photography and conditions will rarely be perfect. The key to controlling noise is knowledge and experience, find the place and level of correction where it fits into your PP workflow.

Anyone that tells you the 50D is no good for phtography is mis-informed - like many DSLR bodies, with the right glass bolted onto the front the 50D is a superb camera and I am very happy with mine.

Bit of a rant, but I feel you have been totally mis guided by some of the commetns about your 50d and noise. One last thing, if your images were that bad, why is a UK publisher buying them? :-)

Hope this helps.

fairy bombs
15-06-2011, 11:20am
thanks Mike.

Yes,I will post some more images here now.I find its usually only one or two people that say negative things,and one starts to wonder.

I have made a fair bit of money out of royalties from some of my images,mainly in international publications.so may be should'nt worry
too much.I tend to spend less money on bodies and put most of my fund into good L glass or similar quality lenses.Thanks for pointing out
that the 7D may not be a huge improvement of noise issues.I thought I might have to get one.I'd like not to buy one-and one day try
for the 5D2 or 5D3.

In the meantime I will follow up these helpful post in PP. cheers

15-06-2011, 12:08pm
One could say that unless you have a little noise you might not be trying hard enough :)