View Full Version : ownership to restricted license

14-06-2011, 2:12pm
afternoon all ,
My local Ag ( very very small ) show has started its advertising and in the paper this morning was a bit about a special photo competition ring this number to find out yadayada........so I did.

It turns out to be a competition between the area show committee's. You take 5 photos in your local show pavilion ( where they have the handicrafts, schools stuff, cooking wool etc ) with no people in them. Special permission is granted to have access to the pavilion on the evening before judging.
Submit your 5 prints ( mounted on cardboard ) before the end of the month to the P A & H society for judging. No entry fee.....prize money $50.

The winning entry is then judged against the winning entries from the other P A & H societies . The prize money for that ( 1st $500 ) is awarded to the P A & H society. Its basically a fund raising idea for the show societies I reckon and I have no problem with that. They struggle really badly trying to raise the readies.

But I had a problem with the wording on the entry. It stated " once submitted the ownership is given to the show society".
I asked them to change it to once " submitted the photos have a restricted licence to the P A & H society...which they happily did.

I cant see how I can stand to make a million $ out of pics of an old, dark dusty badly lit shed but they are my pics......I am happy for them to use them but I don't think they should own them?

What do you reckon?

14-06-2011, 3:01pm
I agree

14-06-2011, 3:12pm
I agree

Me too.

But, there may be many who are happy to supply them with a free photo stream. :(

14-06-2011, 4:29pm
Well done Jan - good pickup

14-06-2011, 4:46pm
I actually think its a case of they just didn't know and I didn't want to step on toes. lol. The secretary had no idea where the entry form came from.......I only hope is that they have a 'real' judge this year! Someone with some qualifications other than Facebook would be nice.....

14-06-2011, 9:13pm
A lot of times people organising these things just need a bit of guidance. I've found that it is worth speaking out and "helping" to enlighten those who organise competitions. Good work and well done.

15-06-2011, 6:00am
Agree with William, the local show society probably doesn't really have much of an idea about copyright etc, so they grab some rules from somewhere and just use them. Good on your enlightening them a little. If you are so inclined, and as you say photos of the inside of a pavillion won't make you a $M, so how about offering up your services to help out with the competition next year? Give them a light guiding hand and you never know, with a photographer amongst the organising committee, you might just be able to get them to think outside their box (the pavillion) and improve, advance the whole competition, for the benefit of the photographers, community etc. Hell you might even get the local butcher to sponsor it and give away a side of beef or something, and get the winning photos displayed on his wall for a month. Get the community involved and talking about the photography talent within the area.

15-06-2011, 6:40am
I am on that track already Rick......and there is small town politics involved thus I am being quite careful where I stick my big foot and even bigger mouth :) They have quite good local sponsor ship......tho I didn't see the local camera place on the list. The whole thing is pretty archaic.........the schedule was written in the 50's I reckon. Anyone want to enter the ' best and prettiest apron '.......
I am hoping to get a small number of photographers up to take pics of the pavilion. I am happy to provide lights etc ( my lunch time schoolies may be interested ). It would be great experience for us all. The secretary said if she could get enough entries it would go to the paper and she would try to get display space in a shop window......great advertising for the show :) If the entries that I looked at were an example, there is only one way to go and that is up. I am hoping I can get more school involvement as well........there was 1 primary school entry last year. I am pretty sure I am the only person that has enquired about it....thus far . We have till early September. I will try to get into the ear of the bird at the high school........and see who knows who at the primary schools :)
The biggest issue is getting past the stewards.....if you have a camera you must be a photographer ....right? The fact that they are real estate people who dont use good photos doesnt count .....:eek:

15-06-2011, 6:41am
If you want to contact me direct, I would be happy to assist in you helping them with a workable and fair set of terms and conditions.

17-06-2011, 8:59am
Ahh! the fun of small country towns. You have to learn to love them!