View Full Version : Blue Pic when working with Appeture Setting

14-06-2011, 12:06pm
I am a very amature photographer and I have a Cannon EOS 550D and when I try to play with the AV (appeture setting) alot of my photos come out looking blue.

I have attached a pic to show you what I mean.

I have played around with all the settings and read the manual and have started to read the photography course on this website but I cannot fix my problem.

Thank you so much


JM Tran
14-06-2011, 12:14pm
what white balance is the camera on Alicia?

Mary Anne
14-06-2011, 4:13pm
I agree with the above you have probably got the WB on one the artificial Light settings instead of Shade

14-06-2011, 4:15pm
Or the auto is getting it horribly wrong.

Try different WB settings. Or, if you know what it means to shoot in RAW, do that.

14-06-2011, 4:16pm
Or, get the dog to breathe out. :p

15-06-2011, 9:55pm
Thank you so much. Yes, I had the WB setting on Tungsten Light. So much to check. So much to learn but thank you all. Yes Scotty I will try shooting in RAW but I havent learnt much about what RAW is about yet. Slowly getting there, but i deffinately have a long long way to go.

I will have another go at shooting tomorrow and playing with WB. Thank you everyone. :)