View Full Version : Ipad ... To buy or not to buy .... That is the question.

13-06-2011, 9:55am
Been toying with the idea of getting an Ipad 2. Good idea or otherwise ??
Reason for choosing Ipad over similar gadgets is because I use an IMac & am very satisfied with it (I do have a foot in both camps though :rolleyes:)
Read a few reviews but still undecided .... Anyone on the forum wish to share opinions / experiences ?

13-06-2011, 10:35am
i have no experience with ipad really but i reckon you should buy one :p

13-06-2011, 10:44am
Gee, thanks David. :p

13-06-2011, 10:45am
no problem... clearly its not my money... and i'd love to hear about your experiences :)

13-06-2011, 10:46am
What do you want to do with it? I have one, typing this post on it. I find it handy for doing AP stuff from home. Mine is a work one, and it gets lots of use at work.

I think it depends what you want - expect to use it for

Bear Dale
13-06-2011, 10:48am
All I can say is that - If I happened to drop mine and break it......I'd replace it the SAME day.

13-06-2011, 10:49am
I'm a Mac user, MBP, iMac and my wife has the iPad.

I have tossed up buying an iPad since the first came along, and for the life of me I just can't find reason enough to get one. I travel with my MBP and have the iMac at home, I have the iPod for music/video in the pocket and just can't see where an iPad will fit in for me with the only exception being on a plane where the MBP is a bit big (17") to sit on the tray table. I would then have to carry it in addition to the MBP and as I fly alot, it would be a pain lugging both around. The fact iPad/2 won't handle flash websites is another killer for me.

My wife on the other hand loves it and uses it everywhere....

13-06-2011, 11:04am
Rick, one reason is because of it's portability.
I do have a laptop but it's heavy & not all that comfortable to use when not sitting at a desk. (ergonomics I believe). The Ipad would be more convenient to use while sitting in the Jason.

I like to keep in touch via Skype, which I believe the Ipad can handle along with FaceTime for those Mac users who prefer it.

I suppose convenience & portability & the ability to connect with the web are the prime reasons.

One more thing, I'm heading towards 79 (bugger it) faster than i want .... this is where convenience & portability are important.

13-06-2011, 11:25am
As long as you can justify it, do it!