View Full Version : Swan Valley Early Morning Shoot ??

11-06-2011, 2:58pm
How about Sunday 3rd July?

I was thinking of getting out early and shooting what I would suggest will be a foggy start to the day. There are plenty of spots to start out, but down near one of the water ways with vines in the BG would be my pick.

Please put some starting locations up, so all that might go can have there say.

After a morning shooting, we could catch up and grab breckie and coffee locally.

Baxter & Stokes is my pick, looks up-hill toi the east to catch the rising sun.

11-06-2011, 3:46pm
Count me in! :)

11-06-2011, 8:35pm
On the corner of Harper Street and West Swan Road is an area that we could use as a carpark I think. I'll check it out during the next couple of weeks. If it works we would then be facing east so foggy sunrise shots may work.

11-06-2011, 9:30pm
Glad I checked here, I'm up for a meet... need to get out there:th3:

12-06-2011, 1:23pm
On the corner of Harper Street and West Swan Road is an area that we could use as a carpark I think. I'll check it out during the next couple of weeks. If it works we would then be facing east so foggy sunrise shots may work.

Thanks Peter, that would be good of you.

12-06-2011, 2:36pm
I'm a probable.
Another spot that is close to there is Bells Rapids (off cathedral Ave)...will be a great location after some rain.
Maybe we could combine the two...

12-06-2011, 2:50pm
Hi Roosta, I am an old part country boy from Perth but did live for a number of yrs on the fringe of the Swan Valley back in the 60's as a teen ager, moved to the Pilbara in the early 70's for the mining boom and helped build quite a bit of Karratha town. I imagine the area has changed quite a bit in the last 35 odd yrs. I went to the first Wine festival on the banks of the river at the old bridge there. Used to be a pub at the bridge on the park side and a Police station on the corner with an old prison at the back behind the post office. Be very interested to see the photos of this day out - from what I have heard I would not know the place now.

12-06-2011, 10:46pm
I would like to join in on this trip too, all going to plan :)

12-06-2011, 11:31pm
I would like to join in on this trip too, all going to plan :)

All welcome Sueann from my neck of the woods :th3:

13-06-2011, 10:05am
Hi Roosta, I am an old part country boy from Perth but did live for a number of yrs on the fringe of the Swan Valley back in the 60's as a teen ager, moved to the Pilbara in the early 70's for the mining boom and helped build quite a bit of Karratha town. I imagine the area has changed quite a bit in the last 35 odd yrs. I went to the first Wine festival on the banks of the river at the old bridge there. Used to be a pub at the bridge on the park side and a Police station on the corner with an old prison at the back behind the post office. Be very interested to see the photos of this day out - from what I have heard I would not know the place now.

Its evolved alot mate, try www.swanvalley.com.au.

It's a bit of a shame, alot of the old buildings have made way for the monster sized wineries. Guildford is still, in some parts, as you'd remember I guess. Hope the weather is good for us.


13-06-2011, 10:06am
I'm a probable.
Another spot that is close to there is Bells Rapids (off cathedral Ave)...will be a great location after some rain.
Maybe we could combine the two...

Sounds good to me Shirl. Hope you can make it.

15-06-2011, 8:10pm
Im keen for this. Have to check closer to date if i can make it:th3:

18-06-2011, 10:44pm
woop! I remembered my forum name again :) will hopefully be up for this meet too!!

19-06-2011, 8:28am
I might also get along so count me in as a possible :):)


19-06-2011, 9:53am
I might also get along so count me in as a possible :):)


If it keeps ranning the way it has, you might need to bring the underwater housing mate. lol.

19-06-2011, 10:02am
Its evolved alot mate, try www.swanvalley.com.au.

It's a bit of a shame, alot of the old buildings have made way for the monster sized wineries. Guildford is still, in some parts, as you'd remember I guess. Hope the weather is good for us.


Thanks for the info - Amazing. Swan Valley was all farms, some winneries and market garden growers in my day. As young kids ,in summer time we used to swim the river and pinch . umm, borrow, a water melon to eat on the river bank, got away with it most time but the old salt petta shot gun cam out a few times. Tey used to turn a blind eye to growers stopping kids by us salt petta in the 4010's in those day :-.

Looking forward to the photos

19-06-2011, 10:31am
Had a look at the corner and we can't use it as it's a weighbridge, so no parking.
Did have a drive around and found the corner of Woodward Rd and Hammersley Rd.
Got this shot so maybe it'l work?


Most of the other areas the vines either go across field of view or there are other obstruction such as High Tension Power Lines, buildings and vine frame works.

19-06-2011, 11:52am
Had a look at the corner and we can't use it as it's a weighbridge, so no parking.
Did have a drive around and found the corner of Woodward Rd and Hammersley Rd.
Got this shot so maybe it'l work?


Most of the other areas the vines either go across field of view or there are other obstruction such as High Tension Power Lines, buildings and vine frame works.

Where's the attachment?

19-06-2011, 11:54am
There it is. Weird how that to so long to appear. Nice shot Peter.

Do you think the owners would mind a few of us up there first thing, and what dirrection is that looking, North?

Is this far from Bells Rapids, where Shirl suggested????

19-06-2011, 2:13pm
There it is. Weird how that to so long to appear. Nice shot Peter.

Do you think the owners would mind a few of us up there first thing - Don't know. Can but ask.

and what direction is that looking, North? - East.

Is this far from Bells Rapids, where Shirl suggested???? - Not sure but my guess would be a half hours drive away.

21-06-2011, 8:44am
This spot is a bit South of Bells Rapids.....
Try this link (http://www.nearmap.com/?q=Bells%20Rapids@-31.773788,116.061367&ll=-31.772579,116.061335&z=18&t=k&nmd=20090702)for the map/satellite of the rapids (and if you change the date to July, there was running water last year!).

We could do the sunrise at Peter's spot and then drive up to the rapids. Its easier to find in daylight so if things are looking good we can always return for sunrise there another day?

22-06-2011, 11:28pm
I like the idea.
I'll check with the owners of the vineyard on Monday.

23-06-2011, 2:48pm
Thanks guys will wait for the answers, thanks shirl, sounds like a sound plan, as long as the rain stays away on the morning.

25-06-2011, 7:55am
I'll be in town so put me down as a starter. :th3:

27-06-2011, 6:05pm
Went back to the vineyard today and spoke to Mark, the owner. He is more than happy for us to take photo's. I originally told him we would be sticking to the road way and not getting on his property but he said "wander around as you like." So we have free reign. He also pointed out that at the front of his property is a power box with a powerpoint in it that we are free to make use of if anyone wants a fresh cuppa.

On that note, there is a cafe come shop on the corner of West Swan Road and Woodward street that opens at 6am on Sunday. They do a reasonable coffee.

Bells Rapids is 20 min from this site and very simple to get to. I did it today. Plenty of water in the river so there should be some good shots possible.

According to TPE Sunrise is 7:17 so suggest meet at the corner cafe at 6:00. Move to the vineyard and maybe onto Bells Rapids later?

28-06-2011, 8:11am
Nice work Peter, especially on the coffee information!!!!
6am.....crikey not even a lie-in in Winter??

Now lets pray we're not rained out

28-06-2011, 2:48pm
Good stuff PK, Thanks for so much leg work, it's appreciated. It sounds like a great plan to me.

Shirl, 25 degs c here, no rain, but it is work, so that sort of puts a bummer to it.

What do the rest of the participants think of Peter's suggestion?

Thanks guys.

29-06-2011, 2:33pm
Sounds like a good plan :)

I will need to Finish up about 9am due to other commitments.

Looking forward to it!!

30-06-2011, 7:15am
I'll see if I can bring som eof this with me, I'm 100 Kms North of Newman BTW.

Pilbara District Forecast


Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology

Western Australia


Issued at 4:20pm WST on Wednesday the 29th of June 2011

for Thursday with outlooks for Friday


Thursday: Isolated early showers in the far south west. Light NE/NW winds

becoming moderate in the south in the afternoon.

Fire Danger:

Town of Port Hedland NOT RATED

Shire of Roebourne NOT RATED

Shire of Ashburton (Coast) NOT RATED

Shire of Ashburton (Inland) NOT RATED

Shire of Exmouth (Gulf Coast) NOT RATED

Shire of East Pilbara (North) NOT RATED

Shire of East Pilbara (South) NOT RATED

Outlook for Friday Isolated early showers in the far south.

Temperatures for Thursday Minimum Maximum

Exmouth 16 25

Karratha 13 26

Port Hedland 14 27

Paraburdoo 13 29

Newman 9 28

30-06-2011, 9:48am
Looks good! I should be able to make it, barring unforeseen circumstances - here's hoping the rain clears away, at least for the morning. :)

01-07-2011, 9:47am
Cool 70% sure I'll be there!!

02-07-2011, 10:21am
See you tomorrow. I haven't met any of you before so keep an eye out for an orange Holden ute.

02-07-2011, 7:20pm
See you tomorrow. I haven't met any of you before so keep an eye out for an orange Holden ute.

02-07-2011, 9:01pm
The weather forecast is predicting 7degs, better than the 3degs forecast earlier in the week, hopefully showers will have cleared leaving some interesting skies.
Dont forget your torches, thermals and boots!

03-07-2011, 10:31am
Sorry guy's unable to catch up today...look forward to seeing your pix posted...catch you at the next one hopefully...OMG it is cold up here this morning! :eek:

03-07-2011, 2:40pm
Sorry you couldn't make it Juanita.

Tom, Peter, Wayne, Sue-Ann, Nicole and myself all made it, and personally I had a great time. Just editing the shots now :)

Roosta couldn't make his own meet either!!

03-07-2011, 5:28pm
Thanks all :) Just about defrosted!!

03-07-2011, 7:30pm
Great to meet all new and see 'old' kids. Shame Juanita you couldn't make it :( spot was stunning!
Thanks Peter for organising and showing new, full of amazing potential spot :) The forecast looks promising next weekend so I think I will go there yet again :D If anyone fancies a trip, you know where to find me ;)

03-07-2011, 11:10pm
My lot from this early morning meet.
It was a pity that Roosta and Gemini2261 couldn't make it as it turned out so well.
Thanks to Sueann, Nicole, Shirl, Wayne and Tom for the company. It was great.
After sunrise we headed for Bells Rapids and I took a walk along the riverwalk and found some great spots. A place to revisit.

Required group shot.

Sunrise over the vines.


Water droplet.

04-07-2011, 10:08am
Haha, I dont recall signing a model release Peter!
Sue-Ann is so colour coordinated, I need to go shopping!

04-07-2011, 10:32am
mm yes Sue-Ann is very colour coordinated :) Just noticed when you mentioned it Shirl. Thanks for text BTW. Wayne and I went up the hill to that waterfall. Pretty stuinning up there!
Nice one Peter. I like how soft that morning was. Sunrise was diffused in a very interesting way by morning fog :o your #2 is there.

04-07-2011, 11:31am
I knew you would be at the waterfall! So are we going to see some shots?? Was it easy to get up there?
I posted a thread in the Landscapes forum here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?87031-Swan-Valley-amp-Bells-Rapids-AP-Meet)

Peter - I agree with Tom, #2 is my fave, nicely done :th3:

04-07-2011, 2:24pm
The waterfall looked pretty spectacular from down the hill - look forward to seeing your photos.....soon..???

Peter love the nobbly knotty grape vine silouhettes against the sunrise - beautiful.

I don't know how i'm sposed to post photos on this joint so you can go find them here if you like --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/26100449@N05/sets/72157626978992815/

Thank goodness we had a heat wave yesterday morning - this morning's bitter cold would have been unbearable!

04-07-2011, 2:56pm
Lol about the co-ordination thing! I just have a thing for blue :D And Shirley you really don't look too interested in what I was saying either :p
Great morning, thanks to you all! Lovely to meet everyone, I'm looking forward to the next meet up!
Peter I really like your photos, the mist was such an awesome effect.
I went back later in the day to Bells Rapids with my hubby and kids. We took the portable bbq and had a great afternoon. No photos, other than kid stuff, but I was dying to check it out. We took a drive after and spotted that waterfall, it's magnificent! I can't wait to see photos, and if anyone is heading there, assuming I'm not required at home I would really love to come along.
I'll attach one of my pics, check out flickr for the rest.