View Full Version : My first print out

09-06-2011, 12:58pm
They say there is a first for every thing sure I printed photos before but this is the first from my work I am only learning we have this wonderful old shed/barn a couple of ks out of town Bodalla South Coast N.S.W I was out on my first photo shoot on my way home I saw the property owner so I stopped and asked him if he mind if I took some photos he was not over keen on the idea but said yes but I just stayed on the road side so not to intrude onto his property I got some ok photos of the shed and some bad photos as well you may have seen in C&C I posted I got some great advice any way I did some paint shop pro with them as I wanted to try and get some nice photos to go back and give to the man in appreciation and hoping maybe just maybe he will invite me back to do some more so this is what I have done so far for him the print outs I am happy with not top of the class still but I wanted to share with you as this is my first for print out ive done.



Russell K
09-06-2011, 1:34pm
Great shots Nikkie, considering they were taken from the fenceline. I hope the landowner invites you back to the property to shoot some more, it would be great to get some inside as well. it holds that "mystique" about it and what's inside. Seeing as he only lives a few minutes out of town where you live, why not hand deliver the shots which would be more personal (you could say that you were just driving past) and hopefully a conversation ensues where he might welcome you back again.

Russell K

09-06-2011, 1:48pm
Yes thank you Russell I was going to take them to him because there is no address on the property may have been further up the road where his drive way is but that is excatley what I am hoping for I have admired this old place since Ive been here a tad over 2 years now so this would be great if he will come to the party hey if not Ill find some other place to take photos and yes getting a peek inside how amazing would that be :) I love old place's like this as well.

09-06-2011, 1:51pm
Good on you for talking to him and getting his permission to shoot his building from public ground :cool: - you don't need that by the way

It does look interesting - can I suggest you take selective colouring and assign it it to the "never do again" bucket of photoshop tricks though, I think that the colour and petina of the barn would be interesting to look at though

09-06-2011, 2:05pm
can I suggest you take selective colouring and assign it it to the "never do again" bucket of photoshop tricks though, I think that the colour and petina of the barn would be interesting to look at though Thanks so much for that Kiwi but can you please explain to me what is selective clolouring ? I don't have photoshop only paint shop pro

09-06-2011, 2:06pm
OK, in picture 2, the barn looks b&w but the grass is green.....how did you do that ?

09-06-2011, 2:20pm
...And the likes of pictures where people in monochrome are holding a bunch of coloured flowers...

09-06-2011, 6:46pm
wow sometimes its great living in a small town I took my photos to show a friend it turns out he not only knows this man but also use's the shed for his storage for his slab business I learn t a little bit of history about this shed what it was and has been in the past he said he was there earlier that same day but most of all he said he will put in a word for me and say that he knows me and that I would love to take more photos of the shed the ball is in my court :)