View Full Version : Black/White vs Colour

08-06-2011, 10:58pm
So I've kinda regained my interest and enthusiasm for photography, and lost the whole focus on 'this camera takes better photos than this one', hell my main choice of camera is my Lumix FT10 and LX5. If only I could find the time to go out, anyways to the point of this post.

With my renewed enthusiasm, a mate suggested I buy this and have a decent read:
Which I took note of, and recently bought. I'm only early on in the book, however the author is talking about tone and contrast, and other related things. My question is, for the benefits of learning, I'm thinking of starting to shoot solely in black and white, so I can get the basics of composition, and tone and contrast down pact. Thoughts?

08-06-2011, 11:22pm
With digital, I'd say stick to shooting in colour, and convert to mono in pp..that way you have all the colour info, just in case, and it may be easier to have a colour and a mono version of an image to learn from. I don't think you should limit learning to black and white, just my opinion though:)

08-06-2011, 11:30pm
Apologies, obviously didn't relay what I meant precisely. Basically, that's exactly what I plan on doing :p