View Full Version : Pet photographs

06-06-2011, 7:40pm
I thought i'll pay tribute to my lovely pet ferret...
He has brought much laughter and joy back into my life...
His name is Pablo II...
Pablo I was my pet rodent who is no longer with me...
It took me quite some time to find the perfect pet but it was all worthed it...
Finally found him though...
Got him off a guy who could no longer care for him...
He has a limp because his leg got squashed when he was born...
But he is still lovely no matter what...
Here's a picture i took of him, with my iphone, exploring my bedroom...
If you like, you could post a pic here of your pet too... :)

Mark L
06-06-2011, 8:02pm
Me and my pet


Her name is Nosey.

06-06-2011, 8:09pm
This is Koko when he was a kitten

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5089/5222389008_86f16a6f49_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bossjanie/5222389008/)
Koko (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bossjanie/5222389008/) by bossjanie (http://www.flickr.com/people/bossjanie/), on Flickr

06-06-2011, 11:13pm
wow.....you guys have such beautiful companions....
how old are they now??

07-06-2011, 8:36am
I like ferrets...very intriguing creatures...fantastic as long as they don't bite :(

These are my two devils...well, the red one is mine, the black is the other half's.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2361/5698428291_18e710fc30_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/visual_hallucination/5698428291/)
_DSC0015 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/visual_hallucination/5698428291/) by Sezu82 (http://www.flickr.com/people/visual_hallucination/), on Flickr

07-06-2011, 9:26am
I thought i'll pay tribute to my lovely pet ferret...
He has brought much laughter and joy back into my life...
His name is Pablo II...
Ferrets certainly are joyful, aren't they? :D Pablo II looks like a lovely boy - is he a Silvermitt?

This is my beautiful boy, Archie, who passed away from Lymphoma a couple of days before Christmas last year:
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4019/4530076510_20ecddc3bc_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mlnewman/4530076510/)
Archie (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mlnewman/4530076510/) by Greenidyll (http://www.flickr.com/people/mlnewman/), on Flickr

And my little girl, Diva, whose greatest love is torturing the cats - she's a 700g tornado. :rolleyes:
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4008/4529427871_5c8fc5d8be_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mlnewman/4529427871/)
Diva (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mlnewman/4529427871/) by Greenidyll (http://www.flickr.com/people/mlnewman/), on Flickr

07-06-2011, 11:19am
Here's a shot I took on Sunday of one of my cats, Sugar.

She's on the prowl here...............


Don't we have a section for members' pets?

07-06-2011, 1:25pm
Here's my little babies:


07-06-2011, 3:37pm
I like ferrets...very intriguing creatures...fantastic as long as they don't bite :(

These are my two devils...well, the red one is mine, the black is the other half's.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2361/5698428291_18e710fc30_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/visual_hallucination/5698428291/)
_DSC0015 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/visual_hallucination/5698428291/) by Sezu82 (http://www.flickr.com/people/visual_hallucination/), on Flickr

Hey~ I love dogs... but can't keep dogs cos i live in a unit and the strata co. doesn't allow them... i wonder why...? Maybe cos of the barking?
Ferrets make wonderful pets i think! But i also think it all boils down to the individual personality.
He is abit nippy! Nips my toes! Maybe they look like cocktail sausages to him... mmmm..... lol....
Thank you for sharing a picture of your babies! :th3:

07-06-2011, 3:41pm
[QUOTE=Michaela;857346]Ferrets certainly are joyful, aren't they? :D Pablo II looks like a lovely boy - is he a Silvermitt?

Hey there! WOW! you've got ferrets too!!
Sorry to hear about Archie... =(
I don't know if Pablo is a silvermitt... i thought he is a sable? That's what my dad said...
but i don't really know how to identify the colours because Pablo is my first ever ferret!
What colour is Diva and Archie? Archie looked very handsome and Diva has a keen look with those nails!
How old is Diva? Pablo is only 6 months old... i have to potty train him as he keeps missing the litter tray! lol...

07-06-2011, 3:45pm
Benny: Sugar looks cool! She's on the prowl for mice??? kekeke
I don't know if we have a section for member's pets... i must look properly next time!
Geoff: Are they pugs? I love pugs!!!! I wanted one when i was younger but parents got me a king charles instead! Fell in love with Prince (king charles)... he was my first ever pet!

Thanks guys for sharing... it's nice to know we all have unconditional love in one form or another... :th3:

07-06-2011, 3:51pm
Archie was a Silvermitt (white head and bib, white toes/paws and silver ticking through the coat) and Diva is a 2.5yo Chocolate Sable.

Make sure the litter tray is in a corner, as that's what they seem to prefer, but if he still won't use it (some think it's just too much effort to climb in :rolleyes:) try just putting sheets of newspaper down in the spot he wants to use. Makes it a lot easier on both of you. :)

07-06-2011, 4:22pm
Archie was a Silvermitt (white head and bib, white toes/paws and silver ticking through the coat) and Diva is a 2.5yo Chocolate Sable.

Make sure the litter tray is in a corner, as that's what they seem to prefer, but if he still won't use it (some think it's just too much effort to climb in :rolleyes:) try just putting sheets of newspaper down in the spot he wants to use. Makes it a lot easier on both of you. :)

Hey Michaela!
Thanks for the tip! I didn't even think about putting newspapers!!!! *TUT* how silly of me...
The litter box is in the corner... but he keeps going to the other corner! LOL
I think he thinks it's too much effort to climb in because of his bad leg... :(
hey you're in perth too! :th3:
Took me ages to find a ferret... about 2 years? but of cos i didn't know where to find them in the first place!

07-06-2011, 4:41pm
If you're interested, check out WAFFS (http://www.waffs.org.au/). They often have ferrets available for adoption through the rescue service and they run regular picnics, plus races and a show, during the year. They're good fun and a chance for ferrets and their folks to get together socially. :)

08-06-2011, 7:41am
This post has made me want a ferret more than ever! Don't know how compatible they are with my current pets though.

My collection of pets is ever growing...and spread between my apartment and my parents property.

My cat and my cockateil live at my place :)

Stella, 7 month old bengal x who knows what

Fonzie, 11 month old cockateil

Pets at my parents house include fish, and budgies, plus a pooch, sheep and duckies. I've only got pics of some of them though :)

This is one of the more tame ducks that we have...we've got 13, but yeah, this one is pretty special. His name is Hamilton

and there is Josie, 10 yo Kelpie cross

And Ashli, my 5 year old rescue sheep. She's a Wiltshire Horn :) She turns 6 this year, which isn't bad for a lamb that had a 30% chance of living

Bear Dale
08-06-2011, 7:53am
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2573/3973388756_a2ca77ee8f_z.jpg?zz=1A few of mine -





08-06-2011, 8:46am


08-06-2011, 8:59am
My favourite Siamese cat Cindy!
She is such a joy :D

Bear Dale
08-06-2011, 9:01am
I love the nature of Siamese cats.

We lost our Burmese not long ago and it's still very painful.

08-06-2011, 11:58am
My two labradors

Bronx (this was taken 2 years ago)

Shokan (taken last week)

08-06-2011, 12:15pm
Benny: Sugar looks cool! She's on the prowl for mice??? kekeke
I don't know if we have a section for member's pets... i must look properly next time!
Geoff: Are they pugs? I love pugs!!!! I wanted one when i was younger but parents got me a king charles instead! Fell in love with Prince (king charles)... he was my first ever pet!

Yeah mate, one pug (grey) and one puggell (brown). :) Couldn't possibly recommend a dog/s more. ;)

08-06-2011, 2:44pm
Here are some of mine. Indian Ringnecks.

08-06-2011, 4:26pm
WOW! These are really good shots of your pets guys! -droolz-
Having multiple pets and of different species is still a new concept to me as i've only ever had one pet at a time!
How do you guys manage?!?!!? :eek:

08-06-2011, 7:22pm
Yeah mate, one pug (grey) and one puggell (brown). :) Couldn't possibly recommend a dog/s more. ;)

Funny...I say the same thing about Staffy's! :th3:

Having multiple pets is a juggling task - as a kid, I had 3 lambs, 2 turkeys, 2 ducks, 8 bantams, 5 dogs (mostly sheep dogs), a cat, and 14 chooks!

My parents made me feed every one of them (although dad would help me with the dogs - as I tended to 'spoil' them a little too much)...

08-06-2011, 7:38pm

08-06-2011, 8:04pm
I love ferrets, but have never had one as a pet. Here are 2 of my 4 dogs. They keep me busy!

Bear Dale
08-06-2011, 8:07pm
This has been a thoroughly enjoyable thread. Kudos to the OP.

08-06-2011, 10:23pm
Rick>>> puppy eyes! puppy eyes! They make my heart melt....
Pine>>> Those are stunning blue eyes!!!!!
Rod038 >>> are your ringnecks tamed?
They are so beautiful! The colours are amazing! I don't think i've ever seen a blue - purplish ringneck before... wow....
Sezzy>> oh my goodness! Did you live on a farm and hence can have so many pets? Or just in a house on a very big plot of land? This is truly a new concept to me!
Kiwi>> what sort of dog is it? I am loving the curls!
Kyliev>> what sort of dogs are they? They look really handsome in their dark suits!
Ok you guys have inspired me to capture Pablo with my DSLR now... but he just wouldn't keep still! Very flaccid when i have him on my lap like he is going to spill over and usually he does fall off! kekeke...
And i have to step up on the potty training cos he refuses to go to the litter box! kekeke....
thanks guys... for sharing your pictures...Kudos to all of you for doing this! :o:p

09-06-2011, 6:07am
Pixie is a miniature poodle/cavalair/kiwi cross

09-06-2011, 12:29pm
One Ringneck is tame and the rest are aviary birds. I have 16 at present. I also have a dog and some fish.

09-06-2011, 12:47pm
Funny...I say the same thing about Staffy's! :th3:

Yeah, I love Staffys too, and so do my pups. :)

We had good friends living literally 2 minutes down the road from us and they own a Staffy pup they got about the same time as we got our ones, so they kind of grew up together. They were excellent little friends. Unfortunately they moved about a year back, but every time the pugs walk past their old house they drag the leads towards the house.

09-06-2011, 3:50pm
I have a ringneck as well, he gives the dogs so much attitude, they are scared of him. They certainly are a boisterous, alert, confident and fun parrot.

09-06-2011, 4:06pm
I had an olive breasted lorrikeet ages ago... and he was so much fun! I think he had identity issues as he behaved very much like a puppy!
He was much joy... I would bring him to work and my clients had fun taking turns playing with him! If you rubbed his belly... he would 'cackle'! He was my first bird and i adored him to bits... unfortunately i was renting at the time and had to move out of the place... and new rental apartment didn't allow animals... so i had to pass him on to a vet friend... I still see him and he remembers me... awww...
Some people say birds don't make good pets but i beg to differ... :D

09-06-2011, 5:29pm
We have 2 cocker spaniels..this is Lachie.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5095/5559741481_75c6e5f21c_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/salnel/5559741481/)
Lachie-2011 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/salnel/5559741481/) by salnel (http://www.flickr.com/people/salnel/), on Flickr

and this is Toby.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5042/5356870676_6b386c2945_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/salnel/5356870676/)
Toby-2011 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/salnel/5356870676/) by salnel (http://www.flickr.com/people/salnel/), on Flickr

09-06-2011, 5:38pm
Thanks salnel for sharing!
They are so beautiful! I'm thinking of my Prince now... :(
They have this "innocent" look in their eyes.. makes my heart melt... Dogs only ever does this to me...
Let us all say this together...."Awwwww...." lol...

09-06-2011, 6:25pm
Agree with you there, Smallfooties...Lachie, in particular, has "pathetic" down to a fine art! We used to have a mad cockatiel called Monty, who talked to the phone, had a foot fetish and was in love with my son. He would follow him everywhere, which was somewhat ridiculous..a 4" bird walking beside a 6' 4" boy:D

09-06-2011, 6:55pm
ahahaha that is so cute!!!!
What would we do if animals didn't inhabit the world?
We must be doing something right.... :D

Mark L
09-06-2011, 9:30pm
... unfortunately i was renting at the time and had to move out of the place... and new rental apartment didn't allow animals... so i had to pass him on to a vet friend... I still see him and he remembers me... awww...
Some people say birds don't make good pets but i beg to differ... :D

We rented a few places a while back, and they actually didn't consider birds to be pets! :eek:
Parrots are very smart and it's no wonder if he remembers you. Absolutely agree that birds (parrots) make good pets. You must pay them attention though, otherwise it can be cruel to them (same as most pest I guess).

So now the question is , can an olive breasted lorikeet (that still likes you) and a ferret live together?
I reckon the lorikeet would prefer a smallfoot over a vet!

09-06-2011, 10:26pm
MARK L >> too funny! hahahaha.... And my vet friend has 2 cats! so they are kept separately!
You've got me thinking now... i'm going to her place on Saturday, see how Pablo goes with Jinks... i might spend a few times at her place with Pablo and Jinks together... hmmm! the possibilities!!!! :th3:

09-06-2011, 11:13pm
So here are my three headaches

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5070/5683521856_22aebcaac2_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/39873691@N04/5683521856/)
the"other" three kids (http://www.flickr.com/photos/39873691@N04/5683521856/) by Mecha-Wombat (http://www.flickr.com/people/39873691@N04/), on Flickr

From the Back

Hagrid the Black Pug

Ros the Apricot Pug

Chloe the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

10-06-2011, 12:04am
chloe is like 'look at the camera guys!'
ros is like 'where? what camera? where?!'
hagrid is like 'i see the camera.... i'm trying to smile....'
They are indeed adorable Mecha-Wombat!!!! thanks for sharing!

10-06-2011, 3:48pm
The cavalier king Charles spaniel on the left Brockie and the lab X is Rosie Rosie is such a poser she see's the camera and sits waiting for photos to be taken all the time she seems to love it.


10-06-2011, 4:29pm
So now the question is , can an olive breasted lorikeet (that still likes you) and a ferret live together?
I reckon the lorikeet would prefer a smallfoot over a vet!

MARK L >> too funny! hahahaha.... And my vet friend has 2 cats! so they are kept separately!
You've got me thinking now... i'm going to her place on Saturday, see how Pablo goes with Jinks... i might spend a few times at her place with Pablo and Jinks together... hmmm! the possibilities!!!! :th3:

For what it's worth ... I would never leave a ferret alone with any small animal - rat, mouse, bird, rabbit, whatever. I have had success over the years in getting dogs and cats to live harmoniously with other animals after a suitable intro/training period and with ongoing supervision, however ferrets are a whole different ballgame. They are determined, lightning fast when they want to be, highly intelligent and take "no" as a personal challenge. :rolleyes: My little ferret, Diva, can climb curtains to walk along the curtain rod and uses high furniture that she can climb (ie. bookcases) as launching pads to other areas she can't get to from the ground. Disciplining them doesn't make a great deal of difference - ferrets are the perfect example of living in the moment and fun and adventure far outweigh any thought of consequences.

My rabbit lives in a pen with a buried mesh floor just outside the cat run where I let Diva out for some sunshine and fresh air. One day I discovered that she'd made a project of digging out of the cat run, under the rabbit's pen and, unfortunately, the mesh that was only really meant to keep the rabbit in wasn't quite small enough to keep Diva out. Merlin's screams let me know he was in trouble and I raced out to find a 700g ferret trying to drag a 3kg rabbit back down the hole she'd dug. Merlin wasn't injured and recovered OK from his fright, thank goodness, but I have been even more paranoid about this sort of thing ever since.

Seriously, ferret proofing is a full time job and I would have my heart in my mouth all the time if a bird was loose. Diva has her own room shut off with a perspex covered baby gate and she stays in there when I'm at work and at night when I go to bed (try sleeping with a ferret biting your toes!). She's got one cloudy eye from a cat scratch when she wouldn't back off ... and she still hasn't learned her lesson. If a cat tries to defend itself she just says, "Bring it on!!!!". :eek:

Sorry to go on so long. :)

10-06-2011, 5:01pm
For what it's worth ... I would never leave a ferret alone with any small animal - rat, mouse, bird, rabbit, whatever. I have had success over the years in getting dogs and cats to live harmoniously with other animals after a suitable intro/training period and with ongoing supervision, however ferrets are a whole different ballgame. They are determined, lightning fast when they want to be, highly intelligent and take "no" as a personal challenge. :rolleyes: My little ferret, Diva, can climb curtains to walk along the curtain rod and uses high furniture that she can climb (ie. bookcases) as launching pads to other areas she can't get to from the ground. Disciplining them doesn't make a great deal of difference - ferrets are the perfect example of living in the moment and fun and adventure far outweigh any thought of consequences.

My rabbit lives in a pen with a buried mesh floor just outside the cat run where I let Diva out for some sunshine and fresh air. One day I discovered that she'd made a project of digging out of the cat run, under the rabbit's pen and, unfortunately, the mesh that was only really meant to keep the rabbit in wasn't quite small enough to keep Diva out. Merlin's screams let me know he was in trouble and I raced out to find a 700g ferret trying to drag a 3kg rabbit back down the hole she'd dug. Merlin wasn't injured and recovered OK from his fright, thank goodness, but I have been even more paranoid about this sort of thing ever since.

Seriously, ferret proofing is a full time job and I would have my heart in my mouth all the time if a bird was loose. Diva has her own room shut off with a perspex covered baby gate and she stays in there when I'm at work and at night when I go to bed (try sleeping with a ferret biting your toes!). She's got one cloudy eye from a cat scratch when she wouldn't back off ... and she still hasn't learned her lesson. If a cat tries to defend itself she just says, "Bring it on!!!!". :eek:

Sorry to go on so long. :)

After reading that - I still want one! I don't have rabbits, just one geriatric staffy and a boisterous one (who still hasn't learnt that cats aren't toys), perhaps the ferret can put him in his place? :D Or perhaps I'll end up with two Houdini's instead of one...hahah

10-06-2011, 5:10pm
After reading that - I still want one! I don't have rabbits, just one geriatric staffy and a boisterous one (who still hasn't learnt that cats aren't toys), perhaps the ferret can put him in his place? :D Or perhaps I'll end up with two Houdini's instead of one...hahah
LOL! Don't get me wrong ... ferrets are terrific fun, but they can be their own worst enemy. They can get along OK with dogs, but for all their tough exteriors ferrets can easily be injured either by a dog stepping on them or snapping at them, in play or self defense. Close supervision would be necessary when they're together. Our Kelpie is OK with Diva, but not the Corgi/Jack Russell cross (he's good with everything else, but snappy around ferrets - I wonder why? :rolleyes: :D ).

10-06-2011, 5:21pm
I have really enjoyed seeing all these pics, thanks for the smile.
Here is my girl,


10-06-2011, 7:31pm
sezzy >>> a ferret is so much fun but really hard work!
I only have pablo but he keeps me on my toes all the time!
And he stinks my place up! :rolleyes:
hahaha... but i love him nevertheless...

Thank you Chilli for the picture! She does look like she is smiling at the camera! Beautiful smile too!
Nikkie>>> your king charles is the same colour as Prince! I miss him... had him when i was 4... so he is long gone now... :(
Michaela>> i hear ya! I think Pablo is too playful and too rough with his play sometimes... i see the way he attacks his squeaky toy and i'm wondering if he might do the same with Jinks! :eek:

Thanks guys for the pictures! Do keep them coming!!!! It's a wonderful thing to share our furry love ones with everybody!


10-06-2011, 8:41pm
I think I need to borrow one for a week or two smallfooties...just to make sure the dogs don't try to 'play' with it... :D

Our two stink the place up - you give them a bath, they go and rub themselves in something awful in the yard...and then try and jump into bed with you... :eek:

10-06-2011, 10:32pm
I think I need to borrow one for a week or two smallfooties...just to make sure the dogs don't try to 'play' with it... :D

Our two stink the place up - you give them a bath, they go and rub themselves in something awful in the yard...and then try and jump into bed with you... :eek:

hmmm yeah i think you can contact your local ferret club and ask if you could borrow one...
I think you are able to do that as when i was looking for a ferret, i contacted the ferret club and they got me in contact with one of their members who offered me to bring one home for a week.
you can also spend some time with a member and their ferret at their home and ask them all the questions you can think of... people are usually excited to talk with you about the ups and downs of keeping a fuzzball.
do let us know if you managed to get one for the week?
and keep us updated of when you finally get one of your own if all works well... :D
I hope you'll be able to get one of your own as they are beautiful companions... :th3:

17-06-2011, 2:33pm
This is Pablo eating his raw chicken breast... i'm switching him to raw diet now... :D

kai boogie
20-06-2011, 2:41am
the Maltese shitzu: Nacho

21-06-2011, 4:22pm
hey! thanks for sharing!
Nacho is so beautiful! Love the fur coat... must be nice and warm to hug in winter! kekeke...

22-06-2011, 9:38am
Here's Missy from her photoshoot last Sunday:


Some people see her and think she's a big scary guard dog, but... She's the biggest baby ever. She used to get chased by little dogs, although she has gotten over that. :)

23-06-2011, 8:26pm
wow Missy is beautiful! there's something majestic about her... German Shepards aka Alsatians are my mum's favourite!

23-06-2011, 8:49pm
Nice thread SF:th3:...nice to see healthy happy animals :):)

23-06-2011, 10:20pm
Thanks Gemini! It is indeed a pleasure to see such beautiful creatures... :D

25-06-2011, 12:06pm
Sorry to hear of your loss.:(

Cindy is the most loving cat she checks where I am and follows me around like a dog..
She is about 5 so hopefully she will be around for a long time still :D
Of course she thinks its all a bore.

25-06-2011, 12:38pm
What a beautiful dog we also love Alsations and will never be without one.:)
Rex is great guard dog and is particular protective over Cilla.


25-06-2011, 2:00pm
This is Fletcher, a recent addition to our family. He has the most beautiful nature, is really smart and quite adorable. We love him to bits.


01-07-2011, 12:53pm
Fletcher looks a little like your avatar, Jules! :)

01-07-2011, 1:53pm
Fletcher looks a little like your avatar, Jules! :)

He does, doesn't he - I hadn't noticed that before!