View Full Version : close up filters. any info for beginner ?

john wilson
05-06-2011, 10:05pm
have just recieved a set [3] close up filters.any advice on macro with these filters gratefully accepted

05-06-2011, 10:17pm
Hi John, I am assuming you want to use them on the Pentax KX?

Depends how much you paid for them...Cheap filters can cause flaring, distortion and loss of sharpness, among other things. The best thing is to just go out and experiment with them. Try one first...(each one seperately and look at the finished product and then you might try stacking them. Experimenting is the best method.

You will find they are not as good as a high end macro lens but they can do the job. You will lose some F-stop for each one you add. For instance, if your lens takes a normal exposure at F5.6, when you put a filter on, you will have to lower the shutter speed or the aperture to achieve the same result.

It's good that you have a digital camera because, in the old days, it was expensive experimenting with film.

There is a Pentax forum for using close up filters here PENTAX CLOSE-UP FILTERS (http://www.pentaxforums.com/forums/pentax-slr-lens-discussion/59348-close-up-filters.html)

Just take some pictures and post them for us to look at and good luck...regards Don