View Full Version : Flash help!

05-06-2011, 5:59pm
Hi all I am currently looking to purchase a couple of flashes. I have 2x YN465 which I want to upgrade from. In an ideal world I would like to grab 2 or 3 SB900's but alas it all comes down to the all mighty $! I don't much about the other alternatives so I was hoping you guys could recommend some alternatives that won't break the bank. I was also wondering if anyone knows what the YN560's are like? I'm currently shooting with a D90, thanks in advance.

JM Tran
05-06-2011, 6:10pm
I have 4x YN560s, its great for strobist stuff, and at 1/1 power its just as powerful as the SB900 or Canon 580EXII. I combine them with the Yongnuo RF602 triggers, but indoors on its optical slave mode at S1 works great too without needing triggers.

you will only be needing the SBs if you are after TTL function, otherwise it would be a waste of money for you.

10-06-2011, 12:21am
Thanks mate I'll order some YN560's I already have the 602 triggers with the other flashes but I'll grab some more just in case as I have only the 2. Do you know where to get decent cheap soft boxes? Protog on EBay have some that seem ok priced to me but I'm not sure on quality etc.

10-06-2011, 1:11am
Protog on EBay have some that seem ok priced to me but I'm not sure on quality etc.Protog are an AP site advertiser...see this thread (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?65388-Welcome-ProTOG-to-the-Ausphotography-advertisers-%28Previously-Servaas%29) for some feedback. If you click through the Protog banner in the first post of that thread they'll know you've come through AP (which helps Rick pay the bills)...


22-06-2011, 8:53am
Hi Mate, sounds like the studio ball is well and truely rolling. Ill be interested to hear how the 560s go and how you sneaked the invoice past the BOSS..lol :lol: Look forward to seeing some images :th3:

22-06-2011, 9:35pm
Hey Reflect how's it going? Home studio plans are done most items needed have been sourced just need to get bosses approval :p

23-06-2011, 7:31am
I can see much grovelling, a dinner or two, and a visit to the jewellers coming up........what we have to endure for our art !! lol sounds great, cant wait to be asked to be guest shooter. Lifes good in rainy Queensland, still not taking enough photos, so I may have to move to Tahiti.

23-06-2011, 6:28pm
Haha she is coming around she actually likes the pics of her I did of her for my course and wants some more, but of course for that more gear is needed ;p

Duane Pipe
23-06-2011, 7:49pm
Gday Tony. I could help with the flash but i dont think you would like it:D Sorry :lol: