View Full Version : Courses

05-06-2011, 1:16pm
I have just purchased a Cannon 550D twin lens kit and am very interested in doing a photography course as I would like to one day become a professional photographer but being in a small country town there are no courses avaliable near by. Does anyone know any good online courses?? I am really struggling learining on my own.


alicia :)

05-06-2011, 1:25pm
Hi Alicia
Nice place Ulladulla :th3:
If you have a look in the 'Library' in the top link bar all will be revealed.
Lots of learning there :cool:

05-06-2011, 1:56pm
Lots of free info in the NTP section, there is an Adult Community Education (ACE) colledge based at Batemans Bay and they do( or have) run basic photography courses at Ulladulla, see link, about half way down in Digital media section http://www.eaec.edu.au/computing.html
Other than that Tafe or one of the online colleges
Theres a lot of work to be done to be a Professional Photographer, and it doesn't just entail getting a camera and doing a course or two. Even more difficult is becoming a successful Pro, were photography becomes your main source of income.
Best of luck, hope to see some of your photos posted in the main forums, its one of the best ways to get feed back and improve your skills.:D

05-06-2011, 4:10pm
I moved your thread is it did not relate to using the New To Photography (NTP) forum on AP.

Why not try our own New To Photography Learning Centre (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book) (it is in the Library, on the main menu) and then do some of the NTP challenges (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?104-New-To-Photography). By doing the learning centre guides and posting to AP for feedback, you will learn a lot by joining in here on the site, and it won't cost you a cent

05-06-2011, 7:43pm
Thank you so much everyone. I will definitly use the NTP learing centre to start out and hopefully have some pics to post soon for feedback. Yes, getting to the stage of being a professional photographer is a long term goal and one that will take time and practice but im very eager to learn so thank you again, your help is greatly appreciated. :)


05-06-2011, 9:08pm
Yes, getting to the stage of being a professional photographer is a long term goal and one that will take time and practice

It will certainly take alot of this... But I feel compelled to add another important element... Around $20,000 capital investment will give you a decent kit of gear to start with, as a pro.

06-06-2011, 7:07am
G'day Alicia

Firstly - welcome to the AP forum - you have lots of friends here who will offer you lots of encouragement

To answer your primary Q "I would like to one day become a professional photographer but being in a small country town there are no courses avaliable near by."

My friend in Tuross Heads who has been the most visible local pro covering much of southern NSW for the past 20 years completed a 3-yr Diploma of Photography at Canberra TAFE as well as was active for many years in APS and elsewhere. Maybe a chat with him will assist you

Regards, Phil