View Full Version : where's my focus??

04-06-2011, 8:49pm
I'm sooo disappointed.... I borrowed a lens from a friend for my Nikon D7000. The lens is a 50mm 1.8 AF ... thats about all I know about it cause I'm very new to photography. Get to the point Paul... well, I took 350 shots, of which about 300 are out of focus. The subect was a baby, close up, 2-4 feet away, indoors, average lighting. Mode- AUTO, AF, no flash... Why are so many shots out of focus? Is is a depth of field thing??. The lens seems to mechanically lock (apperture dial on outer lens body, moves from 1.8 to 22) at 2.8, and the camera displays an EE when ever outside the mechanical lock i.e. any setting other than 2.8. Looking for advise on how to pull my focus back in..??. Yes the auto focus was working / moving.

04-06-2011, 8:55pm
If you used the lens wide open and close to the subject the depth of field is VERY shallow at the f/stops indicated.
Also, the main focus for people is always the eyes, IF the eyes are the focal point then you get away with shallow DoF

Post an example so we can comment.

04-06-2011, 8:58pm
http://www.dofmaster.com/dofjs.html Dial in D7000 50mm f/1.8 and 90cm (3') the DoF is 2.18 cm, but DoF is only 'acceptable' focus, there is only one focal point and that has to be the eyes.

05-06-2011, 7:10am
That is a really useful website, Kym. Thanks.

Pudda, my advice would be to switch to Aperture Priority mode (AV on a Pentax - not sure on a Nikon) and dial in an f-stop of somewhere between f5.6 and f8. According to that natty tool of Kym's, this will increase the "Depth of Field" (or the zone that is acceptably sharp) from 2 cm either side of the focal point to between 4 and 6 cm either side of the focal point. As Kym says, focus on the eyes and you should wind up with most of the subject in focus.

Have fun.

05-06-2011, 8:27am
Hi Pudda,

Have a look at the picture of the lens. From what you've written, it seems you are confusing the f stop indicator and the aperature ring lock for the aperture selected. If I am wrong, my apologies.


You will see from the picture that the aperture ring lock is at the f2.8 position on the scale while the aperture indicator is at f22. I think that is where the confusion lies.

That is the correct setting when fitting the D series lenses on to the digital bodies. If it is not set to f22, the EE error is shown. The aperature is set by using the camera's command dial. Hope that makes sense.

With regard to focus, as others have said, the depth of field at 2 to 3 feet is very shallow and the actual focusing depth will be tissue paper thin so the chances of good focus are very slim.

Without knowing what settings were used it is hard to give specific advice but I would suggest backing off from the subject a bit, the D7000 creates huge files which will give you leeway for cropping if desired. Also I've found with mine that f5.6 is a pretty good compromise with this lens at around 2 metres.

Hope that has been of some help.

05-06-2011, 7:41pm
Kym - your probably right..... to much apperture, to close to subject = crap photos... Just need to force my camera to focus on what I want it to focus on and increase my depth of field (move away) oh, and use a lager f-stop of course.. Appreciate you feedback, I learnt something...

05-06-2011, 7:43pm
good advice, I agree.. (a friend suggested swicth to Aperture priority as well). thanks for the feedback....

05-06-2011, 7:58pm
Excellent information..... I concur.... appreciate your feedback...