View Full Version : Full Time Today

01-06-2011, 7:24am
Well today i start full time as a photographer as i got laid off yesterday from the FT causual job that i have been doing for thje last 4 1/2 years. I have known its been coming for a while so have prepared.

I also recently got another PT job 10 hrs a week which will help pay some of the weekly bills.... so know i might get some of my evenings back....

Wish me luck!!!

01-06-2011, 7:31am
All the very best mate... :th3:

01-06-2011, 7:35am
One door closes............ Best of luck Jeff.

01-06-2011, 7:37am
Goodluck Jeff I'm sure you will get a heap of traffic through the studio now! Sorry to hear about the FT job, i think everything is a bit sketchy in that area since a certain change...

I was up in your "old" office breifly a couple of weeks back too for work...

01-06-2011, 7:51am
good luck mate, will be interesting to here how you go, im sure youll do well

Ms Monny
01-06-2011, 7:56am
:th3: best of luck.....maybe this is exactly what was needed.....as long as the bills are paid and there is food, that is ALL you really need.....happiness is more important in the long run. :)

01-06-2011, 8:49am
Best of luck mate. Losing a FT job can never be easy, but as you were somewhat prepared, you are prob better off than would have been.

Credit to you for trying to make photography a FT gig, I could never bring myself to attempt it as I don't have the talent, and I like the security of knowing where my next $$ are coming from.

Get that wedding brochure out asap now mate...

01-06-2011, 3:34pm
Thanks guys for the positive support - Haven't been here much lately as i just haven't had the time.
One thing i have been doing over the last 2 years which i should share - Not exactly related to the business is i have been paying to much of my bills, water electricity gas etc.
So for the next 4-6 months i shouldn't have a bill - makes life just a little bit easier.
Just a tip for those also contemplating the jump...

01-06-2011, 4:25pm
Good luck chief. Keep us posted on the progress!

01-06-2011, 4:30pm
Hi Jeff, good luck with it all, I really like your kids in boxes idea, very unique!

01-06-2011, 6:02pm
Its not unique by the way, there's a chain like pixies doing them at shopping centres here anyhow

01-06-2011, 7:16pm
Good luck. If you'd like some advice on going FT, you're welcome to contact me direct. Very happy to offer suggestions, advice and support.

01-06-2011, 8:36pm
Thanks all - yea i know kids in boxes isn't new - my wife saw it but hasn't been done in Orange for about 5 years.
Not much is new - its just about getting a new audience!!!

Thanks William - will do at some time...

Dylan & Marianne
02-06-2011, 7:23am
all the best! if it works out well for you, this may have been an ironically good turn ;)

03-06-2011, 9:04am
All the best, and... have fun! :)

04-06-2011, 7:05pm
Best of luck Jeff. Hope it all works out for you

05-06-2011, 7:22pm
Well so far we gave photographed a Deb Ball (15 Debs) with good sales (this was booked in before) and a good studio sale.
So far so good. Actually pleased not to be going to the other job - i'm getting my evenings back !!!!

Mick B
05-06-2011, 8:14pm
Go for it Jeff and good luck with everything. Hope it all turns out well for you.

05-06-2011, 8:35pm
All the very best Jeff, seems you have been planning to head this way for a while, and preparing as well (the bills payments), you are starting with that advantage of knowing what you are going into and with a realistic approach, you should thrive and succeed. Keep us in the loop.

Dan Cripps
06-06-2011, 2:29pm
Well done Jeff.

I'm stoked to see that someone has put some serious planning into their photography venture. :)

11-06-2011, 3:24am
good luck! you never know, you might look back to find losing your ft job might be the best thing that could have happened!

11-06-2011, 4:06pm
good luck! you never know, you might look back to find losing your ft job might be the best thing that could have happened!

Here's hoping - Seriously i really appreciate all the good and supportive comments, especially since i have been very active lately on AP.

11-06-2011, 4:14pm
Best of luck....

From someone in a safe / secure job, I admire your drive. (then again, I suppose I was faced with your situation...)

Anyway, well done!

04-07-2011, 11:41am
Just an update
1 month into fulltime and WOW have we been busy
Apart from lots of shoots, deb ball, glamour, bubs and e-shoots, have had wedding bookings and enquiries, and we went to PMA as well.
To be honest, has been busier than i expected.
The great thjing is being able to call people back who leave messages and send email enquiries in a timely manner.
I know have Mondays off to do the housework - LOL
I have even watched a bit of TV as i'm not sorting photos all night!!!
Even managed to make some more comments on AP!!!
Very Happy

04-07-2011, 1:35pm
Glad everything is doing well mate !

04-07-2011, 3:10pm
Well done to you & good luck for the future :)

04-07-2011, 4:20pm
Sounds great! :th3:

15-07-2011, 7:35pm
Good luck Jeff, had a quick peek at your website, love the kids in boxes idea.

16-07-2011, 10:28am
Thats so great to hear its all working out for you and that it is very possible to go full time with the right planning and preparation. :)