View Full Version : What's your favourite music to listen to when doing photography???

29-05-2011, 5:24pm
Hi all,
Just wondering what sort of music you guys like to listen to when doing photography? When shooting and when doing PP etc?
I shall start; I enjoy listening to Apocalyptica when i'm doing photography stuffs especially when i'm doing PP etc.
I find that Apocalyptica gets me in a deeper zone when working... Gets all the creative juices flowing too!

29-05-2011, 8:46pm
I listen to the sounds around me when I'm shooting. It tells me what or who is where.
PP, it's iTunes and random.

29-05-2011, 8:51pm
i dont listen to music when i shoot.....i like immersing myself in the environment and listening to music would take that away from me i think. its nice to have peace and quiet too :)

James T
29-05-2011, 8:56pm
I listen to the sounds around me when I'm shooting. It tells me what or who is where.
PP, it's iTunes and random.

Plus one. Never understood people who shoot with earphones in, just cutting off half your senses. (OK, well, a fifth of them).

29-05-2011, 8:58pm
I don't listen to music either, much prefer the sounds of nature.

29-05-2011, 9:07pm
I don't listen to music when taking photos.

While editing, I sometimes have the TV going in the background but it isn't a significant part of my 'post processing'.

29-05-2011, 9:36pm
does it depend on the kind of photography you do that determines whether you prefer to listen to music or is it across the board where listening to music is just gonna be a distraction?
Like if you were doing still life shots, wouldn't listening to music give you inspiration, in a way the tune affects your emotions?
I find that it depends on what genre of photography i'm doing... like if i was doing street then i wouldn't listen to music, least i stumble onto the path of a coming truck! :eek:
But if i was doing still life - like my little people's project then i would listen to music... cos sometimes the lyrics give me inspiration...
but i like 'noisy' music when i'm doing PP... kinda puts me in the zone... does these make sense? :confused013

29-05-2011, 10:13pm
Birdsong. What other sort is there?

30-05-2011, 4:46am
It's the sounds of nature or silence for me too, I find music too distracting

Art Vandelay
30-05-2011, 7:10am
Can't see the point of walking around in a bubble by putting those things in your ears, so natural sounds over here too.

30-05-2011, 8:25am
I think taking photos requires the use of your senses. Not just one ( sight ), but all. Definately No music here.

30-05-2011, 8:44am
Sounds of silence 4 me, though I usually miss out because of traffic din, esp trains, planes, and that other thing they sing about.

30-05-2011, 8:53am
No music for me either, Nothing like the sound of the waves and birds in the early dawn , Maybe have the TV on while processing with a beer or nice wine :D

30-05-2011, 9:04am
+1 for the sounds of what's around me...
especially when i'm doing street photography- you may hear something behind you that brings your attention to it!

but you do have a point smallfooties, In Leibovitz's book "At Work" she says that for the majority of the portrait shoot she did, she was playing music in the background to make it less sterile and to help them relax more.

Doing PP on photos- any music that's on my itunes and that's a very diverse range!

30-05-2011, 1:15pm
No music for me either, Nothing like the sound of the waves and birds in the early dawn , Maybe have the TV on while processing with a beer or nice wine :D
Hi William, in what way, if any, does drinking alcohol do for you when you're doing PP?
I'm just wondering if it helps with feeling more relaxed and might help with the PP process in the sense of creativity?
It might be the case for me after a glass or 2 because i don't hold my liqour too well. But it could be different for you?

James T
30-05-2011, 1:22pm
Hi William, in what way, if any, does drinking alcohol do for you when you're doing PP?
I'm just wondering if it helps with feeling more relaxed and might help with the PP process in the sense of creativity?
It might be the case for me after a glass or 2 because i don't hold my liqour too well. But it could be different for you?

It keeps me going, need something if you've just finished shooting at 1am, your ears are ringing from being stood next to some huge speaker stack all night, and you've 1000+ photos to edit and get to the client by lunch time. :)

30-05-2011, 1:25pm
I'm the creepiest music listener in the world - to the point where I don't shave without my Ipod on. Pretty much the only thing in my life I do without music is taking photos. Because a lot of the shots I take are along the coast immersed nature, I love to leave my ears open to my surrounds.

That said, sometimes if I have a massive walk ahead of my I will throw my Ipod on. For PP and any other time in my life, 80's hard rock all the way. :) Although I have been known to delve in a lot of modern hard rock too. :)

Nothing I'd love more than a beer or two during PP, but luckily most my PP at the moment is done at work during quiet periods.

30-05-2011, 1:32pm
click... click!!!!

thats it... just me, the camera and my surrounds (whatever that might be.) :th3:

Dylan & Marianne
30-05-2011, 1:55pm
no music while taking the shots

afterward while doing PP , depends on if I need a wake up or if I'm feeling chill - most common hits on the playlist would be Metric or Placebo these days

30-05-2011, 2:49pm
click... click!!!!

thats it... just me, the camera and my surrounds (whatever that might be.) :th3:

i love to hear the sound of the shutter too!!!!
I suppose there is always the shutter addict in us photographers! kekeke:p

30-05-2011, 3:02pm
Hi William, in what way, if any, does drinking alcohol do for you when you're doing PP?
I'm just wondering if it helps with feeling more relaxed and might help with the PP process in the sense of creativity?
It might be the case for me after a glass or 2 because i don't hold my liqour too well. But it could be different for you?

Put simply, It relaxes me and I get a lot more creative, Only problem is sometimes I've forgotten how I achieved the final result :scrtch::Doh:

30-05-2011, 3:10pm
Put simply, It relaxes me and I get a lot more creative, Only problem is sometimes I've forgotten how I achieved the final result :scrtch::Doh:


30-05-2011, 3:32pm
When out photographing, none. More often than not,it's out in Nature, and I prefer those sounds, or the silence. If PP, a very broad range : from opera, instrumental, etc., " foreign ", to Rock, blues, Jazz. At the moment, listening to Agustin Lara.

30-05-2011, 3:46pm
Nothing when out and about, if your at the track you may very well get run over, and if elsewhere you might miss something unfolding behind you (hearing is the only real sense that's useful for maintaining SA when peering through the viewfinder).

But back in front of a monitor is a different matter, bit of a music addict and need the stimulation, usually ear bleedingly loud :music05:.

Bear Dale
30-05-2011, 4:30pm
No music for me either.

30-05-2011, 5:05pm
I like to listen to the sounds around me while playing with my camera :)

30-05-2011, 5:07pm
Put simply, It relaxes me and I get a lot more creative, Only problem is sometimes I've forgotten how I achieved the final result :scrtch::Doh:


30-05-2011, 5:08pm
Justin Bieber at the moment. I never shoot with headphones in though I know a few that do

02-06-2011, 7:48pm
Justin Bieber at the moment. I never shoot with headphones in though I know a few that do

"Baby baby baby oh!" kekeke

02-06-2011, 10:17pm
Put simply, It relaxes me and I get a lot more creative, Only problem is sometimes I've forgotten how I achieved the final result :scrtch::Doh:

I think I'd need LOADS of booze inside me to help me prepare for processing work by guys like...mmm...I don't know...Joel-Peter Witkin?
...possibly with some sedative chasers.