View Full Version : What photo editing software do you use regularly?

28-05-2011, 4:47pm
What photo-editing software do you use regularly? I am interested in finding out what members use to edit their photos. You can choose more than one option, but please select the ones you use regularly only.

28-05-2011, 5:04pm
LR3, CS5 and Nik software suite (all packages)

28-05-2011, 5:10pm
mostly LR, for advanced editing cs5
also use photo mehanic if on a timeline

I @ M
28-05-2011, 5:10pm
I had to clarify my vote, Paint.net has a very good ( + it is free ) clone tool that Nikon Capture NX2 STILL doesn't have. :D

28-05-2011, 6:02pm
I use either Photoshop or Photoshop Elements depending on what I need to do.


28-05-2011, 6:04pm
LR2 and CS5; although it seems it will take until my final years to fully utilise all of the functions of the latter to its fullest :o

28-05-2011, 6:41pm
Lightroom for nearly everything and CS5 a little bit (cos I don't know what to do with it yet:D).

28-05-2011, 7:35pm
CS5 - taken quite a while to learn it, but starting to feel I have a grip on this software finally :)

28-05-2011, 8:44pm
I use CS5 now for all my editing. I think I got it last year and had no idea how to use it. My PS skills are improving rapidly but there is still a lot of stuff I'm not familiar with.

28-05-2011, 11:56pm
Capture NX2 for most, but PS Elements for anything 'exotic'. Still using PSE version 4 - haven't found a compelling reason to upgrade.

(In the poll Capture NX2 should probably have been a separate entry with 'ViewNX' as 'Your Camera Brand...', but no matter...)


29-05-2011, 12:30am
I am still using PS Elements 5 and find it enough for my needs I also use a very old program Ulead Photo Express 3, it has a good easy text and transparent watermarking action. And surprisingly although designed for Windows 95 still works in Windows 7

29-05-2011, 7:50am
The GIMP, because I can't afford anything else and because I edit in both Linux and Windows and The GIMP is supported by both platforms. One day I've promised myself CS5 (or maybe CS9 by then) but at the moment this is the most comprehensive editing package I can manage.

29-05-2011, 7:57am
My selection of imaging software is fairly straight-forward in approach.

I have Adobe Photoshop CS4, within which I use Bridge for previewing images, Camera Raw for raw conversion and Photoshop for post-processing.

No plug-ins or extras.

I also run Photomatix Pro for HDR imaging.

As great as Lightroom is and as easy as it makes many forms of processing, I just cannot see a need for it in my workflow when I've already spent significant coinage on Photoshop.

I haven't bothered upgrading to CS5, as there is no need. CS4 is far more capable than I am, as was CS3 which I previously ran before ditching Windows in favour of a fruitler operating system.

29-05-2011, 8:02am
Elements, because I like the catalog system, and am unwilling to spring the big bucks for cs5. (And my skill set is nowhere near the limits of what elements can do.)

Mary Anne
29-05-2011, 8:16am
I use PS CS3 on my PC when its working its broken again. I am not that good at it though tyring to teach myself.
I recently bought PaintShop Photo Pro X3 Ultimate from the Sponsers up top so I could use the tool to remove objects
After trying many times I still cannot use it so its gone into the too hard basket.
I am buying PS CS5 Mac version and Lightroom for my grand-daughter soon as she needs both for TAFE and dont have the money.
Now that I have a MacBook I am hoping she will be able to teach me a little more :D

29-05-2011, 9:51am
Nikon Capture NX2 with Nik Color Efex Pro filters for about 95% of my processing.

The rest is for specialised operations (PTGui for panos, HDR Efex for HDR, FotoSketcher for fun).

29-05-2011, 10:01am
I use Elements 9, has all the features that I require at the moment, I can process photos quickly without having to lookup help on
how to do something, supports RAW, I like the catalogue/ storage of photos that it offers, I feel if I bought CS5 I wouldn't utiise all the the features :)

Art Vandelay
29-05-2011, 10:22am
LR3 for import, cataloging, most editing & synching to website.
Photoshop occasionally, then re import modified file back into LR3.

Bear Dale
29-05-2011, 10:40am
I use PS though I use LR for cataloging.

I don't find LR as easy as PS for actual editing (not that my PP skills are anything to write about).

29-05-2011, 10:48am
I use photoshop CS3 and have taught myself over a period of time. The problem is it does not recognise the Nikon D7000 raw files and as far as I know there are no plug ins available. Will probably upgrade to CS5 so that I can use raw.

29-05-2011, 1:15pm
Photoshop on PC, and Aperture on my Macbook Pro..

Lance B
29-05-2011, 2:07pm
Capture One Pro6 and Photoshop CS5

29-05-2011, 3:43pm
I use Photoshop Elements 9 almost exclusively.

29-05-2011, 4:00pm
I use LR3 to do all my processing since I have very limited knowledge I have recently purchased Scott Kelby's book and that has opened up a whole new world of learning. Once finished with this I have CS5 and again ordered Scott Kelby's book to learn with :D

29-05-2011, 4:41pm
I use Lightroom 2 for most of my editiing, occasionally I'll pull something into Photoshop CS4 if I have a need to. Photoshop & I are yet to be friends - I need to refine my PS skills a great deal. ;o)

29-05-2011, 7:34pm
for most i use iphoto for basic stuff then i use lr for the next level. If further manipulation is required then my photos get a work over with cs5. I just bought a new program for portraits and it is soooooooo easy to use, portrait professional

30-05-2011, 4:49am
Capture One RAW processor and Photoshop here

30-05-2011, 1:57pm
Photoshop CS5 for me too. Though I only have a very basic knowledge of it.

I also use Picassa for any and all photo straightening as I haven't found an easier and more convenient way to straighten a photo as what they provide. Just a shame you can't edit a heap of images and then save all afterwards. :(

I also use Photomatix regularly too.

31-05-2011, 4:23pm
CS5 and LR and Photomatix here..........with varying degrees of sucess :)

31-05-2011, 4:47pm
mostly lr and some ps

01-06-2011, 5:32am
In Linux - Digikam, Gimp, Photoshop-7 - Gimp doesn't handle 16-bit TIFFs properly, yet.

RawTherapee is a bit of a muddle at present. DarkTable looks as if it's going to be very good indeed, very detailed, but the work sequencing, while improving by version, is pretty awkward so far. The promised "big update" after mid-year looks like answering some of those issues.

01-06-2011, 10:10am
The Gimp is my main editing tool.

I use Instant JPG from RAW to dump out the preview jpgs from the RAW files so I can review them.

Raw Therapee for processing the RAW files, though sometimes the preview jpgs are good enough.

Irfanview for cropping and also for bulk resizing in preparation for uploading to certain websites.

01-06-2011, 10:16am
PSPx2 and irfanview :)

01-06-2011, 10:24am
I have both LR and PS but recently haven't been using PS much at all. I think, now that I have a pretty good understanding of how LR works and how to achieve the results I am after I don't need PS anymore for photographic purposes. It has taken me a while to learn LR properly, and now find I am using all the available tools regularly.

01-06-2011, 11:18am
I use Elements 9 and have just ordered the latest version of Lightroom as I'm starting to use RAW a lot more now, and want to be able to quickly get rid of colour fringing etc.

I know very little about LR, but i'm looking forward to learning more.

Generally though, I find that Elements 9 does just about everything, even RAW - but it is a bit limited in what it can do with RAW images.

01-06-2011, 6:10pm
Photoshop CS5 extended

01-06-2011, 6:53pm
Photoshop, although technically, at least 90% of what I do is in Camera RAW.

Occassionally Paint Shop Pro and Picasa.

Captured frame
01-06-2011, 10:58pm
Aperture 3,and Elements 8 for any minor tweeks.

06-06-2011, 7:19pm
LR3, CS3, and photomatix very occasionally.

07-06-2011, 7:48pm
Lightroom is my choice option. Love the flexibillity it has, especially the current version!

07-06-2011, 10:09pm
Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom 99.9% of the time for me

08-06-2011, 3:56am
Photoshop CS5 and Camera Raw

08-06-2011, 6:06am
If there's one piece of advice I learnt is that there are so many software packages out there, just choose one and make it work for you

08-06-2011, 8:55am
PS CS2 and Elements 8

08-06-2011, 10:49am
I got my copy of Lightroom 3 late last week, and have spent some time on the Adobe site learning about it.
I must say that the Adobe videos are very good and are a quick way to get started with such a complex program.
If they could make the screen shots larger, they would be even better.

I am finding that Lightroom is excellent for doing stuff to photos that can't be done otherwise, especially when the photos are in RAW.
It talks to Photoshop Elements and the results I'm getting are getting better all the time.
Lightroom also has a very good slideshow section which makes it very easy to do.

I was a bit naughty though when buying Lightroom, as I got a student to buy it for me, then givingit to me as a gift, saving many hundreds of $$$, and the price for it was even less than a full version of Elements.
Great value.

08-06-2011, 1:41pm
Aperture and Photoshop CS5. However, I am looking at getting a plug in for HDR processing and am evaluating several options at the moment.

09-06-2011, 7:21am
Just lightroom is enough for me.

11-06-2011, 3:11pm
CS4 at the moment, i have tried aperture and didn't like it at all. Capture looks like a great program to use from what i have seen :)

27-06-2011, 8:52am
CS5 and lightroom for me would be keen to try out aperture and judge it against lightroom.

27-06-2011, 8:59am
The Gimp and Picassa for me :)

28-06-2011, 9:58am
Aperture 3 and Elements 6. Oh, and Painter Essentials 4 if I'm feeling artistic. Almost everything is done in Aperture though.

28-06-2011, 1:29pm
CS4 did more than I needed so I removed it from the computer (I might use it again in the future).
I find Lightroom 3 is a really nice program for most things, and Elements 9 is a quick and easy program to use for the little that LR3 cant do.

28-06-2011, 1:37pm
PSE 9 (badly)

05-07-2011, 4:38pm
Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom. All you need really! :th3:

07-07-2011, 8:14pm
Aperture 3+Nik Software suite, PS CS5+Nik Software suite, Capture NX2

08-07-2011, 10:53am
I've tried pretty much all of them, but I always come back to those I know which are Paintshop Pro and ACDSee. My problem is remembering all the commands, and as I have the memory of a TRS-80 I find my learning curve ends up as a complete circle. I'd like to use Lightroom, but I hate the way you are locked into a particular file structure and processing regime. I prefer to process photos in the directories of my choice and on an individual photo basis. ACDSee does most processing until you start needing to use layers etc - then Paintshop takes over. I may have to go to PS Elements because I'm not sure Paintshop is going to continue being upgraded by Corel.

08-07-2011, 11:59am

Send me a pm re lightroom, you can have whatever file structure you like, or even no file structure at all if you like

10-07-2011, 5:47pm
Using aperture at the moment

10-07-2011, 7:07pm
If there's one piece of advice I learnt is that there are so many software packages out there, just choose one and make it work for you

that is sound advice Darren and very underestimated advice, its almost like chosing your camera brand, what works for some just does not work for others

12-07-2011, 7:17am
Lightroom does 98% of what i want...

20-09-2011, 8:48pm
Aperture 3, Nik software suite. Used to use Photoshop CS2 until Lion came along - that was the end of that :roll eyes:
Also have Acorn for simple image stuff for when I need layers.

I use Snapseed on the iPad.

23-09-2011, 3:47pm
Mainly shooting motorsports lately, so I use Lightroom for bulk adjustments (WB etc) then I try to comandeer my mates pc which has photoshop on it for the ones that actually turn out well.

23-09-2011, 10:55pm
I've pretty much exclusively turned to Faststone. Seems to do most of what I was doing in Photoshop, only Faststone is free and I'm finding it much easier to use. Don't need to type in some dodgy password everytime I open my extended trial version of Photoshop either. :D

But the thing I really like about Faststone is that you can do everything you want to a photo in one sitting, close it and be done. Only being able to do certain funtions, then having to save and re-open before you could use other functions was really getting to me with Photoshop. Eg. You couldn't clone/heal after changing colours, or sharpen after amending colours etc. With Faststone you just go down the lists one by one, finish and save. Nice. :)

28-09-2011, 12:26pm
PS CS5, I love photoshop, have used it for years. I've got LR3, but I don't really know how to use it to it's full potential.. yet. I'll learn one day i'm sure! :p

Pentax Pete
04-11-2011, 8:59pm
I mainly use ACDsee and occasionaly CS5 for the parts that ACDsee does not cover as yet, for basic work I find that ACDsee is very easy to use.

04-11-2011, 9:25pm
I mainly use ACDsee and occasionaly CS5 for the parts that ACDsee does not cover as yet, for basic work I find that ACDsee is very easy to use.

Hi Pete, Is that the Pro version?

04-11-2011, 9:26pm
Lightroom with Nik software package, supplemented by Photoshop CS5 (well, just learning the latter now).

NFI how people use PS for all their work - LR is so much faster to use!

Pentax Pete
04-11-2011, 10:10pm
I have several versions of ACDsee, Pro 3, ACDsee for Pentax 3.0, Photo Editor 2008 and have just obtained ACDsee14 which has several new inovations over Pro 3, don't think I will go to the latest Pro version at this time as I need to get my head around my latest aquistion.


Pentax Pete (Geoff)

05-11-2011, 9:02am
I have several versions of ACDsee, Pro 3, ACDsee for Pentax 3.0, Photo Editor 2008 and have just obtained ACDsee14 which has several new inovations over Pro 3, don't think I will go to the latest Pro version at this time as I need to get my head around my latest aquistion.


Pentax Pete (Geoff)

Hi Pete,

I used to use ACDee Pro years ago until I discovered the Canon tools and lent towards them. I Use Photoshop 5 for most editing and PP



14-06-2012, 9:42am
Tend to use Lightroom 4 mostly, but Photoshop CS5 is an important part of my workflow in the later stages. I also use the Neat Image plugin and the Nik software suite within these, particularly Silver Efex which is magnificent.

24-06-2012, 12:19am
I find Lightroom pretty easy to use, the workflow seems to make sense to me (actually still on Lightroom 3)

24-06-2012, 12:33am
I'm new to this and find this thread Insightful. Looks like PS and Lightroom are the popular editing apps with a smattering of Aperture, ACDsee.
I'll hit YouTube and see what the walk throughs are like.

One question I'd like to pose. Once you have edited a photo to your liking what do you do with it? Print it? Set it as a wallpaper on your PC? Archive it?

24-06-2012, 1:34am
One question I'd like to pose. Once you have edited a photo to your liking what do you do with it? Print it? Set it as a wallpaper on your PC? Archive it?

All the above! I like the way that Lightroom just stores all your changes to the original, so the original doesnt change

Mark L
24-06-2012, 7:41pm
Looks like PS and Lightroom are the popular editing apps with a smattering of Aperture, ACDsee.

Over 20% say other and Camera brand!!!!!!

24-06-2012, 8:58pm
No option for capture 1 or Photo mechanic?
I like C1.

26-06-2012, 4:15pm
...and no option for the one in iPhoto on an elderly Apple MacBook (laptop) - I cant imagine why not!

Looking to upgrade computer and learn to use editing software though, so this thread is a wealth of valuable info.

Thanks to you all for responding.

Lance B
27-06-2012, 3:31pm
No option for capture 1 or Photo mechanic?
I like C1.

So do I.

Anne Sh
27-06-2012, 6:26pm
LR for the majority...specifically importing, cataloguing, basic adjustments (cropping, contrast, white balance and raw processing), then Photoshop for the other stuff that I may want to do.

The majority of the time I am able to do everything in LR.

Greg Johnston
27-06-2012, 6:35pm
I predominantly use Lightroom 4. I was using Lightroom 3 but the upgrade to version 4 is brilliant. The adjustment brush has been significantly upgraded and this has taken the program to a whole new level.

29-06-2012, 4:13am
I use rawTherapee and the GIMP. Linux is my main OS, so short of buying a second PC I use that for everything. The only exceptions are a couple of programs I run in a Windows virtual machine.

01-07-2012, 7:57pm
I usually use photoshop cs3 (old i know), but not for any advanced editing. Just raw conversion and levels.

31-08-2012, 11:40pm
PSP x3

01-09-2012, 10:45am
I use Lightroom exclusively for my photos, I don't use photoshop to do anything to them. I just like the way it manages my files!

Photoshop I use all day everyday for work. But everything I do in Lightroom I know how to do in Photoshop so yeah it's merely a work flow thing!

10-11-2012, 12:35pm
I used to use Corel Graphics Suite, but after failing to upgrade at discount price a couple years in a row, I was no longer eligable for upgrade pricing, and gave up on the program. My brother put me onto The Gimp - main benefit, being free, but also, I've found it can do a lot of the things Corel did, just using different menu names, etc, so it's my main program now. I recently got Lightroom too, but have only used it a little bit so far.

17-11-2012, 6:24am
Photoshop cs6 with nik software and topaz plugins, and tony kuypers actions.

17-11-2012, 6:58am
I use PS cs6. I have been using it for years and have my own little ways of achieveing the results I want. I bought the latest version recently at the discounted student rate of $180... anyone can buy the student one as long as you have a student living in your home, and as I understand it that includes primary school students.

I trialled LR but couldnt get my head around it and couldnt be bothered learning it either. I might give it another go some day.

18-11-2012, 8:03pm
I've been too lazy to pp, but when I do, I use LR

29-06-2013, 7:30am
In Linux - Digikam, Gimp, Photoshop-7 - Gimp doesn't handle 16-bit TIFFs properly, yet.

RawTherapee is a bit of a muddle at present. DarkTable looks as if it's going to be very good indeed, very detailed, but the work sequencing, while improving by version, is pretty awkward so far. The promised "big update" after mid-year looks like answering some of those issues.

I realise this is an old post, but having just explored Rawtherapee and Darktable, I just had to comment when I found it in a search :).

Darktable's work flow is still horrible. I'd rate it as much worse than 'pretty awkward'. Also it's memory management is broken under 32 bit, and they seem to just make excuses, and imply you should use 64 bit. Doesn't explain why other programs, like Rawtherapee manage to work really well under 32 bit and Darktable doesn't.

But Rawtherapee, current, is superb. I would predict I will use it more than anything else now I have it. I still use Digikam to manage my photos, and launch rawtherapee from Digikam, then if I need to, launch Gimp from rawtherapee. Gimp still converts the 16 bit TIFF to 8 bit, and strips the Exif though.

29-06-2013, 8:04am
Hi wetpixels and thanks for the update. I haven't used darktable for a long time as I use rawtherapee and the gimp. I don't see gimp stripping exif data from my images though. I let rawtherapee output the file and then open it with the gimp, so that may be the difference.

29-06-2013, 8:29am
Hi wetpixels and thanks for the update. I haven't used darktable for a long time as I use rawtherapee and the gimp. I don't see gimp stripping exif data from my images though. I let rawtherapee output the file and then open it with the gimp, so that may be the difference.

That is one difference. I have tried both ways. Are you saving it from rawtherapee as jpeg or tiff? Jpeg will work, but tiff (which is used for opening the image in Gimp directly) won't keep the exif data.

The Gimp version I have, 2.8.4, according to what I read, and experience, will happily read the exif data if you open a jpeg, and and save it if you export it again as a jpeg, but if you open a tiff file in Gimp, it doesn't read the Exif, so it can't save it in any jpeg (or tiff) that you might export.

29-06-2013, 10:15am
Yep - I see what you mean. The directly exported .jpg images have the exif data, but not the .jpg images from .tif files