View Full Version : your favourite b/w film?

24-05-2011, 10:17pm
What is your favourite (or 2-3 that you like) b/w film?
I cannot say I have a favourite as of yet, although i have shot a few different types, I have not used any extensively undter the same conditions.

I can say I generally like ilford hp5+ for the versatility of the speed + the grain is quite nice.

Id likem to hear why you like a certain film, and may have a go at it also :)

24-05-2011, 10:45pm
if i'm testing a new camera, i use the regular kodak 400 BW...
If i'm wanting to do proper work, i like ilford delta 3200 at iso 800. I have a roll of Ilford PANF plus... but i've yet to use it...
Fujifilm NEOPAN 400 is another i have...

24-05-2011, 11:04pm
my favourite film in 8X10 format was Kodak Tech-pan 25 - these days I'm using T-max 100 for 4X5 and 8X10. I still have a hundred or so sheets of Tech-pan, I only use than for special occasions these days. For smaller formats I use T-max 100 as well, I occasionally use a T-max 400 when I need some extra speed.

25-05-2011, 12:05am
interesting. Is there and advantage to use delta 3200 at 800?

25-05-2011, 12:06am
my favourite film in 8X10 format was Kodak Tech-pan 25 - these days I'm using T-max 100 for 4X5 and 8X10. I still have a hundred or so sheets of Tech-pan, I only use than for special occasions these days. For smaller formats I use T-max 100 as well, I occasionally use a T-max 400 when I need some extra speed.

what advantage do you feel tmax has over other films? or is there a specific look of this film?

25-05-2011, 9:50am
"at advantage do you feel tmax has over other films? or is there a specific look of this film? "

It's the look, the lack of grain and the simplicity of using just one type of film in all my cameras - from my 35mm Leica M3 to my Ebony 8X10. I will use some faster/slower film types when I know T-max 100 won't give me the results I want.

26-05-2011, 5:42pm
another vote for for HP5+ closely followed by T-Max

26-05-2011, 5:49pm
Dr Strangelove

26-05-2011, 10:20pm
interesting. Is there and advantage to use delta 3200 at 800?

i wouldn't say it's an advantage... but i just like the result of shooting it at 800. It kinda gives the picture a ... erm... i don't know how to describe it...
Let me see if i can post a picture on here... and you might understand what i'm trying to say...
Although, i think you have to process it at 800 too...
I am still learning how to process my own negatives... so i'm abit clumsy when it gets to timing and chemical measurement...
but i'll scan a photo in now and you can have a look.

26-05-2011, 10:33pm
here is one of the photos shot at iso 800...
It's not one of the better shots i have but the good ones are stuck to my portfolio...
I hope this gives you an idea? Let me know what you think?

26-05-2011, 10:35pm
Dr Strangelove

Earth vs The Flying Saucers

Glen or Glenda

Ilford FP4

Now one of those doesn't quite fit. I haven't shot black and white film for a very long time.

27-05-2011, 3:00pm
here is one of the photos shot at iso 800...
It's not one of the better shots i have but the good ones are stuck to my portfolio...
I hope this gives you an idea? Let me know what you think?

it gives a strange effect :D

27-05-2011, 3:36pm
this one...

agfa... (http://www.archive.org/details/nosferatu_ipod)

27-05-2011, 4:45pm
Haven't tried a lot and call me old fashion but I like my tri-x :)

29-05-2011, 5:12pm
it gives a strange effect :D

Hi Fabian,
It does give a strange effect doesn't it???
But i love it!!!!

29-05-2011, 9:25pm
neopan 400

30-05-2011, 10:25am
Same here! Used it a long time ago, that is, but when I did it was (excuse the 4-gotten names but)
Kodak 125 ASA Panchromatic, devved in D76
Kodak Tri-X Pan, dittoed in D76
Kodak B/W IR film, also in D76
Kodak Panatomic F 32ASA, which I used to send away to be developed "properly".
(Gee! Almost total recall!)

I wouldn't know what's there now, except for what I've read hereabouts.
(Gee! Almost total ignorance!)
However, this has been interesting.

30-05-2011, 2:58pm
did you guys know that Anni Lebovitz (SP?) started out with a roll of Tri X and a 35mm film camera????
Wow... i really love her work!!!!

30-05-2011, 10:50pm
did you guys know that Anni Lebovitz (SP?) started out with a roll of Tri X and a 35mm film camera????
Wow... i really love her work!!!!

tri-x is great.
shadows look great at about 250...and dropping the dev time by 1/5th stops your highlights blowing out.

04-06-2011, 4:25pm
I've gotten the best results so far with FP4, but I want to try some of the B&W Kodaks, like Tmax or Tri-X

05-06-2011, 6:48pm
While I must have tried almost every reasonably well known B&W films over the decades, I definitely had two very big stand out faourites

TMax 100 - just brilliant.

and for very different purposes

Fuji Neopan 1600 -eventually used that for most of my performing arts and theatre work

dusty deb
06-06-2011, 8:51pm
It's a wonderful life.......with James Stewart ;)

08-06-2011, 10:53pm
It's a wonderful life.......with James Stewart ;)


09-06-2011, 9:48am

Fabian. Tell me you're "Joe King", then:D Click for the flick. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0038650/)

09-06-2011, 9:56am
how come when deb puts jame stewart up it causes a stir but when i put up nosferatu nothing happens... is its a wonderful life that much better?

09-06-2011, 10:15am
Apologies, Ving, for not clicking on your link b-4 to verify that it was NOT actually just a link to some Agfa film. OK, was it shot on an Agfa stock?

09-06-2011, 8:57pm
sorry I am not that old that Id understand :D

dusty deb
11-06-2011, 11:58pm
how come when deb puts jame stewart up it causes a stir but when i put up nosferatu nothing happens... is its a wonderful life that much better?

Seriously, do you need to ask that question? tee hee

Ok so I'll leave now......I've got my jacket..........

12-06-2011, 9:44pm
Well, I've tried HP5, Delta 3200, BW400CN and XP2-400 and I'd have to say that I wouldn't not use any of them again, although I'd probably choose XP2 over the BW400 for a C-41 film, but that's cause I love the contrast in the Ilford. I haven't tried the 3200 at any other than box speed, but it did wonders as an allround film when we were in Melbourne last year, albeit in my F5 with almost silly-fast shutter speeds so I could use it in in (overcast) daylight opened wide.

ATM I'm trying Delta 100 but its a test roll for sunny 16 and will be my first home developed roll, and I have two rolls of Pan F 50 sitting in the fridge for future use.

21-09-2011, 4:19pm
Thread Revival!

I've self deved a roll of hp5+ and not liking the grain structure, it's just so coarse! . The XP2 400 is just so much nicer as well. Is is because of my developing methods? I'm using Ilford LC29 1+9 @ 6:30min/20degs. and Ilford fixer 1+4 @ 5min.

Anything i should be aware of?

23-09-2011, 8:37pm
love the HP5+ grain!

23-09-2011, 11:19pm
I don't thnk you shoot HP5 for fine grain so it kind of seem odd to then complain about the grain (or grain structure). I always really liked HP5 with LC29, but when shot on 6x7. No grain at all and amazing tonal gradation and sharpness. But I wouldn't shoot 35mm with ISO 400 film and expect anything but grain.


24-09-2011, 12:27pm
I agree with William T-MAX 100 for the best tonal range for sure, I loved that Film so much .. although that was such a long time ago for me ...... OH that smell of developer ! :)
I think they've spoilt us so much with Digital technology ..

Cheers Tropix55

24-09-2011, 4:24pm
I use Ilford FP4 in 4x5 and 120 I rate it at 80 ISO and dev in Rodinal @ 1-50 for 7.5 min. it give great results.
I have tried Fuji Acros 100 its good also.
Cheers All, I love Film. :)

27-09-2011, 8:18am
Ilford HP5+ and XP2 400 for versatility.....

27-09-2011, 2:08pm
I'm not sure you can seperate a film from a developer. the same film responds really differently to different developers. I think the original question should be fave film+developer combo!

In which case .... I like to use FP4+ in my 4x5 LF camera. I rate at around 80 and dunk it in Rodinal 1-50 for 8 mins as my N-Process. But I also really like Efke 25 (rated at 25) in Rodinal too. It has a really nice vintage look to it.