View Full Version : Godwin Beach startrails 28th saturday

24-05-2011, 9:14pm
I am planning on going to Godwin beach on the 28th May there will be no moon in th sky hoping to get some nice star trails or making a night time lapse I will be there between 5:30 and 6:00 pm who ever wishes to join me can meet me on the main beach. My wife will be tagging along as well.....Its high tide around 6pm so hopefully we can get some reflections in the water......I got this long exposure shot at Godwin beach even if there are clouds in the sky there are a lots of opportunities. Canon 7D AV F4 Sigma 10-20mm ISO 100


25-05-2011, 8:50pm
Love the image, but I think composition could be improved by either cropping the foreground grass out, or aiming the camera more above the horizon, to exclude most of the grass. Finding a point of interest to include to break up the grass in the foreground could work too. I notice the pine(?) tree has a wide range of exposure - ranging from correctly/slightly over exposed at the base to a under exposed at the top. Were you using a torch to light paint the scene, or was it ambient lighting? Perhaps the judicious use of a LED torch could even out the exposure. It is a bit hit and miss though, but can work well.

25-05-2011, 9:38pm
Thanks for the comments I used a small pocket LED light agree about the foreground cropping but somewhat like it and the top was not painted with light so not very even..............................so will you be making it to the meet

26-05-2011, 9:19am
so will you be making it to the meet

Bit too far for me I think! ;)

26-05-2011, 6:23pm
Sorry Dwarak - I should have checked the forum that this was in! I saw an image and went into CC mode - my mistake. ;)

26-05-2011, 6:25pm
Sorry Dwarak - I should have checked the forum that this was in! I saw an image and went into CC mode - my mistake. ;) No the CC was useful I do not mind thanks I am always learning

27-05-2011, 11:43am
I would love to come out and have a go at some of these shots, I have a Canon 550D but only my kit lens and Tripod.. Is it worth coming or should I wait till I have better lenses?

27-05-2011, 12:34pm
Don't wait, even if all you get out of it is some new skills then it is worth it. You may also be surprised at how well the kit lens actually performs.

Will try and see if I am allowed out, might be a bit later though. How long do you think you will be there Dwarak?

27-05-2011, 1:31pm
I would love to come out and have a go at some of these shots, I have a Canon 550D but only my kit lens and Tripod.. Is it worth coming or should I wait till I have better lenses?

Kane kit lens will do just fine just depends on how wide you want to go I guess 18-55 will do the job....and you will need an interval meter which I have a spare one but not sure it will fit in the 550D I think its only compatible with the 7D but even if you do not have a interval meter you can pickup a shutter release for the 550D and can do long exposures for startrails instead of the stacking method....

27-05-2011, 1:32pm
Don't wait, even if all you get out of it is some new skills then it is worth it. You may also be surprised at how well the kit lens actually performs.

Will try and see if I am allowed out, might be a bit later though. How long do you think you will be there Dwarak?


I plan to be there early with my wife taking some portrait shots just before sunset and plan to be there atleast untill 8 pm

27-05-2011, 1:55pm
HI, I will probably turn up, and Jacs is also thinking about it, so 2 more. Hoping someone can help me as I have never done star trails before :confused013

27-05-2011, 1:59pm
Sounds good I will certainly be there! I don't have a shutter release.. Have been doing some reading and even with my 550D on the slowest shutter speed I won't really get the star trail effect.. is that right?
I will still come either way am very interested to see how it's done and this place also looks really nice


27-05-2011, 2:01pm
HI, I will probably turn up, and Jacs is also thinking about it, so 2 more. Hoping someone can help me as I have never done star trails before :confused013

No problems it's not that hard it's just getting the exposure right and all you will need is a shutter release pref a digital one so you can take multiple exposures instead of one long one which will create more noise and will have to manage it in pp

27-05-2011, 2:17pm
Sounds good I will certainly be there! I don't have a shutter release.. Have been doing some reading and even with my 550D on the slowest shutter speed I won't really get the star trail effect.. is that right?
I will still come either way am very interested to see how it's done and this place also looks really nice


Kane there are two ways we can do startrails one is the stacking method basically one single long exposure which can last for hours the drawback in this method is noise the second one is the stacking method where you can take multiple shots maybe with a higher iso you can get away with 30 sec shutter speed. These multiple shots then is stacked I use startrails a free program to stack the shot usually in this method a bright shot is taken just after sunset which forms the base image the program uses this image as the base and then stacks the star trails on top of it. Just bring your tripod I have a 7d which I use apart from the 5d mark 2 prob you can use the 7d

27-05-2011, 6:27pm
So to list the numbers

Terry (maybe)

So we can meet at the Esplanade its not a very long road and mostly quiet so easy to find cars parked on the left..............

27-05-2011, 6:55pm
I'll see if I can make it.


27-05-2011, 7:34pm
I'll see if I can make it.


It will be good to catchup with you Bill

28-05-2011, 6:00am
Damn I missed this post. Was quite busy the last few weeks and hardly logged into AP. Sorry Dwarak I'll miss this one as I have an appointment tonight - surely next time mate.

Also I am planning to re-visit Dicky/King's beach on the 12th or 19th depending on the tide conditions and weather. Would be happy for you to join (I will put up a post soon).

28-05-2011, 12:52pm
That's quiet alright dbose does not look like a good idea there is cloud everywhere unless it clears I will be there anyway I can do a time-lapse video it will be quiet interesting with movement in clouds

28-05-2011, 2:19pm
Sorry, I am out. I have come over feeling crook, headache, sore throat and icky tum :(

28-05-2011, 2:20pm
hey Dwarak, great photo :)
I am slack.. I normally do star trails just in the back yard.. lol :)
would love to come down tonight but back still recovering from surgery a couple months ago and not coping with the cold
(as well as i think its gonna be rainin and cloudy later ).. good luck anyway
I am just up the road in Ningi .. so I'll keep an eye out and join ya for some maybe next time :)
as well now ya got me thinking about start trails I might have to get out there once it starts warmin up again to do some :)

28-05-2011, 2:29pm
Hey guys I won't be coming down long way for me to drive when the forecast is rain tonight up there!

Look forward to coming out soon and meeting everyone, have a great night


28-05-2011, 3:50pm
Sorry guys picked a wrong day I guess if everyone is pulling out then I will head to the city to do a time-lapse of the city cats on the river will post the video. I will reschedule the meeting for another day.

28-05-2011, 4:40pm
dam shame is overcast... would have enjoyed the walk down :p

29-05-2011, 3:35am
I wimped out too. There is always a next time.


29-05-2011, 10:59am
I wimped out too. There is always a next time.


Yes a bit of a shame went to the city instead to get some night shots portrait and a shot of the captain cook bridge going back to kangaroo point for a sunset portrait with flash

04-06-2011, 3:47pm
My shoulder had healed up enough to carry a camera at least in the left hand so I will be keen to get out amongst it again soon D, maybe in a couple of weeks, so I will keep an eye on QLD meetups AND try to get to the next one. Cheers, David.

06-06-2011, 6:38am
My shoulder had healed up enough to carry a camera at least in the left hand so I will be keen to get out amongst it again soon D, maybe in a couple of weeks, so I will keep an eye on QLD meetups AND try to get to the next one. Cheers, David.

Good to hear from you David looking forward to meeting you I had gotten into time-lapse for a while. Want to do star trails sometime it's just hard with the clouds guess it will be a last moment thing.