View Full Version : What's at the top of your wish list?

23-05-2011, 1:56pm
As per the thread title, what photographic item is currently sitting at the top of your wish list?

For me, it's the Canon 35mm f1.4 L. Yes, I already own the 35mm f2 and it's a pretty good performer for such a cheap lens, but I'm really, really wanting the L version. I don't have a solid, logical reason for wanting it other than I like the focal length and I love shooting wide, wide open. Wish lists don't have to be based on logic anyway, right?

So what is everyone else pining for at present?

23-05-2011, 2:08pm
good question

I think either a Nikon 85 1.4 or a 14-24. Neither of which I absolutely need or can currently afford to pay for ourt of my photography accumulated fund/deficit account

23-05-2011, 2:17pm
Goal is obtain a full frame body by year's end....most likely a 5D Classic (Mk I)...gosh, I really, really, want one :th3: :(

23-05-2011, 2:20pm
I am going to buy an ultra wide lens next Canon 10 - 22. I am in the fortunate/unfortunate (for my bank balance) position of being able to walk into the doors of B & H in three weeks. I have a list of smaller purchases to make as well as the new lens :)

JM Tran
23-05-2011, 2:24pm
I actually want Firewire 800 to come back into higher end camera bodies, and maybe Thunderbolt too when more support becomes available, or USB3 as a last resort. Shooting tethered for work with USB2 is such a draggggggg

23-05-2011, 2:25pm
I'm in an instant film stage at the moment... would love a Polaroid 450!

23-05-2011, 2:28pm
So what is everyone else pining for at present?

Lee ten-stop ND filter.

I also need a replacement Lee filter holder, as the ocean has ruined the spring in my existing holder, meaning that it's liable to fall off the adapter ring.

23-05-2011, 2:33pm
good question

I think either a Nikon 85 1.4 or a 14-24. Neither of which I absolutely need or can currently afford to pay for ourt of my photography accumulated fund/deficit account

Yes, my photography account has come up recently thanks to some paid work, but is still in the red overall.

Not sure where you stand on 3rd party lenses, but the Sigma 85 1.4 is getting some good reviews over on FM. Not sure how the pricing compares, but it might be worth a look.

Goal is obtain a full frame body by year's end....most likely a 5D Classic (Mk I)...gosh, I really, really, want one :th3: :(

Yeah, go the full-frame goodness! I'd be happy to pick up a 5D classic in good condition for walkaround use and backup for my MkII.

I am going to buy an ultra wide lens next Canon 10 - 22. I am in the fortunate/unfortunate (for my bank balance) position of being able to walk into the doors of B & H in three weeks. I have a list of smaller purchases to make as well as the new lens :)

I think I'd get myself in a lot of trouble at B&H. Have fun and be careful!

23-05-2011, 2:41pm
I guess a rich husband doesn't count? Then he could buy all the gear I want!

23-05-2011, 2:52pm
I guess a rich husband doesn't count? Then he could buy all the gear I want!

Hahahahaha, of course that counts!!!

23-05-2011, 2:56pm
A 7D body. ;)

JM Tran
23-05-2011, 3:07pm
I guess a rich husband doesn't count? Then he could buy all the gear I want!

best answer so far:D

23-05-2011, 3:25pm
Depends if I'm talking about my not-even-in-my-wildest-dreams wish list, or my maybe-someday-but-not-right-now wish list, or my not-very-exciting-but-will-probably-be-my-next-purchase wish list. In above wish list order they would be Nikkor 400mm f/2.8, Nikkor 85mm f/1.4 (or maybe Nikkor 24mm f/1.4), Nikkor TC-20E III (teleconverter)


23-05-2011, 3:34pm
I guess a rich husband doesn't count? Then he could buy all the gear I want!

I'd settle for a wife that doesn't require a 10 page (not including illustrations) written submission justifying every photographic equipment purchase I make... :o

But If we're just wishing...
16-35 2.8L

23-05-2011, 3:43pm
Talent,,,think thats about all I need. LOL

23-05-2011, 3:56pm
1st, Photography ability :confused013
2nd, a girl-friend with a good job ;)
3rd, Sigma SA mount 150 macro :th3:

Bear Dale
23-05-2011, 4:32pm
Alien Bee lights.

23-05-2011, 5:34pm
I am going to buy an ultra wide lens next Canon 10 - 22. I am in the fortunate/unfortunate (for my bank balance) position of being able to walk into the doors of B & H in three weeks. I have a list of smaller purchases to make as well as the new lens :)

I wonder if they have shopping trollies?

Next on my shopping list will probably be a 100mm wide slot filter holder and 1, 2 and 3-stop hard grads in 100x150 size for use with my Nikkor 10-24mm zoom so I can use multiple filters without vignetting. :) I have a lens repair (dropped lens no more focus) in the way of that. :(

23-05-2011, 6:30pm
A new string for my Whipper Snipper

23-05-2011, 7:16pm
1dsmk3 and 50L. dont really need either, but would like a 1dsmk3 when it becomes cheaper :)

24-05-2011, 7:58am
LOL at the rich husband idea!

A new string for my Whipper Snipper

For photography??? :D

24-05-2011, 11:41am
the NEX-C3 :D

24-05-2011, 8:16pm
Given that I have just acquired a new ballhead, I'd have to say my next purchase will be some legs for it.

Other than that, I'd love a 10-24mm lens. And don't get me started on filters...

24-05-2011, 8:49pm
the unatainable wish list is a 1dsm3 or 4 with a 600mm L series for footy

24-05-2011, 10:11pm
the unatainable wish list is a 1dsm3 or 4 with a 600mm L series for footy
going buget you could get away with 1dmk3 (2k) and 600 f/4 non IS (3-4k) :th3:

24-05-2011, 11:04pm
35L or a 5DII - or both :D

25-05-2011, 12:07am
5dMkII...hoping to pick it up in Phnom Penh in Sep for at least $1000 less than I can get it here...was there last month and it was around $2080...got myself a 24-105 f/4L for $950 but couldn't afford the body as well at the time!

25-05-2011, 10:01am
I'm dreaming of a Fuji X100...

25-05-2011, 10:12am
hmm... ED80, towbar and boat trailer.... :th3:

25-05-2011, 10:15am
I'm dreaming of a Fuji X100...

Didn't Bing Crosby sing that one ? :D

25-05-2011, 11:31am
Nikkor 70-200 2.8! :th3: