View Full Version : The best I am gonna get

22-05-2011, 9:19am
Way back when I did film......I sent my rolls off to be developed and when they came back I was satisfied with what I had.......mostly.....but hey if I had what I considered a 'good' one I had that sucker blown up and slapped on the wall so fast it made the old boys head spin!
but today.....
I have that little digital file up on the monitor....carefully perusing all the gory details....my head nearly glued to that monitor. One lens in particular gives me lots of CA and PF but I love that lens and insist on using it in inappropriate situations...:p.... I can waste a whole day trying to eliminate all those little imperfections that I never even knew existed before digital stuff....jeeeez what you can see when its blown up to 600%! Its total torture!
but I want the best I can do....I try my best to capture the best image I can....and then try my best to make it the best image I can make ( if that makes any sense!)
and then wonder if I ( or anyone else ) have taken it too far......being totally #### about it.
Is it because I can or because I am learning about the things I want to present in my images. Are we losing the joy of just taking a picture or are some people genetically programmed to wallow in all the imperfections? To minutely 'fix' all the details......

22-05-2011, 9:52am
I dont think striving for a technically excellent picture is something that is bad. Once you start discarding great images becuase they are not technically perfect then it becomes a problem :)

22-05-2011, 11:46am
I think you can over analyse but a pleasing image is still a pleasing image. Problem is that the more experience you gain and the more tools you can control the more we all try and produce the very best we can. I don't PS all my images some, I like just the way they are, but others I want to make the best they can be.

22-05-2011, 4:45pm
Sometimes its those imperfections that make the photo

I have no experience with PS and ATM my touching up of pics is mainly colour and light in piknik
I was more just about taking the best shot straight of the camera and therefore missed out many great pics trying to capture that perfect moment perfectly but now I just shoot shoot shoot

and if its flawed so be it

23-05-2011, 5:16am
Yeah well flawed mine will be lol......but I love the learning.....not just the learning how to do but the learning of what to look for :).......in a greater part from this website :) I seriously had no idea ( not that I have much of one now ). I can do so much intricate needlework.....but this can be so much more intricate. So many different parts to make a whole.:)

23-05-2011, 6:48am
im actually moving to the opposite end to the OP...whereas I used to agonize over picture details , I know let many images through that once tight net

23-05-2011, 10:16am
Think about it, when you were doing your film, you probably never looked so closely at your negatives like you do with your digital files.

When I look at my negatives I do for uni they aren't 100% perfect but when printed at a normal size print they are perfectly acceptable. Same with digital, if you don't scrutinise you files and just print them at a normal size you will never notice half the problems, particularly when you stand back and view them on a wall.

23-05-2011, 12:21pm
If it looks good at the size I want that’s good enough for me. I'd rather be out taking photos than agonizing over microscopic details on the computer.

23-05-2011, 9:13pm
I think you guys picked it in one......I never did look all that closely at negatives!! Ok back to slapping the 'good' ones on the wall!:lol2: