View Full Version : How to remove/fix studio light flare??

18-05-2011, 5:43pm
My subjects are on a white backdrop and I have light flare across the middle of them in one pic and on one side of another. Anyone know how I can fix this in CS5?

18-05-2011, 5:46pm
can you post a photo for us to look at?

18-05-2011, 6:01pm
This is one of them, I cant seem to upload the other. I have worked out where I went wrong while taking the photo but can't re-do the shoot so I thought I would see if I could fix it.


18-05-2011, 6:32pm
Hi Kacey.
Yep. It's a problem. Here's a quick solution, @ least as I see it on my monitor. Let me know if it helps.
Method: Adobe CS2 Photoshop: various applications of Burn tool set to shadow and highlight. About 5 mins effort.

18-05-2011, 7:01pm
Oh gee, don't worry about the dodge and burn. A simple Levels adjustment is all it needs.

Add a Levels adjustment layer, and set the RGB channel to about 75, 1.40, 255. The light is also a teensy bit blue, so go to the Blue channel and move the midtone slider slightly to the right - about 0.93 or so.

At this point the whole photo will be too dark, of course, so just invert the layer mask from white to black (to hide the effect), then choose a big soft white brush at about 20-30% opacity, and paint where needed.

18-05-2011, 7:17pm
you can try dupicating the layer then change to multiply, do the same again and add layer mask change opacity to 30-40% and brush over the dark areas

18-05-2011, 8:40pm
Thanks everyone. Damo, that worked really well :)