View Full Version : Your own favourite photograph.

Mark L
15-05-2011, 5:19pm
Last weekend I heard a radio interview with Jack Atley, the 2011 Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize winner. (link to winning photograph and finalists....http://www.moranprizes.com.au/default.aspx?id=32 )
He was asked something like, of all the photographs you must have taken, have you got a favourite?
His answer,"I haven't taken it yet, hopefully."
He went on to say that, often it's more the event that he remembers favourably, quoting the Sydney Olympics as a memorable event that he took a lot of good photographs at.
So, of all the photographs that you have taken:-
-do you have a favourite?
-do you have a collection of favourites, because, to choice one is just to hard?
-do you think the memories of getting your photographs is more important? (eg. that holiday or day trip or effort you put in.)
Or do you hope you haven't taken your favourite photograph yet?

15-05-2011, 5:30pm
Don't have a fave, have some that I like lots though.
Also I get a lot of satisfaction out of trying something new and working through it til I start to get results I am happy with, this can be new gear, new type of pic, working out what I did wrong or getting a better result than last time. I think it is about the process as much as the result, so no fave. Then I don't have any out there that have won any comps either, I'm guessing a peer reviewed pic that was accepted as the best in a field might raise it in my own view too. Doesn't really answer your question, but is my 2 pre carbon tax cents worth, approximate value .02 cents post cabon tax.

15-05-2011, 5:51pm
I think the memory of the photo or gathering the photo would be most important. Eg. if you took a week hike into wilderness and took a photo, it would be favourite over another which may be technically better however doesn't have the sentimental attachment.

Ms Monny
15-05-2011, 9:02pm
Since I am only a beginner at all this, most of my most favourite photos are sentimental. The two that come to mind right now is of one of my recently depart Grandfather with my Grandmother and the other is of my youngest son cuddling our dog. I like the idea of making a folder with my 'technically' favoured images (not sentimental, as it would overflow!) like wildenikon has and constantly update it as I take better images.

16-05-2011, 8:43am
Edit : Whoops, read the thread title wrong. I'll get back to this one :o

16-05-2011, 1:53pm
Last year I got all of my best photographs and put them together in one of those printed coffee table books. I'm hoping to do the same each year, and that each edition will have better photos than the year before. If that happens, then I'll be able to track my progress as I learn more. If it doesn't happen, then I'm not getting any better!

At the end of the day, the critic who counts the most is myself - and I'm hoping that my best is yet to come.

17-05-2011, 9:43am
I really don't have a favourite, but I do have a file of favourite images that is connected to my screen saver on the computer,
I really enjoy seeing places, people and things come up and they bring back happy memories of getting the photo

18-05-2011, 9:37pm
for me it's usually the most recent, or at least one from the most recent batch that has been processed.
once I shoot again, I'm pretty much over it and it's forgotten.

I might dig some out after 12mths or so if I feel the processing wasn't up to scratch. I find it easier to be objective after shelving it for a year or so.

Dylan & Marianne
19-05-2011, 4:56am
my favourites generally aren't the ones that end up being most popular on sharing sites ......and are often ones that I've processed on an archive delve mission ..:confused013

19-05-2011, 4:38pm
My favorite is often the one I've taken most recently. Ie, at the moment its my Fursty Ferret selfy. I get a real kick from the whole process and its even cooler when you get a lot of terrific comments on it too. Having said that, I do have a few longer term favotites from old fishing trips. They're pretty cool shots (IMHO) but they bring back great memories from times spent in great places to mates and family.
