View Full Version : URL, email address resolving

11-05-2011, 1:44pm
Hi Folks.
How do you resolve a url or email address? I searched and there seem to be tools available, but does anyone use a good and reliable one?
Thanks, Am.

PSEdit: I need to know as a matter of some urgency.

I @ M
11-05-2011, 1:49pm
What do you mean by "resolve" ?

11-05-2011, 2:11pm
Andrew. Figure out where it came from. I have heard the likes of "...resolved to an address in Melbourne...", and Rick has said how one new user resolved as a spammer in India.
I guess I may not be using the right terms.
Edit: If for instance an address is ***joeblow@somemail.com***, how do I know it's not some spamming place?

11-05-2011, 7:42pm
We use several tools... Two simple online ones here


11-05-2011, 7:52pm
In Microsoft Outlook, you can sometimes get information by right clicking the email title header and then click 'message options, then look for the 'internet headers', it can sometimes let you see a lot of information about the email, including providing IP addresses. It will also often reveal the 'hidden' email address behind the fake one you might see as the source.

I also use: http://www.topwebhosts.org/tools/ip-locator.php

11-05-2011, 8:00pm
Thanks Kym and Rick. I found what I was looking for using the 1st one. The IP address I was looking for ended up being in California.
PS: All three look good.