View Full Version : *sighs* well... I tried!

10-05-2011, 4:29pm
This afternoon I got a phone call from The Weather Channel Australia, to let me know that I didn't make the top 12 :( I have to admit I'm a little upset, BUT! I made the top 30 out of over 800 photos, so, I'm still quite proud of myself. :o Another friend of mine also didn't make it, and his photo ( in my opinion) was magnificent! It will be interesting to see who made it into top12!

10-05-2011, 4:57pm
Sorry to hear this Kirsty, but top 30 really is something to be proud of.

10-05-2011, 5:10pm
Great work trying Kirsty, hey, 30 out of 800 is tops, 96% is great :eek: :th3:

10-05-2011, 5:33pm
Thanks guys, yeah i said all along that if I made top 30 I'd be happy :) I am happy, there's always next year! :) and what better incentive that "missing it by that much " ( in best get smart voice) ;)

10-05-2011, 5:59pm
never mind we know it was a good photo and we all can't win but in our eyes you are a winner!

10-05-2011, 6:50pm
Aww thanks babe! :) xoxo

10-05-2011, 7:12pm
I think the judges must have their eyes closed or there must have been some pretty amazing photos to beat yours...keep trying!

10-05-2011, 7:20pm
I think you have done very well.
You should be proud of what you have achieved.

10-05-2011, 7:24pm
Kirsty - you are a winner :th3:

10-05-2011, 8:14pm
i feel your pain.... ive made top 5 in photo of the week 4 times....
all times being beaten by bloody bird shots.....

i hate birds


10-05-2011, 9:11pm
Kirsty you are a winner :th3:

11-05-2011, 4:53am
Top 30 is pretty darn good Kirsty. I'd be happy with that.
I recently seen a competition at the local show, were there was some real good shots (Technically and visually) and what won the comp could have been taken by a 5 year old with a 2 mp mobile phone.
You just don't know what judges are looking for.

But all us here know that you are a winner, and that is all that matters. :th3:

11-05-2011, 5:38am
Well done on getting as far as you did Kirsty. There is always next year to enter again.

11-05-2011, 5:53am
Top 30 is an excellent achievement :th3:. Remember that they have to choose the photos for variety too, as it is a calendar, so sometimes you will miss out simply because there is a similar shot to yours that they liked better, or fitted the format of the product a bit better.

11-05-2011, 5:57am
Thanks guys! I'm happy with the top 30 spot, I wasn't actually expecting to get that far lol. I've had a chat with a couple of friends ,also entrants in the comp, and both not in top 12.... (I can't for the life of me figure out WHY though!!! One guy is a storm chaser, entered a photo of a GORGEOUS lightning strike, it's got everything in there, but wasn't chosen... ) anyway, what we reckon is, my storm shot is a pano... probably too wide to fit on a standard calender page ... you wouldn't see details.. :confused013... It's all good, I know for next year not to enter a pano! lol :)

11-05-2011, 6:02am
Be happy for what you did achieve, rather than disappointed at what you didn't achieve (glass half full)

Awesome job to get that far :th3:

11-05-2011, 6:05am
Thanks Namus, I AM happy :D ;)

11-05-2011, 6:23am
You are the winner in our eyes Kirsty. :) Must have been ALL NSW judges. :D

11-05-2011, 7:06am
LOL thanks PH005! :) I reckon they probably were... ;)

12-05-2011, 5:56pm
Top 30 is a fantastic achievement, :) well done :th3:

12-05-2011, 7:06pm
perhaps to explain why your image was not selected to be the final 12. The 30 finalists were voted on public vote system, and that means that a little bit of appeals to friends on FB, and lo and behold it doesnt take long to get a larger vote for a less appealing image - here's a relevant quote from the same term and conditions:

16. 30 finalists will be chosen based on the number of viewer votes they receive during the Competition Period (the number of ‘likes’ received by the photo on The Weather Channel’s Facebook page).


13-05-2011, 6:23am
Thanks William, yeah I knew that that was the case for the top 30. The Weather Channel had people judge the photos for the top 12, it wasn't based on a voting system by the public for the second part of the competition. I'm happy I got that far :) I think I got my prize pack in the mail yesterday, have to go to the post office today to pick up a parcel *happy dance*

13-05-2011, 11:00am
Kirsty, I know it has been said many times during this thread but I want to say again because I thought your photo was a winner and you should be very proud that you made the top 30. Congratulations :)

14-05-2011, 6:27am
Thanks Kassy! :th3: I think it's a winner too, and I'm contemplating getting it printed up on a canvas for the wall :)