View Full Version : Windows reinstall but I have lost hard drive space?

07-05-2011, 3:43pm
Well my PC got attacked the other night too with some Trojan. I haven't lost any data files that I am aware of, but we needed to reinstall windows as things just weren't "right".

When we tried to reinstall, one of the first steps shows partitions etc. Pre-crash we had 2 drives (C and F and a total of either 250 or 320GB - the latter we think!). Now however, it only shows 70GB on C partition and 61GB unallocated with the F drive not showing up at all??

Anyone know what happened to our other GB and how to recover?????
Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)

07-05-2011, 5:02pm
Milbs. A few details please. What operating system? And, did you go thru this procedure first:
1. Virus scan and successful removal of malware.
2. Possible System Restore (or whatever your Op Sys calls it) if step 1 didn't work.
Also, drive type and physical size.
Important PS: Don't use your computer to do anything much (save/edit pictures, etc) in the meantime.

07-05-2011, 10:49pm
Thanks Am. After a few hours of googling and trying all kind of things my other half eventually worked it out.
After reinstalling windows from the old disc we had, it transpired that we needed to load windows service pack 2 as before that there was a limit on the size you could partition. As soon as that was done our missing GB's reappeared!

Now going through the painful process of reinstalling everything....luckily I dont think we lost anything except time!

08-05-2011, 1:06pm
OK. Glad to hear it.