View Full Version : Osama Bin Laden Photoshopped

04-05-2011, 5:49am
The Arab and Asian world is abuzz this morning with an interesting find. Seems the supposed photo showing a dead Osama Bin Laden is not as it seems.


04-05-2011, 6:04am
Good for President Obamas re election chances though. Hmmmmmm. I smell a conspiracy theory.

04-05-2011, 7:06am
I am sure that the US government has said for the past couple of days that they have NOT released a photo of the corpse. So any photo purporting to be one of the dead Osama has to be a photoshopped.

04-05-2011, 7:07am
It seems pretty clear that it's him, but pretty silly (and unethical) to shop the photo.

A godsend for conspiracy theorists.

James T
04-05-2011, 7:55am
Nobody believed for a second that was real though did they? Terrible PS effort, and it was everywhere except for on any half respectable news source within hours.

Art Vandelay
04-05-2011, 9:35am
I am sure that the US government has said for the past couple of days that they have NOT released a photo of the corpse. So any photo purporting to be one of the dead Osama has to be a photoshopped.

Exactly. No official photo was released.. yet or if at all. Plenty of pretenders around though.

04-05-2011, 9:51am
I could do a better job! LOL

I reckon aliens had something to do with it

05-05-2011, 11:42pm
The Arab and Asian world is abuzz this morning with an interesting find. Seems the supposed photo showing a dead Osama Bin Laden is not as it seems.


What, cheating? Deception? Unbelievable!

05-05-2011, 11:44pm
Good for President Obamas re election chances though. Hmmmmmm. I smell a conspiracy theory.

Ah yes, how convenient. Obama was THE President to capture the world's biggest terrorist! Great re-election material. Looks great on your CV eh?

05-05-2011, 11:52pm
Now let me see - we shot him in the face ( hard to identify him by photo) and then we dumped his body in the sea (no body = no evidence ie 'quick, get rid of the evidence', not 'retrieve the body for evidence')

Then we changed the story several times after the event.

Wake up people - this is a psy op.

He died in 2001 - http://tiny.cc/wq3jr

06-05-2011, 3:13am
It's okay folks Osama is not dead! I saw him at McDonald's eating a halal burger with Elvis, they had just been served by Santa, Elvis ordered a drink named after Bin Laden, It consisted of two shots and splash of water. No photos of them together though. Have a great day all!:lol:

07-05-2011, 9:09pm
Bin Laden's house in Abbottabad was No 254. So said the Ch 7 TV News tonight at 6pm.

http://tiny.cc/zq2gq (The Australian)

2+5+4 = 11, the number liberally splashed all over 911.

254 just happens to be the day number of 9/11/2001!!!!!


07-05-2011, 10:05pm
Haha so funny Deathadder, more please......

08-05-2011, 3:36am
It's okay folks Osama is not dead! I saw him at McDonald's eating a halal burger with Elvis, they had just been served by Santa, Elvis ordered a drink named after Bin Laden, It consisted of two shots and splash of water. No photos of them together though. Have a great day all!:lol:

If he ate regularly at McDonald's he would surely have died ages ago like Elvis.:eek:

Art Vandelay
08-05-2011, 9:43am
What, cheating? Deception? Unbelievable!

Of course it a photshop. Have you seen any news reports or read the bit about no official photo being released ?

Oh, and even Al-Qaeda have confirmed he was killed in the raid last week.

But don't let stop the conspiricacy theories,,,, lol.

I heard that he's being kept alive with Elvis, Michael Jackson and all the aliens in a secret bunker out at area 51. Plenty of fodder out of this for many years to come yet. :D.

Ok, I didn't hear that, just made it up, but it's just as credible as most of the waffle the loonies prattle on with. I should go make a web site about it. :lol:

I @ M
08-05-2011, 9:49am
Oh, and even Al-Qaeda have confirmed he was killed in the raid last week.

Convenient way to stop people looking for him, except that is, those who know the truth and just who they are we will probably never know.

08-05-2011, 10:36am
I don't really care. Maybe he was already dead. Maybe he's been in some secret prison for years or months. He could have been made up from the start for all the conspiracy theorists know.

The key part here is that even if something was faked, it still represents a move by the US to slowly start closing the book on a pretty hideous chapter in the human story. Just as important are other events in the middle east recently, showing popular uprising against dictatorships in favour of democracy, by the people. Not extremist types representing perverted religion, but people just wanting to start living ordinary lives again.

Al Qaeda will die a slow death as long as that trend continues (and succeeds). That will take time and lives though, of course.

08-05-2011, 6:30pm
Interesting week though -

1. 27/4/11 Obama shows his long form Birth Cert which many prove is a fake.

2. 29/4/11 Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding in London.

3. 1/5/11 (Beltane) Pope JohnPaul II beatification at the Vatican + a vial of his blood (how creepy is that?) They say it is "holy" blood. Not bothered about a bit of blasphemy here and there.

4. 1/5/11 Obama claims that Osama bin Laden has been killed by his special troops in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Aspects of the official story change quite a bit. Some say bin Laden died in 2001.
Did they show us the dialysis machine?

5. 2/5/11 Bird's Point Levee deliberately blown up in USA right on the New Madrid fault.

What next?

Art Vandelay
08-05-2011, 6:56pm
Interesting week though -

1. 27/4/11 Obama shows his long form Birth Cert which many prove is a fake.

2. 29/4/11 Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding in London.

3. 1/5/11 (Beltane) Pope JohnPaul II beatification at the Vatican + a vial of his blood (how creepy is that?) They say it is "holy" blood. Not bothered about a bit of blasphemy here and there.

4. 1/5/11 Obama claims that Osama bin Laden has been killed by his special troops in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Aspects of the official story change quite a bit. Some say bin Laden died in 2001.
Did they show us the dialysis machine?

5. 2/5/11 Bird's Point Levee deliberately blown up in USA right on the New Madrid fault.

What next?

You missed one.

2/5/11 Geoff Davies (my next door neighbour) filled his car up at a caltex service station and bought a 2 litre bottle of milk on the way home from work.

09-05-2011, 11:36am
You missed one.

2/5/11 Geoff Davies (my next door neighbour) filled his car up at a caltex service station and bought a 2 litre bottle of milk on the way home from work.

Bet he had to leave his first born with the servo owner to pay for the petrol! :D