View Full Version : Meet somewhere south Gold / north NSW Coast 0515 am 05 May?

04-05-2011, 4:59am
Tomorrow will still be good for the astronomical conjunctions, and it is my birthday, so I'd like to get out somewhere with an interesting foreground for the conjunction (well, the forum won't upload my file, although it uploaded perfectly everywhere else). Sorry about the wrong link, I wasn't trying to cross promote anything- so frustrating when one forum loads it perfectly and this one just gives me a red circle thingy with an exclamation mark!

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5030/5684502081_ebf354a03b_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/odille/5684502081/)

Steallrium screen preview (http://www.flickr.com/photos/odille/5684502081/) by Photography by Odille (http://www.flickr.com/people/odille/), on Flickr

I was thinking of Fingal Heads for the lighthouse - haven't been out there for years, anyone know how long the walk takes etc and is it doable (with a torch of course) on a dark early morning?

Please poke your lens up if you want to join me

I @ M
04-05-2011, 5:30am
(well, the forum won't upload my file, although it uploaded perfectly everywhere else). See it

Non members of that forum ( like me ) cannot view that image and of course we don't go around cross promoting forums on here ----

04-05-2011, 5:41am
Non members of that forum ( like me ) cannot view that image and of course we don't go around cross promoting forums on here ----

Sorry about the wrong link, I wasn't trying to cross promote anything- so frustrating when one forum loads it perfectly and this one just gives me a red circle thingy with an exclamation mark! Original post edited to reflect this.

04-05-2011, 7:29am
Hi Odille, Drive along Fingal Rd, That turns into Lighthouse pde, Park at the end in the Cul de Sac, There is a well kept track to the Lighthouse about 200 mtrs long, With a set of wooden stairs at the end that lead up to the Lighthouse, Probably a 10 min walk, Definatley take a torch, Would love to go , But I have a stinking Head Cold at the moment and would'nt be up to it , Not up to anything for that matter :( Hope you find someone to go with , And have a happy Birthday for tomorrow - Bill :party6: :)

04-05-2011, 1:18pm
Hi Odille, Drive along Fingal Rd, That turns into Lighthouse pde, Park at the end in the Cul de Sac, There is a well kept track to the Lighthouse about 200 mtrs long, With a set of wooden stairs at the end that lead up to the Lighthouse, Probably a 10 min walk, Definatley take a torch, Would love to go , But I have a stinking Head Cold at the moment and would'nt be up to it , Not up to anything for that matter :( Hope you find someone to go with , And have a happy Birthday for tomorrow - Bill :party6: :)

Thanks Bill, I had a look at Google maps, looks pretty straightforward and I have a torch.