View Full Version : You will suffer dire misfortune if you can see through this hoax!!

01-05-2011, 8:02pm
I honestly can't believe the gullibility of some people (apologies if you are one of them! :D)!!!

A facebook friend posted this on her wall:

This year July has 5 fridays 5 saturdays and 5 sundays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So copy this to your status and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui. Those who read and do not copy will be without money. So let's all try our luck at this and see what happens

Of course, I had to correct her and point out that in fact 5 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in July (or in fact any month with 31 days) happens every time the month starts on a Friday. After this year, the next time this occurs is 2016, and then 2022 ... in fact, on average, every 5 or 6 years depending when the leap year falls!

Why do people fall for such guff???? :confused013

01-05-2011, 8:49pm

A facebook friend posted this on her wall:


LOL! you're not friends with my sister are you Cheryl!

every day she emails me this garbage and I've just lost interest in replying to each and every one of them now!

After how many countless... millions... billions!.... she still doesn't geddit!

Ms Monny
01-05-2011, 9:45pm
Yep - saw that one on a friends status! Made me laugh too :D

01-05-2011, 10:00pm
Deleted it a month ago ;)

I @ M
02-05-2011, 4:10am
I am superstitious as well so I only answer those emails on days that don't end in Y.

02-05-2011, 5:51am
I have some very religious family members, which is fine by me, but I get lovely god and jesus emails on a daily basis, which I don't really want or need. Not sure which is worse, those that send on everything, or those on a mission to send on stuff hoping it might change you.:D

Mark L
02-05-2011, 8:12pm
Not on Facebook so CherylB I've PMed the following quote to you (just in case of course):-
This year July has 5 fridays 5 saturdays and 5 sundays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So copy this to your status and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui. Those who read and do not copy will be without money. So let's all try our luck at this and see what happens

Just joking :lol:

03-05-2011, 7:24am
I don't have time for those emails, or the "feel good" ones. I'm just too busy filling in forms to claim the billions of dollars I am offered from deceased estates! :eek:

03-05-2011, 8:58am
I have some very religious family members, which is fine by me, but I get lovely god and jesus emails on a daily basis, which I don't really want or need.

As long as they are not the ones that stole my sunrise seascapes and putt them on their fundamentalist/creationist blogs & websites. Some of those people only adhere to 9 commandments or less.

As to the wacky messages, my mother-in-law is a great culprit at this sort of rubbish. Amazing that a computer illiterate can manage for forward junk emails.

03-05-2011, 9:09am
Why do people fall for such guff???? :confused013

No branes and drink sea water - hence gull-able. They do nobody a good tern.

04-05-2011, 2:03pm
Seriously, how can any intelligent adult think that by sending on a specific e-mail that it will bring them good fortune etc.?
Is our supreme being in someway connected to the web?

Many of these e-mails that we receive telling us that there is a serious threat to our computers if we open up a particular e-mail with such and such title, and this message has been verified by some big wigs at Microsoft etc. are also bulldust.
These e-mails are meant to clog up our bandwidth for no good reason and are as bad as a virus.
A tip for you.
The more urgent they seem, and the more disasterous the results of doing what you shouldn't, and the more important the people quoted on the e-mail are, the more likely it is to be just garbage, so don't even bother to read them, unless you need a good laugh.

04-05-2011, 10:12pm
My money arrived!!!! But then again it does every pay day :lol: