View Full Version : photographers websites with private gallery and shopping options! Which ones do you use??

30-04-2011, 11:11am
Hi all! Im starting to take on more paid clients and less "friendship" photos! Iam looking at building a web page which people can go to and access private galleries and or links to purchase their images.
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Can anyone share their thoughts on what they use or which way to go! Iam trying to make my process as simple as possible for myself and clients!
Thanks in advance.

02-05-2011, 11:34am
As a mentor in the AIPP mentoring program, I'm currently being coached away from 'charging for my time' and moving towards 'selling photographs'.

For me, a client buying photographs can be a very personal and emotive experience for them... One which may benefit your business if you were to sell your images and prints face to face. If you build a rapport with the client while selling them images of their families, they are in my opinion much mor likely to come back to you later for more work. I would imagine having them log in to buy their pictures would not help you build this kind of relationship with your clients.

02-05-2011, 10:14pm
Oops, just realized I said I'm a mentor... That should be mentoree! iPhone auto correct!