View Full Version : D300 display cracked

27-04-2011, 1:47pm
On my recent trip back from my holidays, I noticed upon opening my camera bag, that on the trip the display of my D300 broke. It's completely shattered and I am now wondering what to do. I did take out insurance for it.
Does anyone know, if this problem can get fixed or is a new body necessary?

JM Tran
27-04-2011, 2:21pm
its a cheap repair, well if you are in Adelaide anyway:) I know 2 ppl who have had their rear LCD screen smashed and all fluid drained out, only costed them around $100 for repair

I @ M
27-04-2011, 2:28pm
Do you mean the rear screen or the top screen?

If it is just the glass screen over the lcd on the rear it can be replaced ( actually i think it is even a user replaceable part ) and if the lcd itself is damaged that can be replaced by Nikon as well but at what cost I have no idea.

Getting the camera checked thoroughly seems like a good idea, it must have been a pretty hard knock to break the glass as they are pretty hard.

27-04-2011, 2:52pm
The LCD display itself is cracked, so it doesn't really show anything anymore (other than a few working pixels where the glass has not cracked). I even had the removable plastic cover on top but that wasn't enough this time.

27-04-2011, 3:50pm
for repairs in Sydney, you could try these guys- http://www.cameraservicecentre.powerup.com.au/

27-04-2011, 9:32pm
I dropped a lens on holidays in Europe last year, claimed on travel insurance and had it replaced (read - price refunded)

28-04-2011, 1:06pm
I dropped a lens on holidays in Europe last year, claimed on travel insurance and had it replaced (read - price refunded)

Did the insurance company replace you the purchase price right away or did they first want to see proof that the lens was beyond repair?

28-04-2011, 9:14pm
Sent it to Camera clinic for quote, and sent that on to the insurer.
The fix price was twice as much as the price of a new lens - no wonder they paid up.