View Full Version : K5 Adelaide

27-04-2011, 9:13am
Can anyone recommend a store in Adelaide I have finally decided to bite the bullet and by a new K5 with the new wr 18-135 lens, or do I go the net route plus will the price drop further with the dollar being so strong.
Cheers Mark:D

27-04-2011, 9:14am
I got mine via Photographic Wholesalers on Hutt street.

27-04-2011, 9:20am
I ordered online from Digital Direct. It had a small stain on the sensor, so I swapped it for a new one, but only after I took 15,000 shots. I am happy with Digital Direct and CR Kennedy when I have a problem. Personally I would prefer the 17 - 70 - F4 I think it is a long term keeper. reports of the 17 -135 are not in the same ball park.

27-04-2011, 10:09am
The sensor stain problem was for the first batch and were/are replaced under warranty. (Check the unit when you get it - but it should be ok)

28-04-2011, 9:54pm
Let us know how it goes. I am keen to see some low light pics from this sensor.

I am tempted to go K5 after a miserable day at O'Reillys (Lamington NP) with the K7 @ ISO3200 during bushwalking (in the rain). By all accounts I have read the K5 should be much better, high noise on the K7 is a real nuisance.

Kym, you have any thoughts?

28-04-2011, 9:59pm
K-5 ISO 12,800 in real life... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?81735-Kym-s-April-52-2011

28-04-2011, 10:10pm
Thanks Kim

Quite exceptional.

Was that RAW processed, or camera JPEG with the onboard NR?

Hmm - desire outstrips cash,... off to sell other kidney (cause I ain't selling the K7, I still haven't gotten rid of the Ds yet, will make a nice IR camera... one day).

29-04-2011, 3:18pm
Let us know how it goes. I am keen to see some low light pics from this sensor.

I am tempted to go K5 after a miserable day at O'Reillys (Lamington NP) with the K7 @ ISO3200 during bushwalking (in the rain). By all accounts I have read the K5 should be much better, high noise on the K7 is a real nuisance.

Kym, you have any thoughts?

To add to Kym's post, here is one of mine in a rainforest in the rain from the K5 (1/125th, f8, ISO 16000). Shot in RAW (DNG) with no post processing except to resize: