View Full Version : CF to SD adapter

25-04-2011, 4:32pm
I'm thinking this is covered somewhere but the search terms are all too short and rejected.

Basically I have a D300s and SD card. I have a spare CF slot. I don't have a CF card. Regardless the superior features of CF cards, I just want a backup. I looked online for CF to SD adapters so I could use a 2nd SD in the CF slot. I only found type 2 sized cards.:(

Is it possible to get something so I could use a 2nd SD in the D300s?

I @ M
25-04-2011, 4:34pm
Why not just buy a CF card, chances are with the price CF cards are these days an adapter will cost you just as much -----

25-04-2011, 6:21pm
Use the Google option via AP Extras to search AP when you need short terms.

http://www.mittoni.com.au/secure-digital-sd-to-cf-compactflash-card-adapter-type-ii-p-1238.html But I agree with Andrew, false economy

26-04-2011, 8:29am
not so much the economy, but keeping 1 type of card and not needing a reader for the notebook. likely if I buy a CF I'd never take it out due to the hassle, until one day I find it's dead when I really needed it.
but at this point looks like no type1 adapters exist...

26-04-2011, 9:00am
Yeah they do exist.

hard to find and I'm not 100% sure if they work well or not.
In the end I ended up getting a CF card as the adapter were selling for as much or more than I could get an 8G CF card from the local computer shop(MSY.. hence cheap @ $20).

I had a saved search on my ebay account for ages, waiting for an adapter to come in cheaper.

HERE'S ONE (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/SD-SDHC-MMC-Compact-Flash-CF-Card-Reader-Adapter-/180646747650?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a0f629e02) ebay search for ya.
Total cost will be under $20 now(I hadn't looked at them for well over a year or two).
I wasn't going to use mine in my camera .. SD is so much slower then SD in terms of transfer speed, add in an adapter of unknown ability and the transfer speed could end up being unusable! So be warned.

As I said, I have no idea if the camera will recognise the SD card via the CF adapter, but for $16 I'd be willing to give it a punt.
If you do end up getting one, let us know if the thing works. I may still be interested in getting one for my PDA.

26-04-2011, 4:04pm
that one is a type2, so no good.
i've seen a type1 that takes micro sd, but then i'm back to needing an adapter for pc.

26-04-2011, 6:03pm
that one is a type2, so no good.....

AHA! my bad.. I didn't read that final part of your OP.

I (just)had a quick peek at the specs and it doesn't mention acceptance of Type I/II type CF cards, only Type I so I guess you are indeed out of luck
(Apologies, as I didn't realise the D300 doesn't accept TypeII/MicroDrive cards.. whereas the D300 can take Type I/II cards).

OK, so accepting this situation, I think you are going to have a lot of trouble finding Type I SD card adapters, due to the thickness of the card types. An SD card is approximately 2mm in thickness, so inserting a 2mm thick card into a 3.3mm thick card is going to encompass some engineering compromises. That is, the 0.65mm 'thin' upper and lower casing shells would have to be made of some lightweight and very strong material. Which is going to add cost, Cost that the vast majority of users may not want to spend.. etc, etc.
It may exist, but I doubt it, and would be weary of it anyhow!

the basic end point is that Type I SD adapters probably don't exist, whereas the easier to manufacture structure of the Type II card SD adapter would be the reason for it's existence.
If you really want this, then a Type I micro SD card adapter is probably the only way to go, and to have a MicroSD to SD adapter for the prupose of reading directly onto the computer.

Problem with this is the ease with which you can lose MicroSD cards, and I've lost(but luckily found again) my fair share of MicroSD cards in trying to get them in and out of various adapters readers.

And because I have no experience with the D300s at all, does it have any ability to transfer from one card to the other?
That is, if you got a CF card and loaded it with images, does the D300 allow you to transfer from one card, in this case the CF to the SD card?
The only other way is to keep a USB cable handy with the PC and connect via the camera.

27-04-2011, 8:45am
OK it looks like D300s, D700 have type1 wile D300, D3x etc have type2 slots
didn't realise it wasn't consistent.

I don't think you can transfer btwn cards, and the most annoying thing I found was if you delete an image you have to do it twice to clean both cards.

27-04-2011, 7:04pm
Bummer about the inability to transfer between cards!

OK it looks like D300s, D700 have type1 wile D300, D3x etc have type2 slots
didn't realise it wasn't consistent.


the way this looks, considering the release dates of each camera and where it stands in the model lineup, Nikon must be phasing out Type II CF card compatibility.

As Type II CF cards seem to be micro drive type, and micro drive is slow and 'unreliable'(compared to flash based cards) and the max size seems to be in the order of 6-8 Gigabytes, it actually makes sense.

Even tho (in your case reaction) it doesn't seem to make sense. I can't imagine that the extra 2mm of thickness of the Type II card making any real impact on the body type of a Dxxx/Dx series camera. But it now doesn't allow the use of those Type II CF to SD adapters.