View Full Version : Pinhole day.

24-04-2011, 1:01pm
I'm just setting off with a Linhof Color 4x5, a piece of aluminium foil with a hole in it and some Shanghai ISO100 film to attempt some pinhole photography for "World Pinhole Day".

I'll post the results here as well (If they are not to embarrassing).




24-04-2011, 1:15pm
Thanks Ern
I will have a try at this too, but mine will be digital.

24-04-2011, 10:41pm
YAYYYYYYY! I will definitely have to try this!:th3:

25-04-2011, 10:49am
sounds interesting. What are the results from pinhole cameras like?

25-04-2011, 2:43pm
Do i flickr search...
the sharpness depends on the size of the pinhole...
and usually light leaks make the photos more interesting...
You can make a pinhole out of a matchbox... i did it many times a few years ago from watching a video on youtube...
you can also make a pinhole out of your DSLR using the camera cap... just drill a hole in the middle, get some aluminium foil and poke and hole in... then stick the foil to the cap... it's pretty cool! or you can just buy professionally made ones from ebay...

25-04-2011, 9:22pm
I'm invoking the too embarrassing clause, I'm afraid I over estimated my chances of chances of producing an acceptable image first time out. I set out with six sheets of film, my intention was to make a couple of experimental exposures, process them adjust the exposure race back out expose a couple more, process, adjust and produce a final image.

I didn't get close to an acceptable exposure to start off and as I got closer I discovered light leaks in the bellows of the Linhof (unexpected pinholes) so I went back and got my little Japanese wood and brass field camera.

Oh Dear! The long exposures exposed light leaks in the Nagaoka Seisakusho's bellows as well.

These were not the pinholes I was expecting.

25-04-2011, 9:36pm
Here's one I prepared earlier (the easy way with a hole in a body cap on my :plogo: K7).


25-04-2011, 10:56pm
Very interesting Ern
I am expecting to do some this week, when I get set up with a pin-hole & not a seive.
Sorry to hear you are having troubles with your specialist equipment.

25-04-2011, 11:14pm
How do you control the exposure time with the pinhole camera?

ern, out of curiosity, how long was that exposure ?

25-04-2011, 11:35pm
fabian, with a primitive pinhole camera (like if you made one out of a tin can or matchbox), you have to lift up the shutter (the piece of material that covers the hole) for about 3 minutes or longer, depending on the amount of light you have to work with and the size of the pinhole... and then replace quickly the shutter cover... There's also a formula that you can use to calculate the exposure times...
With a DSLR, you just leave your shutter open for as long as you need to... Also adding that doing pinhole is different from normal photography in the sense that with normal photography, the positioning of the sun is different to when doing pinhole. If i recall correctly, with pinhole, the sun should be really bright and infront of you...
Do correct me if i have recalled incorrectly.. i haven't done primitive pinhole for a long long time now... But i hope this helps... I hope i make sense!:(

26-04-2011, 6:31am
That was a 30sec exposure with the ISO set at 100. The pinhole was mounted on a body-cap on an extension tube to give around 50mm focal length.

When I had a look at the pinhole I used for this exposure under a loupe it was very ragged looking and not round,
I think this contributed to the over all fuzziness of the picture over and above the natural overall lack of critical sharpness that comes with a pinhole.


26-04-2011, 8:36am
Take very great care in making the pinhole, and use brass shim if possible. A #10 needle will serve with the larger formats.