View Full Version : Story Bridge Climb

21-04-2011, 1:56pm
Hi all,

A while ago I organised a photo climb on the story bridge, see the previous thread here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?60197-Story-Bridge-Twilight-climb), and my pics are here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?62735-Story-Bridge-Adventure-Climb-(lots-of-pics)). Well it's on again, as long as we can get the numbers.

Date: 11th June 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 5:00 am (this is a winter dawn/sunrise opportunity)
Cost: They are offering me a huge discount this time of only $99 instead of $130.

They also haven't placed a minimum number of climbers limit on us this time, but would be great if we can have 12 people again. As it'll be a group booking again, I'll need your money before the climb, same as last time, contact me for bank details (still the same as last time, if you want to go again).

I have organised with the guide there to make it a morning where it'll be just us, and they are allowing us to stay as long as we need as it is not a public day (meaning no public are allowed to climb).

It'll probably be really cold as we start well before sunrise which is at 6:34am that morning, to allow us heaps of time to get to the right spots on the bridge for dawn. Unlike the sunset climb there will be heaps going on on both sides with the golden light on the buildings and the sunrise on the other.

21-04-2011, 2:45pm
Hey thats my Birfdy. So who wants to buy me a pressy? :p

21-04-2011, 2:50pm
I've just been informed that's the same weekend as History Alive, but we should be able to get down in time to still make the HA opening. Gates open at 9:30am with Fort Lytton’s 64-pounders firing at 10am.

21-04-2011, 4:36pm
Count me in please.

21-04-2011, 6:17pm
3 confirmed already... 2 more possible

21-04-2011, 8:23pm
Im keen.....

22-04-2011, 9:22pm
This must be a sign. I went on the bridge climb tonight but the lightning storm stopped us from making it up there. We all had to reschedule for another time. So count me in !!!

23-04-2011, 6:14am
Hi Allan, just reconfirming here, Kerri and myself are definates for this adventure, looking forward to it.

Thanks for organizing it .

23-04-2011, 7:16pm
Yep definitely keen (as David has already said....lol)

23-04-2011, 8:50pm
Sounds like a great opportunity Allan, put me down as a "definite maybe" will depend on work etc. When do we have to confirm 100%?


23-04-2011, 9:33pm
hey old mate im in, look forward to catching up

23-04-2011, 10:25pm
Hi, I would like to participate also.

26-04-2011, 7:54pm
I'm definitely in if there is a place - looked like you had a blast last year!

27-04-2011, 10:12pm
Count me in too please Allann! :)

Paul G
27-04-2011, 11:57pm
I'm in too if there's still a spot Allann.

28-04-2011, 6:17am
Below is the short list, if I have forgotten anyone I apologies, just let me know and I'm sure they can fit us in. No more new people at this stage. I am happy to add you to the reserve list if someone pulls out.

Paul G


I have sent you all a PM and you will be confirmed when payment is made.

28-04-2011, 6:58am
Thanks Allan

It seemed quite a few debated which lens to use on the last climb.
I just wanted to hear some of the post climb thoughts on the lens used - UWA, general, telephoto???. (Considering peoples differing shooting styles and FF vs APS-C).

28-04-2011, 7:45am
Thanks Allan

It seemed quite a few debated which lens to use on the last climb.
I just wanted to hear some of the post climb thoughts on the lens used - UWA, general, telephoto???. (Considering peoples differing shooting styles and FF vs APS-C).

That debate will continue till the end of time, however I found the 24-70 on the 5D2 to be satisfactory for 95% of shots. Would have loved a longer focal length on a few shots. But as most of the shots were cityscape shots a wide angle suits most.

02-05-2011, 7:06am
Hi Allan

Put me down as a "reserve" as it seems you are already full.
Msg me if any spots become available.

03-05-2011, 6:15am
Below is the short list, if I have forgotten anyone I apologies. No more new people at this stage. I am happy to add you to the reserve list if someone pulls out.

Paid: thank you

Paul G



I have sent you all a PM and you will be confirmed when payment is made. To those that have already paid, thank you.

03-05-2011, 7:05am
I will have to opt out of this one.
Funds are a tad tight, and I'm now working the odd weekend, So i don't see myself being able to squeeze this in.
Thanks anyway, enjoy everyone :)

03-05-2011, 7:26am
Thanks Allan

It seemed quite a few debated which lens to use on the last climb.
I just wanted to hear some of the post climb thoughts on the lens used - UWA, general, telephoto???. (Considering peoples differing shooting styles and FF vs APS-C).

I am thinking 24-105 on 7D .... will lose a little wide, but feel I would be lost with out the extra zoom over the 17-55.

03-05-2011, 7:58am
I am thinking 24-105 on 7D .... will lose a little wide, but feel I would be lost with out the extra zoom over the 17-55.

Good choice, I'll be using the 24-70 on a 5D2.

I will have to opt out of this one.
Funds are a tad tight, and I'm now working the odd weekend, So i don't see myself being able to squeeze this in.
Thanks anyway, enjoy everyone :)

Sorry you can't make it, I'll try and get a few pics for you.

Put me down as a "reserve" as it seems you are already full. Msg me if any spots become available.

You're in. Msg sent.

03-05-2011, 9:16am
Good news, I have just spoken with the guys and they can possibly create another group for us making it possible for 23 climbers all up. I misunderstood their initial message and can only fit 12 people maximum per group. So it's first in (paid) best dressed for the first group, and the remained will be in the second group. They will both be dawn groups, leaving either 20 mins before or after the 5am group. If you have a preference for a particular group let me know and swap your names around.

Paid: thank you

Group 1
1. Allann
2. Steadyhands
3. davearnold
4. kadon
5. sufran
6. ATP
7. ClubmanMc
8. jack2706
9. Keith
10. DavidWRJ

Group 2.
Yet to be announced, depends on numbers

Paul G

05-05-2011, 8:30pm
Paid: thank you

Group 1
1. Allann
2. Steadyhands
3. davearnold
4. kadon
5. sufran
6. ATP
7. ClubmanMc
8. jack2706
9. Keith
10. DavidWRJ
11. BrisTom
12. Wobbles

Group 2.
Yet to be announced, depends on numbers

Paul G

06-05-2011, 3:41pm
Hi all,

A while ago I organised a photo climb on the story bridge, see the previous thread here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?60197-Story-Bridge-Twilight-climb), and my pics are here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?62735-Story-Bridge-Adventure-Climb-(lots-of-pics)). Well it's on again, as long as we can get the numbers.

Date: 11th June 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 5:00 am (this is a winter dawn/sunrise opportunity)
Cost: They are offering me a huge discount this time of only $99 instead of $130.

They also haven't placed a minimum number of climbers limit on us this time, but would be great if we can have 12 people again. As it'll be a group booking again, I'll need your money before the climb, same as last time, contact me for bank details (still the same as last time, if you want to go again).

I have organised with the guide there to make it a morning where it'll be just us, and they are allowing us to stay as long as we need as it is not a public day (meaning no public are allowed to climb).

It'll probably be really cold as we start well before sunrise which is at 6:34am that morning, to allow us heaps of time to get to the right spots on the bridge for dawn. Unlike the sunset climb there will be heaps going on on both sides with the golden light on the buildings and the sunrise on the other.

Hi Alan
I actually responded to your first invite asking to include myself and my partner, but never heard back from you. Is there still room for us please? I sooo want to do this :)

06-05-2011, 5:09pm
I actually responded to your first invite asking to include myself and my partner, but never heard back from you. Is there still room for us please? I sooo want to do this :)

Thank you for showing interest in this, but as a group we need to make a single payment so I will be collecting the money beforehand. Sorry, i didn't check the old one, hoping people would respond to this call if still interested, but yes for sure.

Hope this will be a good morning, look forward to seeing you there.

09-05-2011, 3:58pm
Anyone else interested in this, still have few more spots available? Both groups will see dawn and get an awesome experience. It's not a strenuous climb and we will be taking it slow if last time was anything to go by.

09-05-2011, 4:41pm
Although currently dirt broke, I would definitely be in if I didn't have work at that time (of which I can't get out of) :(

Big Red
20-05-2011, 5:04pm
bugger ... i'll be heading to Cape York the week before .

23-05-2011, 3:17pm
Sorry Allan, I'll have to drop out of this one to a 'maybe' - I have a work commitment that weekend but things may still change. If group 2 gets off the ground I may be a last minute starter (assuming theres a spot)...

23-05-2011, 4:43pm
thanks for letting me know. Group 2 is a go, even if we split the team into 2 smaller groups, so no problem there. Not long to go now!

30-05-2011, 7:28am
This is two weekends away, all payments have been made, however we can fit a couple more if your keen.

01-06-2011, 1:32pm
They have split us into 2 groups and the details are as follows:

CLIMB DATE: Saturday, 11 June 2011
CLIMB TIME: 05:00 [05:00 AM]
CLIMBERS ARE: Allan Nielsen, Scott Larsen, Greg Cahill, Michael Copella, David Wang, Wayne Markham, ATP

CLIMB TIME: 05:20 [05:20 AM]
CLIMBERS ARE: Dave Arnold, Kerri Donsk, Sufran, Jack, BrisTom , John Wobbles, Keith

Your climb will take approx 2 1/2 hours. Please arrive at Base HQ – 170 Main Street, Kangaroo Point, a minimum 15 minutes prior to your climb start time. Climbs will not be delayed for latecomers. Public Car Parking is available at Wharf Street Kangaroo Point.

01-06-2011, 1:38pm
thanks for the update. Bonus.. I get an extra 20min sleep! :rolleyes:

Can't wait, looking forward to a great day!


01-06-2011, 2:23pm
Thanks Allan, not long to go now :)
Can't wait!!

02-06-2011, 2:39pm
Really looking forward to next weekend Allan...and am wondering if you could please clarify "the rules" of our special photography climb? :confused013
I'm guessing that with everything, including our camera, having to be tied down...that we're only allowed to take the one lens that's already attached to our camera?
Apart from no tripods of course...are there any other equipment rules that we should know?
Thanks again for organising...fingers crossed for good weather now! :D

02-06-2011, 4:53pm
rules are simple, one camera, one lens, no filters, no external flash, or other separate attachments, including tripod. If you wear glasses that are attached to you via a lanyard, same as the camera. You will then be giving a special overall to wear. Basically they ensure nothing can fall. Everything in your pockets also has to be left behind, including mobiles, wallets, car keys, etc.

Should be fun, and yes Keith, can't wait either. We have been having some great sunrises of late (i travel across the bridge every morning for work) and hope they keep up for the climb.

03-06-2011, 1:27pm
Thanks Allan. How far away (walking time is the public Wharf St parking from the Main St venue)? Is the public parking metered (i.e. do we need to bring meter coins)? Cheers, Sue

03-06-2011, 4:54pm

no idea about payment

05-06-2011, 8:45am
Just saw the weather forecast for next saturday is "showers increasing" ..... so the question is, what happens if it is raining ?

Cheers Dave

05-06-2011, 5:51pm
They will call us beforehand, and let us know if it's cancelled. They will then reschedule for another day, but lets hope it doesn't come to that.

07-06-2011, 8:20pm
Um if we are unfortunate for rain (fingers crossed that won't happen) & you say they will let us know if cancelled... how do they do that?? I don't recall giving my phone number, but then again I am suffering a bad cold atm with no voice as well, so the brain isn't really functioning that well.

08-06-2011, 6:15am
Um if we are unfortunate for rain (fingers crossed that won't happen) & you say they will let us know if cancelled... how do they do that?? I don't recall giving my phone number, but then again I am suffering a bad cold atm with no voice as well, so the brain isn't really functioning that well.

To tell you the truth, not sure exactly. But since I'm down as the contact for the groups, and they have my details, I'll assume they will contact me and I'll post here (and on facebook), so check either before you leave on Saturday morning.

10-06-2011, 2:37pm
Not long to go now...fine weather forecast for the morning :) ...so what lens is everyone taking ???

10-06-2011, 2:57pm
I'm using a 16-35 on the 5D2 as I used a 24-70 last time.
A friend is using the 24-70.

I was really in two minds about the choice though, nearly going with the 70-200. But I have a specific shot in mind that I can only do with an ultra wide.

10-06-2011, 3:11pm
My 24-105mm has died with the IS problem they get, so now using my 17-55mm f2.8 on my 7D, know I would like more reach, but can only use what I have (and in some ways glad the 24-105mm died when it did, would be tragic if it had died on the bridge).

10-06-2011, 3:52pm
I may have an issue with my 24-70 :( , don't have ultra-wide yet so may end up going with 70-200..?!

10-06-2011, 3:56pm
24-105 for me.

10-06-2011, 5:29pm
I think I'm going to go the 24-105 too...though I was tossing up the 70-200 as well Wobbles !!

I've never set out on a Sunrise shoot before...so haven't got any specific shots planned in my head like you Allan...bugger...looks like it's going to be another one of those days to "suck it and see". :D

See you tomorrow everyone :th3:

10-06-2011, 6:34pm
I have chosen a 18-200 :)

10-06-2011, 7:02pm
I'm with Canon 10-22mm

Is a Black Rapid R strap acceptable to use on climb?

10-06-2011, 8:45pm
Still thinking should I bring the 14-24mm or 24-70mm on the D700 will make a call tomorrow morning before walking out the door.

11-06-2011, 8:20am
Looked like it would have been nice and cool up there this morning.


11-06-2011, 9:35am
Wasn't too bad - we were dressed for the chill (apart from the bann on gloves). It was a lot of fun. Thanks (again) Allann for organising. Now have heaps of photos to sort...didn't want to miss an opportunity.

11-06-2011, 12:40pm
It was a fun morning, even-though the sky remained very grey.

Thanks to Allan for organizing it :th3:

13-06-2011, 9:33am
Thanks all for coming along. Sorry the sunrise wasn't more colourful, but that part was out of my hands ;). Here is a copy of the group shot, happy to send the original to you, just send me your email address in a PM.

23-06-2011, 10:17pm
Here are some of my HDR images I have put togeather.
This is a Facebook link (http://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.122874624464326.32376.113514745400314)