View Full Version : Ballarat evening meet - May 2011

19-04-2011, 5:59pm
Hi guys, it's been a while since we had a meet and I'm going to propose we have one in Ballarat one afternoon/evening. The weather recently has been great and by having one in late in the day will mean we can shoot a sunset maybe around the lake if there is a good one, and then try and shoot some of the old buildings down Sturt St lit up at night without being out too late. Could also play light trails etc, I'm thinking about an image pointing back up the hill near the mall :rolleyes:.

Yes it could be cold and miserable by then but hey, who cares! I also know of a few new members around Ballarat I've been trying to recruit that we might be able to get out of hiding! You guys here yet??

So to get the ball rolling, can I suggest maybe a mid afternoon start on Saturday 7th May, some shooting and then maybe a meal somewhere.

Anyone interested?

19-04-2011, 6:11pm
Sounds good to me:th3: Really enjoyed the last so I will look forward to this one..thanks Mic!!

19-04-2011, 6:43pm
Yep, that sounds like fun. I haven't been to Ballarat for a while.

19-04-2011, 8:57pm
Can't make the 7th, will be in Mt Gamgier for a Jazz Festival

19-04-2011, 9:15pm
Hey Barry, that sounds like fun! Can't wait for the photos!

19-04-2011, 9:28pm
I was at Ballarat a few weeks ago, running three times around Lake Wendouree one Sunday morning. Even though I was running I was thinking photography as I passed various points around the lake, especially the boat sheds. Sadly, I didn't have my camera with me.

I'm a tentative yes as I have to work things around my work roster.

19-04-2011, 11:39pm
I hope so Mic, I'm driving the bus up for the school jazz band so I won't have much else to do except take lots of photos.

20-04-2011, 11:00am
i don't think i will be able to, shame cause b'rat isn't that far from me.

20-04-2011, 3:59pm
:( saturdays are my soccer days so i cant make it :(

Captured frame
21-04-2011, 8:14pm
Sounds great ,but unfortunately I am on duty that day - hope you have good days shooting.

25-04-2011, 11:48pm
I'd like to come, but that depends on what time soccer is on Sat :)

29-04-2011, 11:40pm
count me in it would be a nice change from just me, my d70 and my dirtbike:D

la lumiere
02-05-2011, 8:16pm
Sounds good - I was hoping to make it - but expecting family for the weekend.

04-05-2011, 5:11pm
OK, this looks like a go...

The weather is looking OK, forecast is Possible Shower (20% chance of rain) so I think we'll be ok. 13 degrees, so wear warm clothes!

As far as a meeting point and time, can I suggest we meet at 3PM at the Lake View Hotel which is on the corner of Wendouree Parade and Mill Street. Opposite is the Boatshed restaurant and I think it is Durham Point. We'll start around the lake and move from there. I'd also like to get down Sturt St (probably better to make a short drive) and shoot some of the old buildings after dark (sunset is around 5:30 at the moment). Of course this is flexible, if people have ideas on what they'd like to shoot etc, let us know and we'll try and do it! So bring your gear whether it be a point and shoot, or a 1Ds, bring you tripods, and a sense of humour :D. How does that sound so far, good plan? Any other ideas?

Attending so far is:
etherial+2 (me plus two new members)
essaytee (tentative)
CapnBloodBeard (pending soccer time!) Come late if you like!

So all going well we might have 8 which would be good. Feel free to invite others or bring a friend, the more the merrier! On Friday, I'll send a PM to those confirmed with my mobile number to make the meet easier if people are lost or late.

05-05-2011, 5:22pm
Sounds good, Mic:th3:

06-05-2011, 6:44am
Hi everyone, I just discovered the Ballarat Heritage Weekend is on this weekend as well. This might give us some other things of interest to photograph. I haven't got time to look through all the info now, but if someone does, let us know if there is something worth changing the plans for...


Jorge Arguello
06-05-2011, 1:39pm
Thanks for the link to Ballarat!
This week-end is also the Mother's Day. It looks to be a very good alternative to go out with the family but not a good day to meet with you guys... :(
I hope you enjoy the meeting this week end. I am willing to see your pictures!

06-05-2011, 10:09pm
I'd love to have gone, but I won't finish refereeing until about 5pm in the city, which I think makes it a bit too late for this meet. Bummer!

08-05-2011, 12:21am
Dead meet.

No-one turned up.

Poor Mic sat there outside the pub all afternoon, ordering scotch and coke, watching the traffic pass by, and wondering where all the AP people were.


08-05-2011, 9:05am
:lol: Nice Tony

We did have a few no shows but we ended up with four which still made for an enjoyable afternoon. I didn't get home to after 11!:eek: Must have a look at the photos now...

09-05-2011, 9:45am
Dead meet.

No-one turned up.

Poor Mic sat there outside the pub all afternoon, ordering scotch and coke, watching the traffic pass by, and wondering where all the AP people were.

But somebody was hiding round the back, taking photos of the poor bugger...

10-05-2011, 8:36pm
So do we post photos from the night in here or back in the forum?

10-05-2011, 8:44pm
Hey Ryan, usually in the main photo forums.