View Full Version : What MOD - photographing soccer teams 8 - 20 people

mal from cessnock
16-04-2011, 10:35pm
I have the opportunity again this year to photograph the local soccer(football) club.

I have 2/800 and a 400 AB

Could someone please suggest a modifier that would do the job. I'm thinking PLM (Paul C Buff - Parabolic Light Modifier - range from 46", 64" and 72"? which are a multi ribbed silver lined umbrella) but am unsure as to the size I need. There will be a varying number of players in each team, ranging from juniors with about 8 players through to seniors where the number may be closer to 20.

If the PLMs are considered the way to go should I be using the black back cover accessory to prevent the light going through the mod?

If the PLMs are not the way to go, then what?

I hope to take these outdoors, but if like last year will need to move into a crappy rundown stadium.

Help with MODs would be really helpful.

Cheers, Mal from Cessnock AU

mal from cessnock
17-04-2011, 12:27am
Please don't be discouraged from giving me your advice, but a friend just emailed this link...


It will at least serve in giving you a run down on the PLMs I'm talking about.

JM Tran
17-04-2011, 2:15am
This is easy as pie.

Biggest group I have shot was a few yrs ago at 220 students for a Year 12 formal. Used only 2 lights which were Bowens Gemini Esprit shot at 1/1 which is 500 watts, high up at 2.5m, into 2x 100cm or so brollies (reflectors not shoot throughs). I easily achieved the same as that link from Rob with a much more simple set up and only 2 lights.

In your case with a smaller group, 2 lights at 45 degrees on each side facing in, put it up to about 2m pointing 45 degrees down, and you are golden.

mal from cessnock
17-04-2011, 11:53am
Thanks JM - good to hear from someone who has done similar. What do you think of the PLMs?