View Full Version : Fleurieu APers??

Ms Monny
15-04-2011, 10:43am
Hi all

Just wondering if there are any APers in the Fleurieu area that meet regularily or would like to start meeting. Or even a photography club in the area would be great!!


15-04-2011, 11:08am
I'd visit! ;) There are quite a few down south and the southern districts are due for a meet

Ms Monny
15-04-2011, 11:25am
Just let me know :D ....I am usually free on Sundays (and soon to be Saturdays as well). I really need to learn and find I learn best with practice and help from others.

23-05-2011, 7:33am
It would be good to have something 'down south'. Paul and I would be interested as well. We have tried for 18 months to get into Noarlunga CC but no luck, have now found a little club in Marion, we are attending first time tonight.
We try and take our camera's out each weekend, but starting to scratch our heads to where to go next.

Ms Monny
23-05-2011, 7:37am
Hi Rosemary
I would love to 'join in' one weekend, maybe a sunrise/sunset?? I am going to see if I can get into the Goolwa CC soon. Why couldn't you get into the Noarlunga one?? How odd. Can I add you as a friend so we can organise a catchup??


23-05-2011, 3:38pm
Sure thing Monika that will be fine....
We have tried a couple of times to get into NCC but they keep saying they are fully booked. They would allow us to come once a month to a workshop which costs $30 a pop.. too much we thought. Found the Marion one and it is $30 a year for both of us..

24-05-2011, 2:54pm
Depending on other commitments, I'd be up for a visit anywhere on the Fleurieu.

Ms Monny
24-05-2011, 5:26pm
Sounds great! When the weather looks good and I am free I will give a shout out!! :th3:

Dylan & Marianne
24-05-2011, 7:48pm
thanks monny - things are getting really busy for me at work now but if I do have time, I'll try to make it to one :)

Ms Monny
24-05-2011, 8:15pm
Excellent! Be good to have a group get together. :th3:

24-05-2011, 8:33pm
I'm up for a trip down South - maybe a bit of whale watching in July?

Ms Monny
24-05-2011, 8:37pm
Sounds great! I am away from the 10th to the 17th (Bali - yay!!!!) but would love to join up any other time.

24-06-2011, 8:57pm
Hey Monika

I'm down south and would be up for a meet up etc.

I too tried to get into Noarlunga CC and was told the same as Rosemary that the membership was full.

Anyway let us know what you plan and I'll try to be up for it. It is always good to get out with others.


Ms Monny
25-06-2011, 8:43am
Excellent Graham. Probably nothing until late July or August when things slow down for me. Stay tuned :)

25-06-2011, 10:28pm
Hi Graham, Try Marion Church of Christ Camera club .... real nice people and great photos at the last comp. Meeting this monday (27th June) for a workshop.
We have only been once but enjoyed it.
Noarlunga told us to go to Edwardstown but that is somewhere near cross roads.

30-06-2011, 2:03pm
i use to live doen south but i wouldnt mind driveing up that way for a meet. if u are intersted in a bit more of a drive there are some awsum sites near yankalilla and myponga resivar to do some photography