View Full Version : Camera Weather Covers

14-04-2011, 12:07am
Hi all

I'm after some info in relation to camera weather covers, Tassie’s wet season is now upon us (not sure if it even left this year) therefore a lot more days with rain and ever changing conditions.

I’m after a few user recommendations for weather covers, I have had a pretty good search around on the net and found multiple options, now to just pick which one I want! It will be used for landscape and sports / wildlife photography.

Do any members here use them? If so which ones? And what’s good n bad about it?

Any info would be great appreciated


14-04-2011, 9:56am
G'day Matt

I would also be interested in finding an answer to this Q
When I'm out in rainy weather, -while actually shooting- I wrap the camera in a plastic bag to keep the rain off it
The commercial things I have come across -tho not searched seriously- all seem to be wacking great things more suited to underwater pix than backpacking in the bush

Regards, Phil

14-04-2011, 11:09am
I just got these (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/2x-Rain-Cover-Weather-Bag-Protector-DSLR-Camera-/350455543434?pt=AU_Cameras_Photographic_Accessories&hash=item5198c7368a) on Ebay, it worked well at the Go Karts on Saturday.
Shown below fitted to my 7D and 150-500 fully extended.


14-04-2011, 8:48pm
have a look at AquaTech's Sport Shields.. I've been using them myself for many years and they seem to be one of the best solutions I've used so far and widely used by professionals.. you can find them at my store:


15-04-2011, 12:26am
How sturdy are these covers Speedway? would it be single use or you will get a few uses out if it?

15-04-2011, 12:29am
have a look at AquaTech's Sport Shields.. I've been using them myself for many years and they seem to be one of the best solutions I've used so far and widely used by professionals.. you can find them at my store:


This was one of the ones i was looking at online NGP, looks like a nice setup, How hard is it so focus with the cover on?


15-04-2011, 7:22pm
I own the SS-300 and SS-600, both have an opening for the tripod mount.. I can easily put my hand through to zoom in and out..

18-04-2011, 5:45pm
I have used 2

1) durable cover but doesn't hold flash. Can reuse many times, draw cords etc, zippers. Expensive ($40)
2) Optech Rainsleeve flash - thin material, probably last you 3-4 rains at least
Main advantage is the viewfinder hole tho.

Dylan & Marianne
18-04-2011, 6:10pm
I've used the Kata E702 for the trips to Iceland and Scotland with really good effect (talking about standing underneath waterfalls and getting splashed by atlantic ocean waves)
The positives : durable , tough, 100% waterproof, the hand inlets work really well for using buttons and focusing. It also has a bottom zip which means you can zip it around a tripod mount.
The cons: using it for wideangle work is a pain or with any other lens the size of a sigma 10-20mm (or smaller ) because of the thick outer supporting ring. it just fits my 70-200 with the 5dmkII, it wouldn't fit anything bigger I Think.
